释义 |
ichthyosarcotoxism[‚ik·thē·ō‚sär·kə′täk‚siz·əm] (medicine) Poisoning caused by eating the flesh of fish containing toxic substances. ichthyosarcotoxism
fish poisoning poisoning due to ingestion of poisonous fish; some have the poison in their muscles, skin, or other organs, while others secrete poisons. It is marked by various gastrointestinal and neurological disturbances that sometimes can be fatal. The most common kinds are ciguatera" >ciguatera and tetrodotoxism" >tetrodotoxism. Called also ichthyosarcotoxism.ich·thy·o·sar·co·tox·ism (ik'thē-ō-sar'kō-tok'sizm), Poisoning caused by the toxic substance (ichthyosarcotoxin) in the flesh or organs of fish. [ichthyo- + G. sarx, flesh, + toxikon, poison] |