Gothein, Eberhard

Gothein, Eberhard


Born Oct. 29, 1853, in Neumarkt, Silesia; died Nov. 13, 1923, in Berlin. German historian. He was a professor at Karlsruhe (1885), Bonn (1890), and Heidelberg (1904). He was a respresentative of the liberal-positivist opposition against the Prussian historical school of Treitschke and Sybel, which was prevalent in Germany. Gothein was the author of valuable works on cultural and economic history, primarily of the 15th to 17th centuries.


Die Kulturentwicklung Süditaliens. Breslau, 1886.
Wirtschaflsgeschichte des Schwarzwaldes. Strassburg, 1892.
Schriften zur Kulturgeschichte der Renaissance, Reformation und Gegenreformation, vols. 1–2. Munich-Leipzig, 1924.