

单词 payoff

Definition of payoff in US English:


  • 1A payment made to someone, especially as a bribe or reward, or on leaving a job.

    widespread rumors of payoffs and kickbacks in the party
    Example sentencesExamples
    • The result is that contracts go to those who guarantee pay-offs to the panel members or their ‘owners’.
    • Board members come and go with huge pay-offs and bonuses no matter how successful.
    • No one doubts, however, that it does maintain covert agents and does use monetary pay-offs to gain influence in the country.
    • She told delegates times were tough for manufacturing firms and the Government was just as angry as unions about executives receiving huge pay-offs.
    • But, in the absence of unlikely impeachment procedures, a substantial pay-off appears to be the only real option open to the Government to encourage the judge to resign.
    • His severance pay-off is believed to have been as much as £83,000.
    • The idea that he resigned and gets this huge pay-off is disgraceful.
    • Two opposition politicians confessed to receiving $10,000 pay-offs under the previous Estrada Government.
    • Are the pay-offs and bribes more important than these boys or putting an end to such nonsense?
    • The pay-offs, remember, come on top of transfer fees and the big wages paid to them.
    • However, they are still refusing to make the final redundancy payments, pay-offs which range from £16,000 to £28,000 each.
    • When all the facts came out, though, those contributions were revealed as little more than window dressing, an early ante up for the real bribery and pay-offs.
    • If any of these executives are fired, they will expect a big pay-off; but not all pay-offs bring peace of mind.
    • He announced his intentions over three months ago and said the pay-off had not influenced his decision.
    • As executives are continuing to work at the group, the issue of pay-offs had not arisen last night.
    • The man spoke with the radiant serenity of those who have, despite the alternative lures and pay-offs, chosen to be a free subject.
    • Still, as paltry as the pay-offs were, the scandal exposed the hollowness of the ruling party's nationalist rhetoric.
    • We're expecting him back some time next week and all this talk of pay-offs and what have you is incorrect.
    • It is reported that this reduction, with all the pay-offs and pensions will cost around USD 1.1 billion.
    • Rose is facing an angry backlash from key investors over the £10m pay-offs to departing executives.
    payment, payout, reward, recompense, consideration
    1. 1.1 The return on investment or on a bet.
      Example sentencesExamples
      • But he adds that the potential payoff is worth the risk.
      • The best entrepreneurs I know are not concerned about getting credit for their ideas - the financial pay-off is reward enough.
      • The Democrats' strategy also holds a potential pay-off for another reason.
      • Seeing this movie is indeed a risk, but one with extraordinary pay-offs.
      • The latter approach is more difficult, but offers a much bigger pay-off at the end.
      • So the question becomes: is the payoff worth the effort?
      • Be advised that larger pools do not automatically result in larger individual pay-offs.
      • The more sets a player completes, the higher the potential pay-off if they win.
      • We knew, in other words, that self archiving was a small investment for authors with a large pay-off.
      • The stake for their gamble is a high one, perhaps 100 million, and while the pay-off could be massive, the outcome could also be disaster not only for the politicians but for the country they lead.
      • The new operations may have had an immediate pay-off.
      • You should have improved net return by direct marketing your poultry and also reduce your financial risk with quicker pay-off of the small up front investment required.
      • Between them, their share options and pension pots are expected to amount to pay-offs of more than £6m each.
      • However, the bosses will prosper with fat cash pay-offs and sweet share deals that will see them comfortably well-off well into dotage.
      • Both are expected to receive six-figure pay-offs.
      • Thus, the pay-off on investment was high where there was an expanding labour force with which more capital could be put to work.
      • Increasing grant support will shift efforts toward current issues, particularly those that have immediate economic pay-offs.
      • However, if your firm's finances are relatively healthy, getting a bigger pay-off is indeed an option worth exploring.
      • The real payoff in present terms is the spinoff technology that will be used for future lunar and interplanetary missions.
      • Organizations are assumed to choose a policy that their cognitive representation suggests maximizes their payoff.
      return, return on investment, yield, payback, reward, profit, gain, income, revenue, interest, dividend, percentage
    2. 1.2 A final outcome; a conclusion.
      it gave them the idea for the payoff of last night's episode
      Example sentencesExamples
      • Nonetheless, the software delivers the expected payoff.
      • Working towards daily bliss, a little at a time, can have big pay-offs in terms of lasting beauty that stems from deep within you.
      • But the biggest pay-off of her improved chemistry grade was her mother getting off her back.
      • As long as he increases his heart-rate and keeps it that way for 30 to 40 minutes, the pay-off over time will be enormous.
      • Since then, the group has undertaken projects with big pay-offs for patients, nurses, even the public.
      • The pay-off comes when the table is finally returned to the antique dealer who gets what might be called her just dessert.
      • Research need not always have a direct pay-off in terms of influencing policy or practice directly.
      • Which is a shame, because the final pay-off is worthwhile, and despite all the frustrations I did enjoy it.
      • Did learning the moves have any big pay-off for him in real-life, to help him seduce his own wife?
      • Playing a game boils down to performing an action: this action is based on a strategy that is chosen after the players consider the pay-offs.
      • So what happens in the final scene isn't really a pay-off.
      • What will be broadcast this weekend is one of his favourites from a year or two back, with an updated introduction and a final pay-off.
      • These films also maintain a presence of God, fate, and karmic pay-offs for the hero's eventual victory.
      • He built the tenderness up slowly and carefully, until its consummation delivered a powerful emotional payoff.
      • Splitting water to produce molecular oxygen and molecular hydrogen has a big potential payoff.
      outcome, denouement, culmination, conclusion, development, result, consequence, out-turn, end result, upshot, aftermath

Definition of payoff in US English:


  • 1A payment made to someone, especially as a bribe or reward, or on leaving a job.

    widespread rumors of payoffs and kickbacks in the party
    Example sentencesExamples
    • The result is that contracts go to those who guarantee pay-offs to the panel members or their ‘owners’.
    • Board members come and go with huge pay-offs and bonuses no matter how successful.
    • No one doubts, however, that it does maintain covert agents and does use monetary pay-offs to gain influence in the country.
    • She told delegates times were tough for manufacturing firms and the Government was just as angry as unions about executives receiving huge pay-offs.
    • But, in the absence of unlikely impeachment procedures, a substantial pay-off appears to be the only real option open to the Government to encourage the judge to resign.
    • His severance pay-off is believed to have been as much as £83,000.
    • The idea that he resigned and gets this huge pay-off is disgraceful.
    • Two opposition politicians confessed to receiving $10,000 pay-offs under the previous Estrada Government.
    • Are the pay-offs and bribes more important than these boys or putting an end to such nonsense?
    • The pay-offs, remember, come on top of transfer fees and the big wages paid to them.
    • However, they are still refusing to make the final redundancy payments, pay-offs which range from £16,000 to £28,000 each.
    • When all the facts came out, though, those contributions were revealed as little more than window dressing, an early ante up for the real bribery and pay-offs.
    • If any of these executives are fired, they will expect a big pay-off; but not all pay-offs bring peace of mind.
    • He announced his intentions over three months ago and said the pay-off had not influenced his decision.
    • As executives are continuing to work at the group, the issue of pay-offs had not arisen last night.
    • The man spoke with the radiant serenity of those who have, despite the alternative lures and pay-offs, chosen to be a free subject.
    • Still, as paltry as the pay-offs were, the scandal exposed the hollowness of the ruling party's nationalist rhetoric.
    • We're expecting him back some time next week and all this talk of pay-offs and what have you is incorrect.
    • It is reported that this reduction, with all the pay-offs and pensions will cost around USD 1.1 billion.
    • Rose is facing an angry backlash from key investors over the £10m pay-offs to departing executives.
    payment, payout, reward, recompense, consideration
    1. 1.1 The return on investment or on a bet.
      Example sentencesExamples
      • But he adds that the potential payoff is worth the risk.
      • The best entrepreneurs I know are not concerned about getting credit for their ideas - the financial pay-off is reward enough.
      • The Democrats' strategy also holds a potential pay-off for another reason.
      • Seeing this movie is indeed a risk, but one with extraordinary pay-offs.
      • The latter approach is more difficult, but offers a much bigger pay-off at the end.
      • So the question becomes: is the payoff worth the effort?
      • Be advised that larger pools do not automatically result in larger individual pay-offs.
      • The more sets a player completes, the higher the potential pay-off if they win.
      • We knew, in other words, that self archiving was a small investment for authors with a large pay-off.
      • The stake for their gamble is a high one, perhaps 100 million, and while the pay-off could be massive, the outcome could also be disaster not only for the politicians but for the country they lead.
      • The new operations may have had an immediate pay-off.
      • You should have improved net return by direct marketing your poultry and also reduce your financial risk with quicker pay-off of the small up front investment required.
      • Between them, their share options and pension pots are expected to amount to pay-offs of more than £6m each.
      • However, the bosses will prosper with fat cash pay-offs and sweet share deals that will see them comfortably well-off well into dotage.
      • Both are expected to receive six-figure pay-offs.
      • Thus, the pay-off on investment was high where there was an expanding labour force with which more capital could be put to work.
      • Increasing grant support will shift efforts toward current issues, particularly those that have immediate economic pay-offs.
      • However, if your firm's finances are relatively healthy, getting a bigger pay-off is indeed an option worth exploring.
      • The real payoff in present terms is the spinoff technology that will be used for future lunar and interplanetary missions.
      • Organizations are assumed to choose a policy that their cognitive representation suggests maximizes their payoff.
      return, return on investment, yield, payback, reward, profit, gain, income, revenue, interest, dividend, percentage
    2. 1.2 A final outcome; a conclusion.
      it gave them the idea for the payoff of last night's episode
      Example sentencesExamples
      • Nonetheless, the software delivers the expected payoff.
      • Working towards daily bliss, a little at a time, can have big pay-offs in terms of lasting beauty that stems from deep within you.
      • But the biggest pay-off of her improved chemistry grade was her mother getting off her back.
      • As long as he increases his heart-rate and keeps it that way for 30 to 40 minutes, the pay-off over time will be enormous.
      • Since then, the group has undertaken projects with big pay-offs for patients, nurses, even the public.
      • The pay-off comes when the table is finally returned to the antique dealer who gets what might be called her just dessert.
      • Research need not always have a direct pay-off in terms of influencing policy or practice directly.
      • Which is a shame, because the final pay-off is worthwhile, and despite all the frustrations I did enjoy it.
      • Did learning the moves have any big pay-off for him in real-life, to help him seduce his own wife?
      • Playing a game boils down to performing an action: this action is based on a strategy that is chosen after the players consider the pay-offs.
      • So what happens in the final scene isn't really a pay-off.
      • What will be broadcast this weekend is one of his favourites from a year or two back, with an updated introduction and a final pay-off.
      • These films also maintain a presence of God, fate, and karmic pay-offs for the hero's eventual victory.
      • He built the tenderness up slowly and carefully, until its consummation delivered a powerful emotional payoff.
      • Splitting water to produce molecular oxygen and molecular hydrogen has a big potential payoff.
      outcome, denouement, culmination, conclusion, development, result, consequence, out-turn, end result, upshot, aftermath




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更新时间:2025/2/27 0:13:10