ILCInterchangeable Lens Camera (various companies)
ILCInternational Law Commission (United Nations)
ILCInterchangeable Lens Compact (cameras)
ILCInternational Linear Collider
ILCInnate Lymphoid Cell
ILCIndice des Loyers Commerciaux (French: Commercial Rent Index)
ILCIterative Learning Control
ILCIndependent Learning Centre (various locations)
ILCIndependent Living Center
ILCInternational Longevity Center (various countries)
ILCIngress Line Card
ILCInput Line Card
ILCIntelligent Lighting Control
ILCImage List Controls
ILCIndependent Living Centre
ILCInternational Land Coalition
ILCIstituto di Linguistica Computazionale (Italy)
ILCIowa League of Cities
ILCInternational Lisp Conference
ILCIrrevocable Letter of Credit
ILCIn Lieu of Conviction (law)
ILCIndustrial Loan Company
ILCIndigenous Land Corporation
ILCInterstitial Laser Coagulation (medical)
ILCIn Living Color (TV show)
ILCIntervention in Lieu of Conviction (Ohio)
ILCInternational Leadership Conference
ILCInternational Learning Centre (Thailand)
ILCImmanuel Lutheran Church
ILCItalian Language and Culture (various organizations)
ILCInternational Language Centre
ILCInternational Language Conference
ILCIntegrated Learning Center (various locations)
ILCImmanuel Lutheran College (high school, college, & seminary training center for Church of the Lutheran Confession)
ILCIndustrial Loan Corporation
ILCImmigration Law Clinic (various schools)
ILCInternational Lutheran Council
ILCInnovative Learning Conference
ILCImprovement Location Certificate
ILCInternational Labor Conference
ILCIndigenous Law Centre (Australia)
ILCIcelandic Love Corporation
ILCIntake Lobe Centerline (vehicles)
ILCIndustrial Liaison Committee (UK)
ILCInternational Leased Carrier
ILCInternational Logistics Center
ILCIndex Linked Certificate (finance)
ILCInternational Latex Corporation
ILCIndependent Lake Camp (Orson, PA)
ILCInvestor Learning Centre of Canada
ILCIndividual Learning Center
ILCInfralimbic Prefrontal Cortex (memory)
ILCIndustry Life Cycle
ILCInter-Language Call (computer programming)
ILCInitial Launch Capability
ILCIntermodal Logistics Center (aka Inland Port; Riviera Beach, FL)
ILCI Love Capitalism (Malaysia; film festival)
ILCIndustrial Logic Corporation
ILCIntegrated Logistics Capability
ILCI Love Cats
ILCIron Lung Corporation (band)
ILCIllinois Lutheran Conference
ILCInternational Level Class (sailing)
ILCIn-Line Calciner
ILCI Like Cheese
ILCInternational Lions Club
ILCInternational Languages and Cultures (various universities)
ILCIdentifier Length Content
ILCInstallation Location Code (DoD)
ILCIndependent Learning Course
ILCIndependent Learning Contract
ILCInstitute of Logic and Cognition
ILCIntermediate Level of Care (health care)
ILCInlet Charley's (surf shop)
ILCIntermediate Load Cycle (NASA)
ILCInter Layer Communications (framework for one component to talk to another)
ILCInstitute for Leadership Conferences (Washington Future Business Leaders of America)
ILCIndividual Literacy Plan
ILCInternational Library of Criminology
ILCInventory Logistics Console (US Air Force)
ILCInternational Lodging Corporation (Spain)
ILCInterleaver Card
ILCInternational Licensed Carrier