Goths and Neo-Nazis
Goths and Neo-Nazis
Neo-Nazis are infiltrating the Goth lifestyle through the Goth’s music and their fascination with Hitler and occult Nazi symbols.
In the United States, “Gothic” or “Goth” is a choice of clothing, a particular taste in music, a lifestyle that many assess as dressing up for Halloween all year long. However, in parts of Europe, especially in Germany, the extreme fringe element of Goth has become the point at which Satanism and neo-Nazism come together. Some conspiracy researchers with a keen sense of history are quite aware of the links between occultism and Nazism and see shadows of the Thule, Vril, and Black Sun societies being reborn in many young people who affect Goth style and satanic philosophy.
According to authorities, Germany’s neo-Nazis have attempted to penetrate several youth scenes since the mid-1990s, but it seems that with Goths they have had their greatest success. The Goth movement may be on the wane in the United States, Britain, and many other European countries, but in Germany, where Goths are known as “Gruftis” (meaning “crypt”), their numbers constitute a large group. Some experts estimate that between 5 and 7 percent of all Germans between the ages of twelve and twenty-five are Goths, an overall population of at least 650,000. The areas in which the neo-Nazi ideas have had the greatest success is in “neo-folk” music and in black metal, the dark variant of heavy metal. In the past five years, neoNazi ideas and symbols have merged with the Goth music scene.
It must be emphasized that many of these young Goths are doing little more than making a fashion statement or protesting against the conformity they must face as they morph into adults. True Satan worshippers exist only on the extremist fringe, but experts estimate that there are as many as seven thousand Satanists in Germany, with many of them embracing Nazism as well.
On January 31, 2002, two Satanists in western Germany were sentenced for the gruesome murder of a friend. The prosecutor in the case called the murder of Frank Hackert by the husband and wife Daniel and Manuela Ruda “a picture of cruelty and depravity” such as he had never seen. On July 6, 2001, before they left the bloody scene in their home in the town of Witten, the Rudas had killed Hackert with a hammer and sixty-six knife stabs. There was evidence that Manuela had drunk some of the victim’s blood before the couple carved a pentagram in his chest and left a scalpel protruding from his stomach. Acting on an anonymous tip, police broke into the Ruda home on July 9 and discovered a poster of hanged women in the bathroom and a collection of human skulls in the living room. Bloodstained scalpels littered the house, and there was a coffin in which it was later determined that twenty-three-year-old Manuela sometimes slept. Near Hackert’s mutilated body was a list of names that police theorized were those of the couple’s next intended victims.
During the Rudas’ trial, a great deal of the prosecution’s case focused on Manuela, who had had two of her teeth replaced with fangs to look more like a vampire. Manuela testified that she had been initiated into Satanism at a Gothic club in London, where she claimed to have met real vampires and drank the blood of living people.
There was testimony at the trial that Daniel Ruda had once been active in the far-right/ skinhead movement and had even canvassed for the National Democratic Party of Germany (NPD), a far-right party that the government tried to ban. Daniel had eased out of skinhead activism and plunged heavily into the Goth scene and black metal music after he found his “princess of darkness” in Manuela. Upon conviction Manuela was sentenced to thirteen years in a secure mental facility, Daniel to fifteen years.
German officials state that the neo-Nazi constituency does not make much of an impression at the polls at election time, but the far-right movement is disturbing because its members are more ready than those of other fringe movements to resort to violence. Experts suggest that the reason the neo-Nazis have little impact on election days is that most of them despise the democratic process and abstain from voting. Herein lies another similarity between the neo-Nazis and occult societies: both are secretive and have only a few members in their individual cells, with a wider circle of like-minded allies spread throughout the nation.
Germany has passed laws making both Holocaust denial and the use of symbols from the Third Reich criminal offences. In January 2005, during the observance of the sixtieth anniversary of the liberation of the Nazi death camp at Auschwitz-Birkenau, the current president of the European Union, Luxembourg justice minister Luc Frieden, proposed a ban on all Nazi symbols in the twenty-five-nation bloc that was later shelved.