HPRAHispanic Public Relations Association
HPRAHouston Property Rights Association (Houston, Texas)
HPRAHuman Powered Race America
HPRAHigh Precision Removable Arm (tooling machines)
HPRAHungarian Public Relations Association
HPRAHonolulu Police Relief Association
HPRAHealth Promotion Rates and Allowances
HPRAHoneynet Project and Research Alliance
HPRAHydroelectric Power Resources Assessment
HPRAHigh Posterior Right Atrium
HPRAHuman Performance Reliability Analysis
HPRAHydropower Resource Assessment
HPRAHigh Plains Racing Association
HPRAHollywood Park Racing Association (California)
HPRAHistoric Prattville Redevelopment Authority (Alabama)
HPRAHellenic Public Relations Association (Athens, Greece)
HPRAHighland Park and Recreation Association (Highlands, British Columbia, Canada)
HPRAHorizontal Property Regimes Ace
HPRAHighfield Park Residents' Association (Hertfordshire, UK)
HPRAHost Processing of Routing Agent
HPRAHeat Pipe Radiator Assembly (US NASA shuttle)
HPRAHancock Park Residents Association (Los Angeles, CA)
HPRAHyde Park Residents Association (UK)