Félicien Rops

Rops, Félicien


Born July 7, 1833, in Namur; died Aug. 23, 1898, in Essonnes, near Paris. Belgian graphic artist and painter.

Rops received his artistic training at the St. Luke Workshop in Brussels. In 1865 he moved to France, where he was influenced by Daumier, the impressionists, and Toulouse-Lautrec. A master of lithography and etching, Rops experimented extensively with color lithography. His works included political cartoons, cartoons dealing with customs and etiquette, and illustrations. He is best known for his allegorical compositions, which combined naturalistic erotic scenes with pretentious mystical symbolism. His symbolism unfailingly included the motifs of masks, harlequins, death, and sphynxes.


Brison, C. F. Rops. Paris, 1971.