

单词 poop


(also poop deck)
noun puːppup
  • The aftermost and highest deck of a ship, especially in a sailing ship where it typically forms the roof of a cabin in the stern.

    there on the poop stood Captain Meech
    Example sentencesExamples
    • He spent the night tied to the poop deck - weeping softly.
    • Based on this drawing, they're constructing the poop deck on the premises.
    • The captain stomped around in a foul temper. ‘Ye missed a patch,’ he said to Furgey on the poop deck.
    • Harlan stood on the Quarterdeck, shouting orders frantically as he watched the harbor walls glide past the side of the ship, he leapt up the stairs to the poop deck, and glanced back into the harbor behind them.
    • Mr. Carney said that he had served on many vessels, and had visited many more, where the fuel oil shut-off valve actuators were located in public spaces such as passageways, the crew laundry, or the poop deck near the gangway.
    • It was said by one visitor that her ‘staterooms on the poop deck were a miniature palace inside, a fantastic fortress on the outside.’
    • James Corby nodded in acknowledgment and joined Lieutenant Anthony Bridges on the poop deck at the back from where they cast a calm and alert eye across the proceedings on deck.
    • She smiled and ran up to the poop deck to find the captain.
    • That night, we anchored in Geneviz Limani - the Bay of the Genoese - and dined on the poop deck as the moon rose and the sound of the lapping tide echoed against the towering cliffs.
    • Tommy was just out standing on the poop deck, getting some air.
    • Though she spent the majority of her time with the crew, she and her guardian could often be found on the poop deck, sitting on the side of the ship, she in her under dress and bare feet.
    • He turned on his heel and walked to the poop deck.
    • Huey let me shoot the first and only approach, which was uneventful until we were over the poop deck.
    • After reaching the first super-structures, continue for about 15m on to the poop deck, where you'll see the two davits.
    • Drake Roberts was up on the poop deck with his first mate, Tyler.
    • The two strangers led Midori and Aoi out and up a flight of stairs, onto the poop deck of the ship.
    • Some of the Queenstown passengers had gathered on the third class poop deck and she surveyed the group.
    • But then the roof of the top of the ship is a poop deck.
    • The poop deck, forecastle and upper deck were beautifully kept, although the bilge had suffered from some leakage and had been poorly patched up.
    • When they got to the poop deck, Cal noticed Rose wrapped in a blanket, hunched over, crying.
    rear end, rear, back, tail
verb puːppup
[with object]
  • (of a wave) break over the stern of (a ship), sometimes causing it to capsize.

    off Rame Head we were badly pooped


Late Middle English: from Old French pupe, from a variant of Latin puppis 'stern'.

  • nincompoop from late 17th century:

    The word nincompoop perhaps came from Nicodemus, the name of a Jewish Pharisee in the New Testament who became something of a byword for slow-wittedness. Nicodemus secretly visited Jesus one night to hear about his teachings. Jesus explained, ‘Except a man be born again, he cannot see the Kingdom of God’, which puzzled the Pharisee, who took Jesus literally and said ‘How can a man be born when he is old?’. The -poop part of the word may have come from the old verb poop, which meant ‘to deceive or cheat’. In a similar vein ninny (late 16th century) may be a pet form of the name Innocent.


bloop, cock-a-hoop, coop, croup, droop, drupe, dupe, goop, group, Guadeloupe, hoop, loop, recoup, roup, scoop, sloop, snoop, soup, stoep, stoop, stoup, stupe, swoop, troop, troupe, whoop


verb puːppup
[with object]often as adjective poopedNorth American informal
  • Exhaust (someone)

    I was pooped and just flopped into bed
    Example sentencesExamples
    • I'm pooped, and still working now (remember that I'm an hour ahead of the UK, so it's heading towards 8pm now).
    • On the way home, I got off the train at Atlantic / Pacific and took a car service the rest of the way home - something I try not to do too often, but I was pooped and in no mood to get off the train and then wait for a bus.
    • By the time we leave the reception we'll both be too pooped to pop.
    • You don't want to poop out at your own party, do you?
    • The great thing is they love it there and it really poops them out, so they'll be tired for a day or two after they come home.
    • I had a general invite to see Idol at a friend's house, but I was pooped and my nesting instinct was mighty.
    • Offering a weak a smile, she responded, ‘I'm pooped.’
    • The reindeer are pooped, think we'll stay here awhile.
    • Some of the ladies went out to celebrate but Langford said she had a toast with her parents and was pretty pooped on the flight home the next morning.
    • Right - we're heading into Birmingham, and I'm pooped.
    • I have copious notes, but I'm too pooped to blog.
    • I'm back, I'm pooped, I'm happy, I'm going to sleep,
    • Next they'll announce that they won't tax the rich anymore because it poops the taxman out to walk up all those stairs at the mansion.
    • The kids were awesome (some were not), and though I had a lot of fun, I was pooped and glad that it was over.
    • My guest blogger pooped out on me - got a text message from him saying ‘It's too hot to blog!’
    • I think enough time has elapsed since the party for me to be sufficiently adjusted, although I'm still pooped.
    • He can make all the throws when he tries to, but sometimes he poops it out there, like quitting on a golf swing.
    • Already I am pooped and all I've done is some web-programming.
    • I'm absolutely pooped this morning - I'm not even sure why, as yesterday was generally a pretty relaxing day - work was far from stressful, and the fireworks in the evening were a fun but gentle way of passing the time.
    • It was great but I'm too pooped to write about it.
    • Inevitably, I'm now pooped, so I'm going to kick back on the sofa and read/doze for a while. Of course, as usual, what I really need is a good massage across my shoulders and back.
    • I'm pooped and think I need to veg out for a while before bed.
    tired out, worn out, weary, dog-tired, bone-tired, bone-weary, ready to drop, on one's last legs, asleep on one's feet, drained, fatigued, enervated, debilitated, spent

Phrasal Verbs

  • poop out

    • Stop functioning.

      the analogue tape fluttered slightly in pitch but didn't poop out
      Example sentencesExamples
      • Just a few miles from the finish of a three-day automotive competition and rally, their car poops out.
      • Doc had it installed at Circuit City after the original factory model pooped out.


1930s: of unknown origin.


noun puːppup
mass nounNorth American informal
  • Excrement.

    dog poop is a major source of water pollution on Cape Cod
    Example sentencesExamples
    • Remove a bowel movement from your child's diaper, put it in the toilet, and tell your child that poop goes in the potty.
    • Is a man stepping in dog poop automatically funny?
    • Not rats, not mice, not melting dog poop, but in-line skaters.
    • Then you have to act humble, mutter some incantation three times, then they throw dog poop on your shoes, and suddenly you are acting Prime Minister and Grand Poobah.
    • Hyndburn Council's moves have been matched by other East Lancashire authorities, with each council embarking on a blitz of dog poop.
    • Other ingredients that are suitable for compost include saw dust, straw, bird seed, sea weed, and manure, although dog and cat poop is not advised.
    • Although, I do feel that poop jokes don't go far if they are presented in a trite way, but here again it is in the a matter of the presentation of the joke.
    • This is my first time seeing the film, so maybe there were more poop gags than the director deemed necessary this first time around?
    • Tired of the fetid piles of iguana poop the studios have been passing off as horror these days?
    • Usually the gossip is about how that aspiring actor doesn't ever pick up his dog's poop, and have you seen the size of that dog's poop?
    • You could have a whole movie of nothing but fart and poop jokes and it would make $100 million.
    • He does us all a big favor by keeping the fart, sperm, and poop jokes to the bare minimum.
    • Some go so far as to say that paleo poop represents one of the more intriguing - albeit uncharted - fields of dinosaur fossil research.
    • I was the one that they would, you know, one would lean over behind me and the other would give me a push and I would land in the dog manure, poop pile.
    • The visitors are wondering if we have found some secret Hawking-like black hole disappearing mechanism for momentary litter and dog poop!
    • But it still feels like my dad will walk out of the garage and yell at me to go pick up the dog poop in the backyard, after I get finished mowing the front.
    • In Buffalo, my bedroom window faces a neighbor's rickety tool shed, which is buried in a snowdrift and dotted with dog poop.
    • One nice thing about receiving home delivery of the Boston Globe is that our carrier inserts it into a handy plastic bag which can be used to pick up dog poop.
    • Aside from a few dog poop and erection jokes, some of the dialogue is surprisingly smart.
    • You wake up with a steaming pile of dog poop on your lawn.
verb puːppup
[no object]North American informal
  • Defecate.

    Example sentencesExamples
    • I love it in all it's novelty plastic Santa, reindeers pooping chocolate covered raisins, cuddly robins singing ‘Jingle Bells’, hot toddy flavoured bubble bath glory.
    • Infants with brains barely able to properly poop their pants won't care for a commentary or behind-the-scenes featurettes.
    • This way if you are going to get hit, at least you won't have to see it coming and poop your pants.
    • I'll add that if you're feeding a high-quality dog food, most of the food goes to making more puppy, not to poop, so it's often the case that dogs poop a whole lot less than you might expect.
    • This will require a bus, a couch on a trailer, 50 gallons of Tequila and Register readers lobbing Big Macs into the mouth of a giant, plastic vulture, which will then poop the burgers into our hands.
    • I think this was right after I told my friend that Leta poops lima beans whole.
    • Fruit-eating bats play an important role in forest ecology, taking in seeds and pooping them all over the forest after digesting the fruit.
    • Me, I'm thinking about pooping my pants as a radical political act.
    • The seeds from which trees and plants grow are often spread around by animals that eat and poop the seeds.
    • According to Heather, and I have no reason to doubt her, her mom is going to ‘totally poop her pants.’
    • By the time we leave the restaurant I have consumed so much garlic that I have basically ensured that my baby will be pooping garlic for the first 13 years of her life.
    • No… Don't let your child pee or poop every where and make your life miserable.
    • I cannot quite believe his age; how recently it seems that he alternated sleeping in the crook of my arm with pooping his weight indoors.
    • Either that or they aren't held up by ‘the man’ and ‘society’ and the oppressive illogical moral arguments about not pooping your pants.
    • I was pooping myself because I hadn't played for years, but once I got into it I was fine.
    • A blessed bird-lover from elsewhere in Canada who adores feeding stray pets, pigeons, and pooping seagulls (also known in impolite circles as the ‘trash cans of the cosmos’).
    • And the golf cart almost goes careening off into a ravine, and I almost poop my pants.
    • I'm feeding about every 2.5 hours, and ever since I started drinking gallons of prune juice the baby is pooping every 2.5 minutes.
    • To conclude, Moore states that he calls it like he sees it and he can admit when he's wrong, ‘and when I'm wrong, like the thing about Bush pooping his pants, I'll say so.’
    • Genetically modified dogs must be the way forward - to poop less, and more like rabbits in consistency.
    • One friend talked about infrasound, a weapon developed in France that shoots very low frequencies creating nausea, disorientation, vomiting and even pooping your pants.


Early 18th century: imitative.


noun puːppup
mass nounNorth American informal
  • Up-to-date or inside information.

    here's the latest poop from Hollywood
    Example sentencesExamples
    • What a relief to discover that my industrious good friend David Brown is hot on the trail of the schnooks who made a pile trading Cinram stock off the inside poop.
    • It gives the inside poop on the social scene at colleges from coast to coast.
    • My own personal poop situation falls into the category of ‘too much information for my gentle blog-reading audience.’
    • The media should trust the judgment of its customers to give it the straight poop from the mouth of the sewer, so to speak.
    scandal, gossip, talk, revelations, rumour, rumours, tittle-tattle, tattle


1940s: of unknown origin.


noun puːppup
North American informal
  • A stupid or ineffectual person.

    he was making fun of an old poop
    idiot, ass, halfwit, nincompoop, blockhead, buffoon, dunce, dolt, ignoramus, cretin, imbecile, dullard, moron, simpleton, clod


  • poopy

  • adjectivepoopier, poopiest
    North American informal
    • You won't just read me complaining about morning sickness, stomach flus, truncated naps, and poopy diaper emergencies.
      Example sentencesExamples
      • On bad days I imagine growing old in a dust-covered house surrounded by hundreds of mounds of dirty laundry and piles of 40 year old poopy diapers because I will never again have the strength to clean my house.
      • They meet a couple of cute boys (a blonde for Jane, a brunette for Roxy), pick up a funny-looking dog in order to maximize the poopy jokes, and they run!
      • You want 1,000 words on puppy poopy, I'm your gal.


Early 20th century: perhaps a shortening of nincompoop.



(also poop deck)
  • The aftermost and highest deck of a ship, especially in a sailing ship where it typically forms the roof of a cabin in the stern.

    Example sentencesExamples
    • When they got to the poop deck, Cal noticed Rose wrapped in a blanket, hunched over, crying.
    • Mr. Carney said that he had served on many vessels, and had visited many more, where the fuel oil shut-off valve actuators were located in public spaces such as passageways, the crew laundry, or the poop deck near the gangway.
    • That night, we anchored in Geneviz Limani - the Bay of the Genoese - and dined on the poop deck as the moon rose and the sound of the lapping tide echoed against the towering cliffs.
    • He spent the night tied to the poop deck - weeping softly.
    • Drake Roberts was up on the poop deck with his first mate, Tyler.
    • The two strangers led Midori and Aoi out and up a flight of stairs, onto the poop deck of the ship.
    • She smiled and ran up to the poop deck to find the captain.
    • The captain stomped around in a foul temper. ‘Ye missed a patch,’ he said to Furgey on the poop deck.
    • He turned on his heel and walked to the poop deck.
    • Tommy was just out standing on the poop deck, getting some air.
    • James Corby nodded in acknowledgment and joined Lieutenant Anthony Bridges on the poop deck at the back from where they cast a calm and alert eye across the proceedings on deck.
    • The poop deck, forecastle and upper deck were beautifully kept, although the bilge had suffered from some leakage and had been poorly patched up.
    • Huey let me shoot the first and only approach, which was uneventful until we were over the poop deck.
    • But then the roof of the top of the ship is a poop deck.
    • Harlan stood on the Quarterdeck, shouting orders frantically as he watched the harbor walls glide past the side of the ship, he leapt up the stairs to the poop deck, and glanced back into the harbor behind them.
    • It was said by one visitor that her ‘staterooms on the poop deck were a miniature palace inside, a fantastic fortress on the outside.’
    • Though she spent the majority of her time with the crew, she and her guardian could often be found on the poop deck, sitting on the side of the ship, she in her under dress and bare feet.
    • Some of the Queenstown passengers had gathered on the third class poop deck and she surveyed the group.
    • After reaching the first super-structures, continue for about 15m on to the poop deck, where you'll see the two davits.
    • Based on this drawing, they're constructing the poop deck on the premises.
    rear end, rear, back, tail
[with object]usually be pooped
  • (of a wave) break over the stern of (a ship), sometimes causing it to capsize.

    carrying a high sea, we were badly pooped


Late Middle English: from Old French pupe, from a variant of Latin puppis ‘stern’.


[with object]often as adjective poopedNorth American informal
  • Exhaust (someone)

    I was pooped and just flopped into bed
    Example sentencesExamples
    • On the way home, I got off the train at Atlantic / Pacific and took a car service the rest of the way home - something I try not to do too often, but I was pooped and in no mood to get off the train and then wait for a bus.
    • Already I am pooped and all I've done is some web-programming.
    • The great thing is they love it there and it really poops them out, so they'll be tired for a day or two after they come home.
    • Next they'll announce that they won't tax the rich anymore because it poops the taxman out to walk up all those stairs at the mansion.
    • I had a general invite to see Idol at a friend's house, but I was pooped and my nesting instinct was mighty.
    • I'm back, I'm pooped, I'm happy, I'm going to sleep,
    • Some of the ladies went out to celebrate but Langford said she had a toast with her parents and was pretty pooped on the flight home the next morning.
    • You don't want to poop out at your own party, do you?
    • Inevitably, I'm now pooped, so I'm going to kick back on the sofa and read/doze for a while. Of course, as usual, what I really need is a good massage across my shoulders and back.
    • By the time we leave the reception we'll both be too pooped to pop.
    • It was great but I'm too pooped to write about it.
    • I'm pooped, and still working now (remember that I'm an hour ahead of the UK, so it's heading towards 8pm now).
    • He can make all the throws when he tries to, but sometimes he poops it out there, like quitting on a golf swing.
    • I have copious notes, but I'm too pooped to blog.
    • I'm absolutely pooped this morning - I'm not even sure why, as yesterday was generally a pretty relaxing day - work was far from stressful, and the fireworks in the evening were a fun but gentle way of passing the time.
    • Right - we're heading into Birmingham, and I'm pooped.
    • Offering a weak a smile, she responded, ‘I'm pooped.’
    • My guest blogger pooped out on me - got a text message from him saying ‘It's too hot to blog!’
    • The kids were awesome (some were not), and though I had a lot of fun, I was pooped and glad that it was over.
    • I'm pooped and think I need to veg out for a while before bed.
    • I think enough time has elapsed since the party for me to be sufficiently adjusted, although I'm still pooped.
    • The reindeer are pooped, think we'll stay here awhile.
    tired out, worn out, weary, dog-tired, bone-tired, bone-weary, ready to drop, on one's last legs, asleep on one's feet, drained, fatigued, enervated, debilitated, spent

Phrasal Verbs

  • poop out

    • Stop functioning.

      the analog tape fluttered slightly in pitch but didn't poop out
      Example sentencesExamples
      • Doc had it installed at Circuit City after the original factory model pooped out.
      • Just a few miles from the finish of a three-day automotive competition and rally, their car poops out.


1930s: of unknown origin.


North American informal
  • Excrement.

    dog poop is a major source of water pollution on Cape Cod
    Example sentencesExamples
    • Not rats, not mice, not melting dog poop, but in-line skaters.
    • Then you have to act humble, mutter some incantation three times, then they throw dog poop on your shoes, and suddenly you are acting Prime Minister and Grand Poobah.
    • Hyndburn Council's moves have been matched by other East Lancashire authorities, with each council embarking on a blitz of dog poop.
    • You could have a whole movie of nothing but fart and poop jokes and it would make $100 million.
    • Is a man stepping in dog poop automatically funny?
    • Remove a bowel movement from your child's diaper, put it in the toilet, and tell your child that poop goes in the potty.
    • Aside from a few dog poop and erection jokes, some of the dialogue is surprisingly smart.
    • Usually the gossip is about how that aspiring actor doesn't ever pick up his dog's poop, and have you seen the size of that dog's poop?
    • But it still feels like my dad will walk out of the garage and yell at me to go pick up the dog poop in the backyard, after I get finished mowing the front.
    • I was the one that they would, you know, one would lean over behind me and the other would give me a push and I would land in the dog manure, poop pile.
    • He does us all a big favor by keeping the fart, sperm, and poop jokes to the bare minimum.
    • Although, I do feel that poop jokes don't go far if they are presented in a trite way, but here again it is in the a matter of the presentation of the joke.
    • You wake up with a steaming pile of dog poop on your lawn.
    • This is my first time seeing the film, so maybe there were more poop gags than the director deemed necessary this first time around?
    • The visitors are wondering if we have found some secret Hawking-like black hole disappearing mechanism for momentary litter and dog poop!
    • Some go so far as to say that paleo poop represents one of the more intriguing - albeit uncharted - fields of dinosaur fossil research.
    • In Buffalo, my bedroom window faces a neighbor's rickety tool shed, which is buried in a snowdrift and dotted with dog poop.
    • Tired of the fetid piles of iguana poop the studios have been passing off as horror these days?
    • One nice thing about receiving home delivery of the Boston Globe is that our carrier inserts it into a handy plastic bag which can be used to pick up dog poop.
    • Other ingredients that are suitable for compost include saw dust, straw, bird seed, sea weed, and manure, although dog and cat poop is not advised.
[no object]North American informal
  • Defecate.

    Example sentencesExamples
    • I love it in all it's novelty plastic Santa, reindeers pooping chocolate covered raisins, cuddly robins singing ‘Jingle Bells’, hot toddy flavoured bubble bath glory.
    • Me, I'm thinking about pooping my pants as a radical political act.
    • I'll add that if you're feeding a high-quality dog food, most of the food goes to making more puppy, not to poop, so it's often the case that dogs poop a whole lot less than you might expect.
    • This will require a bus, a couch on a trailer, 50 gallons of Tequila and Register readers lobbing Big Macs into the mouth of a giant, plastic vulture, which will then poop the burgers into our hands.
    • According to Heather, and I have no reason to doubt her, her mom is going to ‘totally poop her pants.’
    • Either that or they aren't held up by ‘the man’ and ‘society’ and the oppressive illogical moral arguments about not pooping your pants.
    • To conclude, Moore states that he calls it like he sees it and he can admit when he's wrong, ‘and when I'm wrong, like the thing about Bush pooping his pants, I'll say so.’
    • I was pooping myself because I hadn't played for years, but once I got into it I was fine.
    • I'm feeding about every 2.5 hours, and ever since I started drinking gallons of prune juice the baby is pooping every 2.5 minutes.
    • I think this was right after I told my friend that Leta poops lima beans whole.
    • The seeds from which trees and plants grow are often spread around by animals that eat and poop the seeds.
    • And the golf cart almost goes careening off into a ravine, and I almost poop my pants.
    • Infants with brains barely able to properly poop their pants won't care for a commentary or behind-the-scenes featurettes.
    • Fruit-eating bats play an important role in forest ecology, taking in seeds and pooping them all over the forest after digesting the fruit.
    • I cannot quite believe his age; how recently it seems that he alternated sleeping in the crook of my arm with pooping his weight indoors.
    • One friend talked about infrasound, a weapon developed in France that shoots very low frequencies creating nausea, disorientation, vomiting and even pooping your pants.
    • This way if you are going to get hit, at least you won't have to see it coming and poop your pants.
    • A blessed bird-lover from elsewhere in Canada who adores feeding stray pets, pigeons, and pooping seagulls (also known in impolite circles as the ‘trash cans of the cosmos’).
    • Genetically modified dogs must be the way forward - to poop less, and more like rabbits in consistency.
    • No… Don't let your child pee or poop every where and make your life miserable.
    • By the time we leave the restaurant I have consumed so much garlic that I have basically ensured that my baby will be pooping garlic for the first 13 years of her life.


Early 18th century: imitative.


North American informal
  • Up-to-date or inside information.

    what's the latest poop from campaign headquarters?
    Example sentencesExamples
    • It gives the inside poop on the social scene at colleges from coast to coast.
    • What a relief to discover that my industrious good friend David Brown is hot on the trail of the schnooks who made a pile trading Cinram stock off the inside poop.
    • The media should trust the judgment of its customers to give it the straight poop from the mouth of the sewer, so to speak.
    • My own personal poop situation falls into the category of ‘too much information for my gentle blog-reading audience.’
    scandal, gossip, talk, revelations, rumour, rumours, tittle-tattle, tattle


1940s: of unknown origin.


North American informal
  • A stupid or ineffectual person.

    he was making fun of an old poop
    idiot, ass, halfwit, nincompoop, blockhead, buffoon, dunce, dolt, ignoramus, cretin, imbecile, dullard, moron, simpleton, clod


Early 20th century: perhaps a shortening of nincompoop.





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