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Hemlock Society An American non-profit research and education organization, whose agenda is to increase public awareness of options for the terminally ill, and provide reference materials for interested parties—e.g., students, bioethicists, lawyers, and others—in part about assisted suicideHem·lock So·ci·e·ty (hem'lok sŏ-sī'ĕ-tē) An organization devoted to the theories and procedures of suicide and euthanasia, whether by the patient's acting alone or with the assistance of the physician. Now restructured and renamed Compassion and Choices. Hemlock Society (hĕm′lŏk″) An organization that publishes information about physician-assisted suicide, and decisions by patients regarding end-of-life choices. Address: P.O. Box 101810, Denver, CO 80250. Telephone: 800-247-7421. Website: www.hemlock.org. |