Acronym | Definition |
GM➣General Motors |
GM➣General Manager |
GM➣Good Morning |
GM➣Grand Master |
GM➣Geometric Mean |
GM➣Genetic Modification |
GM➣Germany |
GM➣Game Master |
GM➣General MIDI |
GM➣Game Maker (software) |
GM➣Genetically Modified |
GM➣Gold Medal |
GM➣General Mills |
GM➣Grand Marquis (auto model) |
GM➣Green Machine (nickname for The Cavaliers Drum and Bugle Corps, Rosemont, IL) |
GM➣Gambia |
GM➣General Meeting (various organizations) |
GM➣Genetic Manipulation |
GM➣Group Manager |
GM➣Gross Margin |
GM➣General Merchandise |
GM➣Greater Manchester (UK) |
GM➣Gray Matter |
GM➣Growth Medium |
GM➣General Market |
GM➣Great Move (online chess) |
GM➣Gastric Mucosa (stomach) |
GM➣Great Minds |
GM➣Gospel Music |
GM➣Google Mail |
GM➣Good Match |
GM➣Genéticamente Modificado (Spanish: Genetically Modified) |
GM➣Grey Market (trade; aka Gray Market) |
GM➣Got Milk? |
GM➣Global Moderator |
GM➣Gas Mask |
GM➣Group Message |
GM➣Gray Market (trade; aka Grey Market) |
GM➣Guided Missile |
GM➣Germanic (linguistics) |
GM➣General Music |
GM➣Guild Master |
GM➣Gorillamask (website) |
GM➣Goldmember (Austin Powers movie) |
GM➣Grand Marnier (liqueur) |
GM➣transconductance |
GM➣Goat's Milk |
GM➣Global Mechanism (UN Convention to Combat Desertification) |
GM➣Godmodding (gaming) |
GM➣Game Moderator (online multiplayer games) |
GM➣Global Motors |
GM➣Green Manure |
GM➣Gold Master (final/master copy of a software product release) |
GM➣God's Message |
GM➣Grant Morrison (comic book writer) |
GM➣German Measles |
GM➣Girly Man |
GM➣Gold Medallion (Delta Sky Miles Program) |
GM➣General Major (German) |
GM➣Garry's Mod (Half-Life2 modification) |
GM➣Gunner's Mate (US Navy and US Coast Guard rating) |
GM➣Grand Marshall |
GM➣Geiger-Müller |
GM➣Gluteus Maximus |
GM➣Gun Mount |
GM➣Gigameter |
GM➣George Medal |
GM➣Growth Monitoring |
GM➣Gravity Model |
GM➣Republic of Gambia |
GM➣General Mayhem (game) |
GM➣Giant-Man (comic) |
GM➣Metacentric Height |
GM➣Goal Management |
GM➣Global Memory |
GM➣Gingival Margin |
GM➣Green Mother (gaming) |
GM➣Ground Mobile |
GM➣Air Senegal International (ICAO code) |
GM➣God Machine |
GM➣General Merit |
GM➣Government Mule (band) |
GM➣Globally Minded (fair trade products) |
GM➣Grateful Med |
GM➣Guru Meditation (Amiga OS error) |
GM➣General Magistrate (Florida law) |
GM➣Geodetic Mission |
GM➣Ground Mapping |
GM➣Galveston to Mississippi River (routing designation; US Navy) |
GM➣Silty Gravels (soil type) |
GM➣Group Modem |
GM➣Gambler Master (USDAA dog agility title) |
GM➣Grotesque Mask (Everquest gaming) |
GM➣Group Metric |
GM➣Grand Multipara |
GM➣Guard Mail |
GM➣Gloria Macarenko (CBC News Anchor) |
GM➣Geospace Mission |
GM➣Guidance Manager |
GM➣Gouvernements Marine (Dutch) |
GM➣Grupos de Métodos (Spanish: group of methods) |
GM➣Gravity Field and Mass Determination Measurements (NASA) |
GM➣Gainesville Midland Railroad Company |
GM➣General Maintenance Aptitude Area |
GM➣Generator Matrix/Matrices |