

单词 go the whole hog

go the whole hog

go the whole hog

To do something thoroughly and without holding back.


(hog) noun (especially American) a pig. (尤在美語中)豬 (尤指喂肥供食用的)猪 verbpast tense, past participle hogged1. to gobble up greedily. 貪婪地狼吞虎嚥 贪心攫取2. to take or use more of than one ought to; to keep or use longer than one ought to. She's hogging the telephone and no-one else can use it. 過多地或過久地取用 过多地拿取ˈhogwash noun (especially American) nonsense. (尤在美語中)胡扯 废话go the whole hog to do something completely. I've bought a new dress – I think I'll go the whole hog and buy a complete outfit. 做個徹底,一不做二不休 尽力而为,彻底地干

go the whole hog

go (the) whole hog

To do something as thoroughly as possible or without restraint. We only planned to order appetizers, but we went whole hog and ended up getting a seven-course meal. You only live once. Might as well go the whole hog and get the works.See also: go, hog, whole

go the whole hog


go whole hog

AMERICANCOMMON If someone goes the whole hog, they do something to the fullest extent possible. Note: A hog is a pig. We could be restrained and just have a main course — or go the whole hog and have all three courses. The victim had been identified, and the newspaper continued to go whole hog on the story. Note: This expression may have its origin in butchers asking their customers which part of the pig they wished to buy, or whether they would `go the whole hog' and buy the whole pig. Alternatively, `hog' was a slang term for a ten cent piece in America, and also for an Irish shilling, so the expression may originally have meant `spend the full amount'. See also: go, hog, whole

go the whole hog

do something completely or thoroughly. informal The origin of the phrase is uncertain, but a fable in William Cowper's The Love of the World: Hypocrisy Detected ( 1779 ) is sometimes mentioned: certain Muslims, forbidden to eat pork by their religion but tempted to indulge in some, maintained that Muhammad had had in mind only one particular part of the animal. They could not agree which part that was, and as ‘for one piece they thought it hard From the whole hog to be debarred’ between them they ate the whole animal, each salving his conscience by telling himself that his own particular portion was not the one that had been forbidden. Go the whole hog is recorded as a political expression in the USA in the early 19th century; an 1835 source maintains that it originated in Virginia ‘marking the democrat from a federalist’.See also: go, hog, whole

go the ˌwhole ˈhog

(informal) do something thoroughly or completely: They painted the kitchen and then decided to go the whole hog and do the other rooms as well.See also: go, hog, whole




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