Gosfilmofond Sssr
Gosfil’mofond Sssr
(All-Union State Film Fund of the USSR), organized in 1948. Negatives and positives of Soviet and many foreign feature and popular science films are collected by Gosfil’mofond SSSR. (Documentaries and news-reels are kept in the Central State Archives of Film, Photograph, and Sound Documents.)
Gosfil’mofond SSSR has the world’s largest collection of films and related materials (scripts, lists of credits, and other archival materials). It restores and prints motion picture films and publishes reference works on the history of Soviet and foreign films.
Gosfil’mofond SSSR belongs to the International Federation of Film Archives (FIAF), arranges film exchanges, organizes showings of Soviet films in other countries in conjunction with foreign archives, and receives foreign films for viewing in the Soviet Union.
In 1966, Gosfil’mofond SSSR opened the Illiuzion movie theater in Moscow (with branches in other cities).
Kino i vremia, fascicles 1–2, books 1–2 (Spravochnik po mezh-dunarodnym kinofestivaliam); fascicle 3 (Rezhissery sovet-skogo khudozhestvennogo kino). Moscow, 1960–63.Sovetskie khudozhestvennye fil’my: Annotirovannyi katalog, vols. 1–4, Moscow, 1961–68.
[Iakubovich, O.] V mire kinolent. Moscow, 1964.