

单词 outright

Definition of outright in English:


adverb aʊtˈrʌɪtˈaʊtraɪt
  • 1Wholly and completely.

    logging has been banned outright
    Example sentencesExamples
    • MPs will today debate whether the bloodsport should continue freely, be regulated or, as they overwhelmingly backed last time, banned outright.
    • Indeed, according to some, the law should ban the option outright.
    • From 1942 and for the remainder of WWII, Carnival was banned outright.
    • Rather than limiting the hours in which mechanical or instrumental noises for purposes of advertising on the street were allowable, the new rules banned them outright.
    • I don't think fireworks should be banned outright - done correctly they can make for a fantastic piece of entertainment as the nights draw in at the start of November.
    • Look, we certainly have some serious concerns about banning it outright.
    • They would prefer that cats be banned outright rather than allowing the furry hunters anywhere near land that supports endangered ground-dwelling birds.
    • Riots and protests broke out at some northern screenings of the film, and eventually the movie was banned outright in several cities, and various scenes were censored.
    • The same composer also had a work banned outright.
    • He said that the report commissioned by the Government had not found any justification to ban the sport outright and that a joint committee had recently indicated such a ban would be in contravention of human rights laws.
    • I expect hookahs to be banned outright before long in California; the possibility of holes being poked in the smoke-allergy argument is too dangerous.
    • A 1982 law bans outright any new building work within 100m of the coastline.
    • While our neighbours to the south have banned it outright, we remain cautious if slightly confused.
    • He started out as the most underground of agitators, his films either banned outright or left to play in church basements.
    • When the new guidelines are released later this summer, neither he nor anyone else expects the government to ban landfill developments outright.
    • Nevada can legalize most gambling, and other states can ban it outright.
    • Dum-dum bullets, chemical and biological weapons are banned outright on the basis that the military benefits of their use can never be proportionate to the suffering caused.
    • It was unanimously agreed that the Minister's proposal be rejected outright in its entirety.
    • Some people say you could never ban firework sales outright because then they would go underground and you would have a black market.
    • Kids, always instinctively trolling for things that will drive their parents nuts, made it a best seller, at least in places where it wasn't outright banned.
    completely, entirely, wholly, fully, totally, categorically, absolutely, altogether, utterly, flatly, in every respect, unreservedly, without reservation, without exception, thoroughly, quite
    informal totes
    1. 1.1 Directly or openly.
      she couldn't ask him outright
      Example sentencesExamples
      • But many were alarmingly sincere and outright delusional that their opportunity had come knocking.
      • Even though no-one ever told me outright, I knew straight away that he had an eating disorder when we met.
      • But he refused to answer directly, which suggests that his refusal to say outright that they were sitting on chairs must mean that they were on the bed.
      • No one simply assumes they will be my ride to the airport for a 7 a.m. flight, and usually no one offers outright.
      • Again… at least this guy was honest enough to propose this insane idea outright.
      • She should have told you outright that she couldn't be your ballet partner in the talent show because she had already signed up to do a solo.
      • For example, he declared outright that artistic directors have to back winners at the expense of exciting creativity.
      • Andy looked at her trying to keep a straight face but failed horridly as he laughed outright at her.
      • You explained truthfully and outright what you wanted between us last night and it makes sense.
      explicitly, straightforwardly, directly, forthrightly, openly, frankly, candidly, honestly, truly, sincerely, bluntly, plainly, in plain language, unreservedly, without constraint, truthfully, without dissembling, to someone's face, straight from the shoulder, without beating about the bush, with no holds barred, man to man, woman to woman
      informal on the level
      British informal straight up
  • 2Immediately or instantly.

    the impact killed four horses outright
    Example sentencesExamples
    • Two fell dangerously wounded, and a third was killed outright.
    • Most of his shots struck the cavalry mounts in the chest or throat, killing several of them outright.
    • Most habitat and wildlife will be killed outright and retained pockets will be so small, scattered and pressurised by the surrounding development, that wildlife value will quickly deteriorate.
    • As driver of the car, he was one of five that were killed outright.
    • Nine horse were killed outright and are now being slaughtered for their meat, and another twenty-eight are sorely injured, and will soon have to be butchered.
    • Ambulance chiefs said the motorcyclist was killed outright.
    • They impale the chickens and leave big holes in the cages, allowing more chickens to fall out on the road to be hit by vehicles, if they are not killed outright by the fall itself.
    • We had 24 people that were killed outright on the bus, of the 40 patients that were on there.
    • The church's governing body didn't outright refuse her candidacy, but they decided to ask the larger church congregation for approval.
    • A shotgun, unless used at very close range, is only likely to damage a fox rather than kill it outright.
    • He added that because the pellets were small, animals were not often killed outright, suffering for longer as they died from their injuries.
    • Six of the drivers were killed outright and nearly twice as many gravely injured.
    • Did they offer you the part outright, or was there an audition?
    • Apart from killing animals outright, it's a terrific transport system for tiny feral life forms such as barnacles, worms and polyps, which are invading new habitats.
    • If it won't kill you outright, you can eat it.
    • Millions of pheasants are bred each year specifically for killing, and thousands of them are wounded rather than killed outright.
    • Eleven people were killed outright, including a family of four.
    • However, he added that many foxes were being injured rather than being shot dead because it was often difficult to kill them outright with a gun.
    • There was a danger that the animals would not be killed outright, he said, with potential danger to the public.
    • I know there were a few times that the first one didn't kill it outright.
    instantly, instantaneously, immediately, at once, straight away, there and then, then and there, on the spot
    1. 2.1 Not by degrees or instalments.
      they decided to buy the company outright
      Example sentencesExamples
      • Products such as these continue to attract interest at a time when investors, keen to be in on the ground floor of any recovery, are still too nervous to buy shares outright.
      • He has been looking after the car since the film was made, and bought it outright in 1972.
      • He attempted to terminate the four administrators outright, but is now in the process of recommending reassignments for them to comply with the policy.
      • If you buy a small share to begin with, you can increase your shareholding later by a process known as ‘staircasing’, and can often even buy the home outright.
      • One of our daughters might one day want to take out a mortgage of her own and buy it from us outright, or as a parents-financed ‘shared equity’ scheme.
      • These people can move to a smaller house in a nicer location and buy it outright.
      • They either bought the land outright or rented it.
      • This means that people who perhaps cannot afford to buy a building outright can have some exposure to a previously unaffordable asset.
      • Most importantly, the funds required to spread bet are a small percentage of what would be required to buy these assets outright.
      • But it seems that if you have money enough to buy a building outright without a loan you'll have no problem.
      • If that doesn't work, they will attempt to buy their competitors outright.
      • During the talks, the German bosses considered buying the business outright.
      • To me it was a fortune that enabled me to buy a house outright.
      • People will either be able to share ownership, take part in an equity share scheme or buy their homes outright.
      • But it costs more to lease the planes than to buy them outright.
      • Tickets may be bought outright or may be paid for monthly.
      • She bought the house outright and set up home with her seven year old daughter.
      • At the end of the 20-year period, the council can either continue to rent the property, buy it outright or walk away from the development.
      • Yet dozens of workers are absolutely sure that the building is harming their health, if not outright killing them.
      • A wonderful option would be if they took us aside, told us that we were not going to win, but they were going to buy out script outright.
      all at once, at/in one fell swoop, in one go
adjective ˈaʊtrʌɪtˈaʊtraɪt
  • 1attributive Open and direct.

    an outright refusal
    Example sentencesExamples
    • Usually this is expressed with bitterness if not outright hostility.
    • One outright complaint: it's not loud enough.
    • These ranged from open derision to outright firings, and even attempts to rescind earned degrees.
    • He said they had ‘an outright positive impact’ on the municipal district.
    • His art continues to inspire responses ranging from unequivocal praise to outright condemnation.
    • They're too simple to discern outright lies and campaign propaganda from real policies.
    • I could see she was having a hard time deciding whether to completely accuse me of outright lying or question me further.
    • It cannot be outright optimism or downright pessimism.
    • At best they were footnotes on the contrary theme, at worst outright obfuscation.
    • The book is a policy wonk's dream, and there's enough here to make you pull out your hair over the amount of graft and outright cheating going on in the open.
    • And the daring of outright substitution ups the complexity quotient.
    • However, any outright refusal of Western aesthetics must be qualified.
    • He would leave it open and hit weak fades or outright slices.
    • It was obvious that outright refusal would have been an insult.
    • Yet zoologists have consistently reacted to these phenomena with a mixture of incredulity, confusion, and even outright hostility.
    • But outright refusal often gets people labelled as freaks or loonies, and correspondingly discredits the challenges they deliver in the eyes of those they address them to.
    • An outright refusal would, of course, have ignited claims of prejudice and condemnation by the the liberal press, ever on the lookout for a stick to beat established institutions.
    • But the overwhelming response from city landlords has been an outright rejection of the request.
    • That was a downright and outright lie, but did I care?
    • Still, it's depressing to think that outright brutality is now the test.
    out-and-out, absolute, complete, utter, downright, sheer, stark, thorough, thoroughgoing, categorical, unequivocal, undeniable, unqualified, unmodified, unrestricted, unmitigated, unconditional, positive, simple, wholesale, all-out, rank, consummate, pure
    archaic arrant
    1. 1.1 Total.
      the outright abolition of the death penalty
      Example sentencesExamples
      • Over the next couple of weeks, her daughter's lack of interest in nursing turned into outright refusal.
      • As a country moves, one hopes, from outright dictatorship to full liberal democracy, the rules change.
      • The attitude toward the poor is at best one of official indifference, and at worst outright criminalization.
      • As such it is an outright rejection of many religious traditions' ultimate aims.
      • Thus, tarnished beauty tends to be more effective than outright perfection.
      • The truth is, disappointments and outright failure mark the real world of publicly financed convention centers, stadiums, and hotels.
      • I, and many others, must say that enough is enough, and nothing short of a total outright ban would be acceptable
      • The paying passengers were treated with total disregard and sometimes even outright abuse.
      • These views can be hard to tell apart: the distinction between radical transformation and outright abolition is not clear-cut.
      • Between outright war and total appeasement there are various degrees of pressure that can be applied.
      • A matrix can be created that describes traditional group relations, ranging from full cooperation to outright conflict.
      • In both, however, the issue was the postponement of operations, not an outright refusal to carry them out.
      • In most states, a pet cannot receive an outright bequest because animals traditionally have been viewed as property under the law.
      • He withdrew his amendment and said it wasn't needed after all, leaving the door open to the outright ban duly backed by an overwhelming majority of MPs.
      • Although few expect an outright crash, even property professionals who ritually talk up the market are pessimistic.
      • More radical action - warning labels on food or even outright bans - would probably be counterproductive.
      • Then the regional financial crisis hit and suddenly the air was full of accusations of bureaucratic ineptitude, corruption and outright dereliction of duty.
      • The reason for such caution by trade unions is obvious - a strike once embarked upon is hard to stop, short of an outright victory or a total defeat.
      • Her conversation betrays disappointment, anger, and an outright refusal to be labeled a victim.
      • Companies that fail to adapt to economic conditions by carrying an oversized and expensive staff may be courting the ultimate job-killer: outright failure.
      complete, utter, absolute, thorough, perfect, downright, out-and-out, thoroughgoing, all-out, sheer, positive, prize, rank, pure, dyed-in-the-wool, deep-dyed, real, consummate, veritable, unmitigated, unqualified, unadulterated, unalloyed, unconditional, unequivocal, full, unlimited, limitless, infinite, ultimate, through and through, in-depth
    2. 1.2 Clear and undisputed.
      an outright victory
      Example sentencesExamples
      • Sometimes writers oversimplify in one story and the simplification gets picked up as outright universal fact.
      • The majority of outright winners were from the junior category.
      • But the punishing rocks made strength and reliability as important as outright speed.
      • Six towns, which achieved litter-free status, competed for the outright prize.
      • Having come so close to success in 2003, there is only one achievement that will satisfy in 2004 - outright victory in the Formula One World Championship.
      • The most recent success - not yet an outright victory - has been the government climbdown on pensions for public sector workers.
      • On completion an outright winner emerged with three teams sharing second place.
      • Both teams have impressed at championship level in recent years and to be fair, both deserve the ultimate accolade of outright champions.
      • But even though he said the Tories had their best chance for 24 years to regain control, he stopped short of forecasting outright victory for his party.
      • It is a sign of the times for the struggling County Champions that their sole ambition over four days against Somerset was to emerge with a draw rather than a defeat but nothing short of outright victory was what was really required.
      • Clearly once risk is traded in this way there is significant scope for miscalculation and even outright fraud.
      • But nothing less than outright victory satisfies me and I'm determined to put things right with my next effort.
      • A simple majority was needed for outright victory.
      • The simplest way to bet on the final is to pick the outright winners.
      • He came 20th, causing him great disappointment as his objective was no less than outright victory.
      • And all are either outright myths or severe distortions of truth.
      • Another round of voting will be carried out in the summer, with points totals added together to produce outright winners for the year.
      • At the time of writing, an outright victory for the 1960s - while still possible - is the least likely outcome.
      • They were outright winners of the prizes for best business development; personal development of company directors; and most enterprising company.
      • But the USA took outright victory because of a higher number of second places, 14-6.
      definite, unequivocal, clear, unqualified, incontestable, undeniable, unmistakable, categorical, straightforward


affright, alight, alright, aright, bedight, bight, bite, blight, bright, byte, cite, dight, Dwight, excite, fight, flight, fright, goodnight, height, ignite, impolite, indict, indite, invite, kite, knight, light, lite, might, mite, night, nite, outfight, plight, polite, quite, right, rite, sight, site, skintight, skite, sleight, slight, smite, Snow-white, spite, sprite, tight, tonight, trite, twite, underwrite, unite, uptight, white, wight, wright, write

Definition of outright in US English:


  • 1Altogether; completely.

    logging has been banned outright
    Example sentencesExamples
    • MPs will today debate whether the bloodsport should continue freely, be regulated or, as they overwhelmingly backed last time, banned outright.
    • Rather than limiting the hours in which mechanical or instrumental noises for purposes of advertising on the street were allowable, the new rules banned them outright.
    • I don't think fireworks should be banned outright - done correctly they can make for a fantastic piece of entertainment as the nights draw in at the start of November.
    • Kids, always instinctively trolling for things that will drive their parents nuts, made it a best seller, at least in places where it wasn't outright banned.
    • They would prefer that cats be banned outright rather than allowing the furry hunters anywhere near land that supports endangered ground-dwelling birds.
    • Look, we certainly have some serious concerns about banning it outright.
    • Dum-dum bullets, chemical and biological weapons are banned outright on the basis that the military benefits of their use can never be proportionate to the suffering caused.
    • Indeed, according to some, the law should ban the option outright.
    • When the new guidelines are released later this summer, neither he nor anyone else expects the government to ban landfill developments outright.
    • He said that the report commissioned by the Government had not found any justification to ban the sport outright and that a joint committee had recently indicated such a ban would be in contravention of human rights laws.
    • He started out as the most underground of agitators, his films either banned outright or left to play in church basements.
    • The same composer also had a work banned outright.
    • Riots and protests broke out at some northern screenings of the film, and eventually the movie was banned outright in several cities, and various scenes were censored.
    • I expect hookahs to be banned outright before long in California; the possibility of holes being poked in the smoke-allergy argument is too dangerous.
    • A 1982 law bans outright any new building work within 100m of the coastline.
    • Some people say you could never ban firework sales outright because then they would go underground and you would have a black market.
    • From 1942 and for the remainder of WWII, Carnival was banned outright.
    • Nevada can legalize most gambling, and other states can ban it outright.
    • It was unanimously agreed that the Minister's proposal be rejected outright in its entirety.
    • While our neighbours to the south have banned it outright, we remain cautious if slightly confused.
    completely, entirely, wholly, fully, totally, categorically, absolutely, altogether, utterly, flatly, in every respect, unreservedly, without reservation, without exception, thoroughly, quite
    1. 1.1 Without reservation; openly.
      she couldn't ask him outright
      Example sentencesExamples
      • You explained truthfully and outright what you wanted between us last night and it makes sense.
      • But many were alarmingly sincere and outright delusional that their opportunity had come knocking.
      • Andy looked at her trying to keep a straight face but failed horridly as he laughed outright at her.
      • No one simply assumes they will be my ride to the airport for a 7 a.m. flight, and usually no one offers outright.
      • For example, he declared outright that artistic directors have to back winners at the expense of exciting creativity.
      • Again… at least this guy was honest enough to propose this insane idea outright.
      • She should have told you outright that she couldn't be your ballet partner in the talent show because she had already signed up to do a solo.
      • Even though no-one ever told me outright, I knew straight away that he had an eating disorder when we met.
      • But he refused to answer directly, which suggests that his refusal to say outright that they were sitting on chairs must mean that they were on the bed.
      explicitly, straightforwardly, directly, forthrightly, openly, frankly, candidly, honestly, truly, sincerely, bluntly, plainly, in plain language, unreservedly, without constraint, truthfully, without dissembling, to someone's face, straight from the shoulder, without beating about the bush, with no holds barred, man to man, woman to woman
  • 2Immediately.

    the impact killed four horses outright
    Example sentencesExamples
    • Most of his shots struck the cavalry mounts in the chest or throat, killing several of them outright.
    • Did they offer you the part outright, or was there an audition?
    • A shotgun, unless used at very close range, is only likely to damage a fox rather than kill it outright.
    • I know there were a few times that the first one didn't kill it outright.
    • We had 24 people that were killed outright on the bus, of the 40 patients that were on there.
    • There was a danger that the animals would not be killed outright, he said, with potential danger to the public.
    • He added that because the pellets were small, animals were not often killed outright, suffering for longer as they died from their injuries.
    • Apart from killing animals outright, it's a terrific transport system for tiny feral life forms such as barnacles, worms and polyps, which are invading new habitats.
    • Millions of pheasants are bred each year specifically for killing, and thousands of them are wounded rather than killed outright.
    • However, he added that many foxes were being injured rather than being shot dead because it was often difficult to kill them outright with a gun.
    • Ambulance chiefs said the motorcyclist was killed outright.
    • Nine horse were killed outright and are now being slaughtered for their meat, and another twenty-eight are sorely injured, and will soon have to be butchered.
    • As driver of the car, he was one of five that were killed outright.
    • If it won't kill you outright, you can eat it.
    • Two fell dangerously wounded, and a third was killed outright.
    • Most habitat and wildlife will be killed outright and retained pockets will be so small, scattered and pressurised by the surrounding development, that wildlife value will quickly deteriorate.
    • Eleven people were killed outright, including a family of four.
    • Six of the drivers were killed outright and nearly twice as many gravely injured.
    • They impale the chickens and leave big holes in the cages, allowing more chickens to fall out on the road to be hit by vehicles, if they are not killed outright by the fall itself.
    • The church's governing body didn't outright refuse her candidacy, but they decided to ask the larger church congregation for approval.
    instantly, instantaneously, immediately, at once, straight away, there and then, then and there, on the spot
    1. 2.1 Not by degrees or installments.
      they decided to buy the company outright
      Example sentencesExamples
      • If that doesn't work, they will attempt to buy their competitors outright.
      • To me it was a fortune that enabled me to buy a house outright.
      • People will either be able to share ownership, take part in an equity share scheme or buy their homes outright.
      • These people can move to a smaller house in a nicer location and buy it outright.
      • One of our daughters might one day want to take out a mortgage of her own and buy it from us outright, or as a parents-financed ‘shared equity’ scheme.
      • He has been looking after the car since the film was made, and bought it outright in 1972.
      • Most importantly, the funds required to spread bet are a small percentage of what would be required to buy these assets outright.
      • But it seems that if you have money enough to buy a building outright without a loan you'll have no problem.
      • At the end of the 20-year period, the council can either continue to rent the property, buy it outright or walk away from the development.
      • But it costs more to lease the planes than to buy them outright.
      • They either bought the land outright or rented it.
      • She bought the house outright and set up home with her seven year old daughter.
      • A wonderful option would be if they took us aside, told us that we were not going to win, but they were going to buy out script outright.
      • During the talks, the German bosses considered buying the business outright.
      • If you buy a small share to begin with, you can increase your shareholding later by a process known as ‘staircasing’, and can often even buy the home outright.
      • This means that people who perhaps cannot afford to buy a building outright can have some exposure to a previously unaffordable asset.
      • Products such as these continue to attract interest at a time when investors, keen to be in on the ground floor of any recovery, are still too nervous to buy shares outright.
      • Tickets may be bought outright or may be paid for monthly.
      • He attempted to terminate the four administrators outright, but is now in the process of recommending reassignments for them to comply with the policy.
      • Yet dozens of workers are absolutely sure that the building is harming their health, if not outright killing them.
      all at once, at one fell swoop, in one fell swoop, in one go
  • 1attributive Open and direct; not concealed.

    an outright refusal
    Example sentencesExamples
    • But outright refusal often gets people labelled as freaks or loonies, and correspondingly discredits the challenges they deliver in the eyes of those they address them to.
    • These ranged from open derision to outright firings, and even attempts to rescind earned degrees.
    • It was obvious that outright refusal would have been an insult.
    • I could see she was having a hard time deciding whether to completely accuse me of outright lying or question me further.
    • And the daring of outright substitution ups the complexity quotient.
    • Still, it's depressing to think that outright brutality is now the test.
    • His art continues to inspire responses ranging from unequivocal praise to outright condemnation.
    • But the overwhelming response from city landlords has been an outright rejection of the request.
    • That was a downright and outright lie, but did I care?
    • However, any outright refusal of Western aesthetics must be qualified.
    • One outright complaint: it's not loud enough.
    • The book is a policy wonk's dream, and there's enough here to make you pull out your hair over the amount of graft and outright cheating going on in the open.
    • He would leave it open and hit weak fades or outright slices.
    • They're too simple to discern outright lies and campaign propaganda from real policies.
    • Yet zoologists have consistently reacted to these phenomena with a mixture of incredulity, confusion, and even outright hostility.
    • An outright refusal would, of course, have ignited claims of prejudice and condemnation by the the liberal press, ever on the lookout for a stick to beat established institutions.
    • He said they had ‘an outright positive impact’ on the municipal district.
    • Usually this is expressed with bitterness if not outright hostility.
    • At best they were footnotes on the contrary theme, at worst outright obfuscation.
    • It cannot be outright optimism or downright pessimism.
    out-and-out, absolute, complete, utter, downright, sheer, stark, thorough, thoroughgoing, categorical, unequivocal, undeniable, unqualified, unmodified, unrestricted, unmitigated, unconditional, positive, simple, wholesale, all-out, rank, consummate, pure
    1. 1.1 Total; complete.
      the outright abolition of the death penalty
      Example sentencesExamples
      • Then the regional financial crisis hit and suddenly the air was full of accusations of bureaucratic ineptitude, corruption and outright dereliction of duty.
      • In both, however, the issue was the postponement of operations, not an outright refusal to carry them out.
      • The attitude toward the poor is at best one of official indifference, and at worst outright criminalization.
      • I, and many others, must say that enough is enough, and nothing short of a total outright ban would be acceptable
      • As such it is an outright rejection of many religious traditions' ultimate aims.
      • As a country moves, one hopes, from outright dictatorship to full liberal democracy, the rules change.
      • A matrix can be created that describes traditional group relations, ranging from full cooperation to outright conflict.
      • The truth is, disappointments and outright failure mark the real world of publicly financed convention centers, stadiums, and hotels.
      • The reason for such caution by trade unions is obvious - a strike once embarked upon is hard to stop, short of an outright victory or a total defeat.
      • Thus, tarnished beauty tends to be more effective than outright perfection.
      • Companies that fail to adapt to economic conditions by carrying an oversized and expensive staff may be courting the ultimate job-killer: outright failure.
      • More radical action - warning labels on food or even outright bans - would probably be counterproductive.
      • He withdrew his amendment and said it wasn't needed after all, leaving the door open to the outright ban duly backed by an overwhelming majority of MPs.
      • Between outright war and total appeasement there are various degrees of pressure that can be applied.
      • Her conversation betrays disappointment, anger, and an outright refusal to be labeled a victim.
      • The paying passengers were treated with total disregard and sometimes even outright abuse.
      • Although few expect an outright crash, even property professionals who ritually talk up the market are pessimistic.
      • Over the next couple of weeks, her daughter's lack of interest in nursing turned into outright refusal.
      • These views can be hard to tell apart: the distinction between radical transformation and outright abolition is not clear-cut.
      • In most states, a pet cannot receive an outright bequest because animals traditionally have been viewed as property under the law.
      complete, utter, absolute, thorough, perfect, downright, out-and-out, thoroughgoing, all-out, sheer, positive, prize, rank, pure, dyed-in-the-wool, deep-dyed, real, consummate, veritable, unmitigated, unqualified, unadulterated, unalloyed, unconditional, unequivocal, full, unlimited, limitless, infinite, ultimate, through and through, in-depth
    2. 1.2 Undisputed; clear.
      an outright victory
      Example sentencesExamples
      • The most recent success - not yet an outright victory - has been the government climbdown on pensions for public sector workers.
      • It is a sign of the times for the struggling County Champions that their sole ambition over four days against Somerset was to emerge with a draw rather than a defeat but nothing short of outright victory was what was really required.
      • A simple majority was needed for outright victory.
      • But the USA took outright victory because of a higher number of second places, 14-6.
      • Having come so close to success in 2003, there is only one achievement that will satisfy in 2004 - outright victory in the Formula One World Championship.
      • At the time of writing, an outright victory for the 1960s - while still possible - is the least likely outcome.
      • On completion an outright winner emerged with three teams sharing second place.
      • But nothing less than outright victory satisfies me and I'm determined to put things right with my next effort.
      • And all are either outright myths or severe distortions of truth.
      • But even though he said the Tories had their best chance for 24 years to regain control, he stopped short of forecasting outright victory for his party.
      • He came 20th, causing him great disappointment as his objective was no less than outright victory.
      • Clearly once risk is traded in this way there is significant scope for miscalculation and even outright fraud.
      • The simplest way to bet on the final is to pick the outright winners.
      • Sometimes writers oversimplify in one story and the simplification gets picked up as outright universal fact.
      • Both teams have impressed at championship level in recent years and to be fair, both deserve the ultimate accolade of outright champions.
      • Another round of voting will be carried out in the summer, with points totals added together to produce outright winners for the year.
      • Six towns, which achieved litter-free status, competed for the outright prize.
      • But the punishing rocks made strength and reliability as important as outright speed.
      • They were outright winners of the prizes for best business development; personal development of company directors; and most enterprising company.
      • The majority of outright winners were from the junior category.
      definite, unequivocal, clear, unqualified, incontestable, undeniable, unmistakable, categorical, straightforward




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