Frémont, Jessie Benton

Frémont, Jessie Benton

(frē`mŏnt), 1824–1902, American author, b. Lexington, Va.; daughter of Thomas H. BentonBenton, Thomas Hart,
1782–1858, U.S. Senator (1821–51), b. Hillsboro, N.C.

Benton moved to Tennessee in 1809, was admitted to the bar in 1811, and served (1809–11) in the state senate. In 1815, he went to St.
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 and wife of John Charles Frémont. Her elopement with the dashing Frémont caused a temporary break with her father. She was very helpful to her husband, aiding him in writing his able reports and encouraging his exploits. When their fortune was lost, she helped to support the household by her writing, turning out chiefly books recounting her own experiences—A Year of American Travel (1878), Souvenirs of My Time (1887), Far West Sketches (1890), and The Will and the Way Stories (1891). She also helped her husband write his memoirs.


See biography by P. Herr (1988).