

单词 hmi



(in Britain) abbreviation for (Education) Her Majesty's Inspector; a government official who examines and supervises schools



(Human Machine Interface) The user interface in a manufacturing or process control system. It provides a graphics-based visualization of an industrial control and monitoring system. Previously called an "MMI" (man machine interface), an HMI typically resides in an office-based Windows computer that communicates with a specialized computer in the plant such as a programmable automation controller (PAC), programmable logic controller (PLC) or distributed control system (DCS). Contrast with OI. See PAC, PLC, DCS, GUI and user interface.

In the Office
Typically located in an office, an HMI offers the same rendering capability found in today's graphical user interfaces. Designed by RCK Controls, this is a partial screen shot of an HMI used in the recovery filter operation at the Georgia Aquarium in Atlanta. (Image courtesy of Opto 22, www.opto22.com)


HMIHuman-Machine Interface
HMIHuman Machine Interface
HMIHousing Market Index (National Association of Home Builders)
HMIHuman Media Interaction
HMIHuman Machine Interaction
HMIHahn-Meitner-Institut (German: Hahn Meitner Institute; research center)
HMIHolistic Management International (Albuquerque, NM)
HMIHtml Mail Interface
HMIHuman to Machine Interface
HMIHypnosis Motivation Institute
HMIHetrick-Martin Institute
HMIHammond-Whiting (Amtrak station code; Indiana)
HMIHarvard Medical International
HMIHimalayan Mountaineering Institute
HMIHer Majesty's Inspector (UK educational standards inspector)
HMIHerman Miller, Inc.
HMIHealthy Marriage Initiative
HMIHelioseismic and Magnetic Imager
HMIHenry Moore Institute (Leeds, UK)
HMIHenry Mancini Institute (Culver City, CA)
HMIHorizontal Motion Index
HMIHoist Manufacturers Institute
HMIHorticultural Marketing Inspectorate (UK DEFRA)
HMIHuman Movements and Immigration
HMIHotel Management International (EHMA publication)
HMIHub Management Interface
HMIHealthcare Management Initiative (INSEAD)
HMIHigh Mountain Institute (Leadville, CO)
HMIHrvatske Matice Iseljenika
HMIHazardously Misleading Information
HMIHost Micro Interface
HMIHarvey Milk Institute (San Francisco, CA)
HMIHistoric Madison, Inc. (Wisconsin)
HMIHealth Management & Informatics
HMIHalogen Metal Iodide
HMIHeavy Metal Ions
HMIHoyme Manufacturing Inc. (Alberta, Canada)
HMIHousing Market Intelligence
HMIHistoric Manassas, Inc. (Virginia)
HMIHomewood Musical Instrument Co. (Homewood, AL, USA)
HMIHandbook of Maintenance Instruction
HMIHeinzen Manufacturing International
HMIHalabja Post-Graduate Medical Institute (Iraq)
HMIHead of Mining Installation
HMIHost Message Interface
HMIHydrargyrum Medium-Arc Iodine (lighting technology)
HMIHygerium Metallic Iodide (lighting technology)
HMIMercury Medium-arc Iodides (lighting technology)
HMIHand Machine Interface
HMIHousing Management Institute (US Navy)




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