

单词 solid

Definition of solid in English:


adjectivesolidest, solider ˈsɒlɪdˈsɑləd
  • 1Firm and stable in shape; not liquid or fluid.

    the stream was frozen solid
    solid fuels
    Example sentencesExamples
    • Particulate air pollution is a mixture of solid particles and liquid droplets that vary in size, composition, and origin.
    • A liquid crystal is a substance that apparently falls between the solid and liquid states.
    • The firm began with Mr Wilson selling small amounts of coal, and is now the oldest solid fuel firm in the area, with a very loyal customer base.
    • The solid paraffin melts, changing into a thick molasses-like liquid.
    • The solid electrolyte is environmentally safer than the liquids used in other batteries.
    • Currently, most rockets use a solid or liquid propellant that relies on a chemical reaction between fuel and oxidizer for thrust.
    • Hydrocarbons range from natural gas, through light and heavy liquids to solid tars and bitumen.
    • Time for a nice warming brew then - well, perhaps not - first of all everything liquid was frozen solid, and that even included the cooking oil.
    • You've learned that the Universe is a solid structure and so you've resigned to it, but the Universe is not exactly solid, it is fluid.
    • This process would produce a substance that remained liquid when hot and solid when cooled.
    • The triple point of water is the temperature at which gas, liquid and solid phases are in equilibrium - just above freezing.
    • As a result, the calcium carbonate comes out of solution and is left behind as a tiny bit of solid calcium carbonate.
    • When heated this produces methane gas and a solid residue of sodium carbonate.
    • Most launch vehicles use liquid propellants, but some use motors with solid fuels.
    • The simile is appropriate; glass is a super-cooled liquid - solid, yet molecularly amorphous.
    • Because solid propellant is so stable in storage, the missile can be stored almost indefinitely and yet be ready to launch on short notice.
    • SpaceShipOne uses a hybrid rocket engine that uses both liquid and solid propellant to propel it into space.
    • They were both found to have died from carbon monoxide poisoning from their solid fuel boiler.
    • A third type, called a hybrid, combines a solid fuel with a liquid oxidizer.
    • The tar consists of solid particles and vapors that condense to liquid as they contact the cooler filter.
    hard, rock-hard, rigid, firm, solidified, set, frozen, jellied, congealed, concrete
    1. 1.1 Strongly built or made of strong materials; not flimsy or slender.
      a solid door with good, secure locks
      Example sentencesExamples
      • He was a very impressive figure, muscular and solid.
      • The material wedged into a solid cradle at its base, ballast to prevent its tipping, must have been shattered by the force of its fall.
      • The walls, of course, are built of solid material.
      • The little hut was ugly, but it made a strong, solid dwelling.
      • Cross-country fences are traditionally made out of solid materials such as tree trunks, and do not collapse like show jumps when struck.
      • I felt compelled to buy a very solid, very heavy rounders bat after I saw it.
      • The leather steering wheel is bigger than the average, the door handles strong and solid and the pedals sporty.
      • Stacking large slabs on one another against a spine of uprights within a revetment wall seems a very effective way to create an illusion of a well built and solid cairn.
      • I'm nearly six feet of solid girl with large hips and long legs!
      • The fins themselves had to change from a fan of slender fin-rays to more solid load-bearing digits.
      • And I feel really solid and strong and I have a lot of joy in my life.
      • Imagine that you are surrounded by an outer shell that is made of a solid material - so strong that nothing can get through to hurt you.
      • They made handguns to a high standard and of a strong, solid frame design.
      • A really solid, sculptural dining table may work well as a stand-alone piece.
      • Her voice was solid and strong, but her eyes were spilling tears.
      • It's possible that she could compete at 18 as a solid six footer.
      • Stand-ins for the Paramount movie logo, they represent, like the original, an idealised America: solid, strong, historic.
      • At 39, he is six foot plus of solid framework, with a short, brush-spiked crew-cut and a welcoming smile.
      • The Porter on duty was a big, solid chap with a strong, creased face.
      • You cannot build a skyscraper without a solid foundation, strong steel and good building materials.
      well built, well constructed, sound, substantial, strong, sturdy, stout, durable, stable
  • 2Having three dimensions.

    a solid figure with six plane faces
    Example sentencesExamples
    • Theodosius defines a sphere to be a solid figure with the property that any point on its surface is at a constant distance from a fixed point (the centre of the sphere).
    • Yes there is, for Piero illustrates the text with diagrams of solid figures drawn in perspective.
    • He also gives rules for measuring both plane and solid figures, often using arches as examples.
    • This is the first solid figure, the three-dimensional form of the triangle.
    • Take a solid object, such as a cube which has width, length, and height.
    1. 2.1attributive Concerned with objects having three dimensions.
      solid geometry
      Example sentencesExamples
      • In the Republic, Plato is critical of the solid geometry of his day, but his criticism makes no mention of the use of instruments.
      • References to Euclid's work on solid geometry clearly no longer looked intimidating.
      • We are not yet collectively convinced that the need is compelling, despite the wide applicability of fluid and solid mechanics.
      • He goes on to consider solid geometry giving results on prisms, cylinders, and spheres.
      • The first students of conic sections, and possibly Theaetetus, the creator of solid geometry, were members of the Academy.
  • 3Not hollow or containing spaces or gaps.

    a sculpture made out of solid rock
    a solid mass of flowers
    the shops were packed solid
    Example sentencesExamples
    • Right now, in a factory in the Far East, a 6ft-high solid bronze sculpture of an animal is being made for the garden.
    • A solid mass of white water surged around great pinnacles of rock, over a hundred feet below me.
    • Two virtually solid granite walls face the campus, while two walls of glass open up to views of the woods beyond.
    • I think of it as arising from pain fibers that are not mucosal but deeper in hollow organs or in solid masses.
    • The opening shower didn't feel like rain, it was more like a solid mass of water that fell, hit the roofs and the streets and rebounded into a spray that hung around our ankles.
    • There, he fitted the tied brushes in the bamboo poles and changed hollow brushes into solid brushes.
    • In the process of being buried under other sediments, these ooids can fuse into a solid mass of sedimentary rock called oolite.
    • Opening up whole, free standing buildings out of solid rock is no mean achievement and these churches amply illustrate that man can indeed move mountains.
    • That means there is about one inch of dirt before you hit solid rock.
    • The computational domain is limited to a quadrant of the solid rock mass including the shaft bottom.
    • While small sculptures may be solid, most casts are hollow shells.
    • We think that rocks and crystals are solid when in fact they were made up mostly of spaces in between atoms, he argued.
    • The bright and dark patterns on Titan's surface may be regions of solid ice and of liquid hydrocarbons.
    • Most magic tricks are done with specially made gadgets that are deceptively hollow but which look solid.
    • The theater is a cavernous space, seemingly carved from a solid mass of desert rock, like Petra, in Jordan.
    • The road from the railway war memorial to Lendal Bridge was a solid mass of people who surged after the limousine towards the city centre.
    • Apart from being very difficult to cast a solid bronze figure without distortion, the weight would be a major problem.
    • However, it is generally recognized that this assumption is applicable to virtually no solid tumor growing in vivo.
    • It would be better if it were backed with a sturdy door of solid American oak that could be slammed shut and dead-bolted when necessary.
    • This sculpture is not a solid block of concrete.
    1. 3.1 Consisting of the same substance throughout.
      solid silver cutlery
      Example sentencesExamples
      • In this study by IARC, other known carcinogenic substances in solid wood were not identified.
      • All four penthouses have solid beech floors throughout and the other three are extremely bright and have large bay windows.
      • The apartment itself has solid oak flooring throughout and the inner hall features built-in floor to ceiling fitted wardrobes.
      • Candlesticks are adorned with feathers or solid silver wire.
      • The house measures 167 square metres and has solid timber flooring throughout, a maple kitchen and an ADSL line in the study.
      • He came by the solid silver foot-high treasure after it was taken from the ruins of Goering's country home at the end of Second World War by a British soldier.
      • Furniture is constructed of solid wood and natural materials.
      • It is a beautiful solid silver trophy, befitting the memory of a great but modest man.
      • There had been plans to produce a replica in solid silver for Prince John, but he died before it was made.
      • The elevated front door opens into a roomy hall decorated in pale aqua and floored in the solid maple that features throughout the living quarters.
      • Within Islam, Muhammad is never pictured; therefore, Demi depicts him as a profile figure of solid gold.
      • The insects hitch rides across oceans in wooden crates and other solid wood materials used in shipping, he explains.
      • Hopes of completing the nation's first memorial to the ill-fated HMAS Sydney could rest on the wings of a solid silver seagull.
      • This certainly chimes better with the Queen's own view of the world, in which even the corgis eat out of solid silver bowls.
      • The cup, made from solid silver, has been kindly donated to Cumbria Sport, the organisers of the Games, by the Cumbria Playing Fields Association.
      • Mary travels with a lifesize statue of Padre Pio which was carved from a solid piece of Samoan mahogany by Californian sculptor Tom Benson.
      • I asked her to imagine beginning with a bridge of solid steel, strong enough so that it wouldn't buckle and collapse as cars drove over it.
      • They are fitted out with solid wood floors throughout and marble tiling in the bathrooms and shower rooms.
      • On display was a solid silver bitter dish which was presented to the show society over 100 years ago as the perpetual cup for the best dairy cow of any breed or class.
      • Not surprisingly, the Hunter 1250 features solid steel construction throughout.
      pure, 24-carat, unalloyed, unmixed, unadulterated, genuine, complete
    2. 3.2 (of typesetting) without extra space between the lines of characters.
      Example sentencesExamples
      • Text set solid (no leading) appears cramped, with ascenders almost touching descenders from the previous line.
    3. 3.3 (of a line or surface) without spaces; unbroken.
      the solid outline encloses the area within which we measured
      Example sentencesExamples
      • Directly dated geological boundaries are shown with solid line and grey circle.
      • The red solid line is the driving that will be done.
      • The solid line represents cumulative fruit size and the dotted line the pressure applied to the roots.
      • Treatments are control (filled diamonds, solid line) and lime (filled squares, dotted line).
      • Thin solid lines enclose a region in which 95% of the simulated data points are expected to lie.
      • Type A is drawn with a solid line and Type B is represented by the dotted line.
      • The solid line depicts the normal least squares regression line.
      • The solid line, the dotted line, and the dashed line represent the cases of, and, respectively.
      • The thin solid line represents the main culm; all other line styles for each tiller origin are as shown in Fig.1.
      • The solid lines indicate a relationship of instantiation; the broken line indicates the similarity between the instances.
      • Again, solid lines are for mutators and dashed lines for nonmutators.
      • In the map of Sc-like genes, the solid line represents cloned sequences; the dashed line shows an uncloned region.
      • The mean GUS activity value for each construct is represented by a solid line and the standard error by two dashed lines.
      • A hypothetical rectangular habitat is outlined by a thick solid line.
      • Inverted repeats are marked with a solid line arrow and stemloops are marked with a dashed line arrow.
      • Model output is represented by solid lines, gene expression data by dashed lines.
      • The average values for the whole family are indicated with a solid line for identity and dashed line for similarity.
      • The solid line represents feeding group 1, while the dashed line represents feeding group 2.
      • The solid lines correspond to soft selection, while the dashed lines plot hard selection.
      • The near side lane going down has only a dashed and solid line, which means overtaking is perfectly legal where safe to do so.
    4. 3.4 (of time) uninterrupted; continuous.
      postpositive it poured for two hours solid
      Example sentencesExamples
      • Anyway, he watched his new vicious pet and this pathetic looking streak of yellow fins for three days solid.
      • I have been at sea for more than 30 years and on my very first trip I was sick for three days solid.
      • ‘I'd been there for three days solid, just waiting for things to fall into place ’, he says.
      • I'd been among their ranks for a solid six hours by the time we got to question period, and honestly, by this point all I could think about was getting the hell out of there.
      • Give it a solid three days of good nutrition and see if it makes a difference.
      • No reason at all, unless it was the fact that I had a solid 8 hours of uninterrupted sleep!
      • Give yourself about six solid months of training to prepare for your first ultra.
      • It's three days solid with only petrol stations along the way.
      • She never said a word about the book and when I read it I cried for three days solid.
      • This weekend the Cinémathèque québécoise will be presenting a veritable orgy of animation for three days solid.
      • I did play it solid for the three-day rental, but I never felt I absolutely had to finish it.
      continuous, uninterrupted, unbroken, non-stop, unremitting, incessant, constant, consecutive, undivided
    5. 3.5 Unanimous or undivided.
      they received solid support from their teammates
      Example sentencesExamples
      • One fact, at least, shows that a change in the law has less solid support than suicide self-help groups might like to think they have.
      • Wellstone's negatives are already high, and political ads aren't likely to dent his solid base of support.
      • So far, the South Koreans seem solid in their support for the war against Islamofascist terror.
      • It also enjoys solid support from gays and Hispanics, the nation's fastest-growing minority.
      • He has had solid and growing support from his constituents through four elections.
      • Despite his offences against strict conservative doctrine, Lucas retains a solid core of support among the Christian right.
      • And I believe there's solid support to enable the President to proceed along these grounds.
      • Others are also critical of the ban on groups like the Brotherhood - which have solid grassroots support that could be used in elections.
      • Each of the candidates has a solid core group of support.
      • He knew he needed solid media support to push his reforms.
      • So far, most polling (no matter how it is spun by the financial press) shows that support for ratifying is solid.
      • Demonstrators united in a solid show of support for a university professor at the centre of a sacking row.
      • The union said it expected solid support for the latest walkouts against SWT in a long-running dispute over pay and disciplinary procedures.
      • The controversial talks with Springfield Residents, first revealed on Thursday, are said to have the solid support of the Grand Orange Lodge of Belfast.
      • He pledged solid US support on a tour to inspect the Asian tsunami damage.
      • All three mainline parties can count on solid bedrock support of some minimum percentage of the electorate.
      • The 2nd is a fairly solid Republican district.
      • Recall that Latham was elected leader of the Labor Party in December 2003 by just one vote, with the solid support of the Left faction.
      • This one-time Democratic bill about reforming the accounting industry now has very, very solid support in the Senate.
      • To achieve all this, we need the solid support of our public.
      unanimous, united, uniform, consistent, undivided
      of one mind, of the same mind, in unison
      rare consentient
  • 4Dependable; reliable.

    the defence is solid
    there is solid evidence of lower inflation
    Example sentencesExamples
    • They paint the approach as a disarming subterfuge designed to undermine solid evidence that all living things share a common ancestry.
    • His custodial skills also include a reliable three-point shot, solid defense, and unending hustle.
    • A man who has spent over 20 years of his football career at just two clubs is sure to be reliable, solid and trustworthy.
    • It's built up, as I said, over two or three decades of strong, solid research so if it is the flavour of the day, then there's good reason for it.
    • All were based on solid research into primary materials.
    • Well, the caller made a really good point about how strong, how solid was the DNA.
    • The Nissan Cefiros have had a good reputation all over the world as good, solid, reliable and dependable transport.
    • The result is increased reliance on concept stories that don't require solid material like sources and new developments.
    • Portlaoise were the better team overall with a solid defence, a strong midfield and an attack that could create and take the scoring chances.
    • Camp communities are powerful tools in youth development and solid bridges to building strong communities both in and out of camp.
    • Aquarius, you only want what every other human being wants: a life that's solid, dependable, and fun.
    • I need solid evidence and can't allow my official power to be decided by the media.
    • The real man was solid, dependable, loyal, uncomplaining, quick to act and slow to forgive.
    • Overall, the bench is solid, but not strong enough to lift New Orleans to a division title.
    • The culture of the field has always depended far more on intuitive appeal than on solid research evidence.
    • Golborne were kept goalless by a strong midfield and a solid defence.
    • Limerick can be depended on to be solid in defence and more than competitive at midfield.
    • But while such signs of speculation are troubling, there is little solid evidence that a real estate bubble is puffing up.
    • To some he was solid, reliable, well-intentioned and a rugby man to the tips of his bootlaces.
    • The home side got off to much the better start to this J1 game with their solid defence and strong tackling causing problems for the visitors.
    well founded, well grounded, valid, sound, reasonable, logical, weighty, authoritative, convincing, cogent, plausible, credible, reliable
    dependable, reliable, firm, unshakeable, trustworthy, stable, steadfast, unfailing, staunch, constant, unwavering
    sensible, level-headed, dependable, trustworthy, down-to-earth, decent, law-abiding, upright, upstanding, worthy
    financially sound, secure, creditworthy, of good financial standing, in funds, profit-making, able to pay its debts, debt-free, solvent, in credit, not in debt, out of debt, in the black
    Finance ungeared, unlevered
    rare unindebted
    1. 4.1 Sound but without any special qualities or flair.
      the rest of the acting is solid
      Example sentencesExamples
      • Alison Broadley, Debbie Bowman and Edward Cowen are the strongest among a solid cast.
      • The bottom line is that both sets deliver solid sound quality, although the E1C does deliver better detail in the high midrange.
      • He'd be there to share his unparalleled work ethic with the team's newcomers and continue to deliver solid numbers night in, and night out.
      • The Swedish group Harmony of Voices give solid performances throughout.
      • The site itself is graphically less impressive, but the material is solid.
      • It was a solid finish to a strong quarter for much of the credit market.
      • The film had its premiere at the prestigious Sundance Fest in Utah in January, where it played to solid reviews and strong interest from distributors.
      • The day was strongly contested with solid bowling from all the teams.
      • We became more and more desperate for solid teaching and strong fellowship, so we turned to the books on our shelves.
      • Audio/visual quality here is solid, with clean transfer and excellent sound, especially the DTS track.
      • Having a strong brand identity, solid management and positive cash flow mean a lot if your company is to be the market leader.
      • I was beginning to show fatigue, but he continued on at a solid pace.
      • With good material and a solid director, she shines.
      • With strong performances and a solid story, Turn of Faith is worth your time.
      • The combination of solid musicianship and quality vocals made this a band to really take note of.
      • The American economy continues on a solid path of recovery.
      • They buy strong companies with solid management that have fallen out of favor and hold them until their stock prices climb to the true value.
      • Sound quality is solid if unspectacular across the board, though the dialogue is a mite whispery in places.
      • Matthews has undoubtedly produced a record of solid quality, unable to disappoint even the most intoxicated of frat hopping fans.
      • The acting is uniformly solid, with no character emerging as a lead, and technically, the film is top notch.
  • 5solid withUS informal On good terms with.

    he thought he could put himself in solid with you by criticizing her
    Example sentencesExamples
    • And now you're in solid with her because you've got a car.
  • 6Australian informal Severe; unfair.

    they'll be solid on him for that mistake
    Example sentencesExamples
    • After this critique of Trotsky, Lenin really comes down solid on him.
noun ˈsɒlɪdˈsɑləd
  • 1A substance or object that is solid rather than liquid or fluid.

    Example sentencesExamples
    • But then scientists unexpectedly discovered that the only difference between solids and space was the degree to which the same atoms that composed both were packed more or less closely together.
    • It went up forever, but on the bottom there was a ‘bubble’ opening that only solids could pass through.
    • There is a pipe on it designed to deal with overflow but solids are now coming through and flowing into the river, he said…
    • Certainly the theorems which Galileo had proved on the centres of gravity of solids, and left in Rome, were discussed in this correspondence.
    • According to Brownlee, the loose aggregate of particles seen on comets may represent the first generation of solids in the solar system.
    • Thus, the net supply of riverine solids to the deep open oceans is not significantly greater than that from aeolian transport.
    • Typical speeds of sound in solids are 5,000 meters per second, but vary considerably from one solid to another.
    • ‘Architecture is all about light, height, voids, solids and obviously, underpinning it all, a plan that works,’ she said.
    • Tattooing is the method of using a needle or some other sharp object to force suspended colored solids through the epidermis into the dermis.
    • Unless they are removed often, not only will the tank tend to back up the incoming sewage lines, that mat will force other incoming solids into the other side of the tank.
    • In one dock, enough solids accumulated during a single year to advance the low water line 5.4 meters.
    • First, cells are not linear elastic solids: their continuum response varies with strain.
    • Brattain, Ph.D., was an expert in the nature of the atomic structure of solids at their surface level and solid-state physics.
    • Although they are called ‘weak’, they are amazingly strong - they can pass through solids without stopping.
    • All common solids will typically go through one of three types of transformations when heated.
    • In school we learned that primary waves can travel through solids, liquids, and gases.
    • Instead, they simply induce small local fluid transits about the surface of the mass of stored solids.
    • Any leftover solids are collected and composted.
    • Earlier this year, ammonia and suspended solids came straight from the plant into the river.
    • I was reminded of high school physics where we learned that solids conduct sound better than both liquids and gases.
    1. 1.1solids Food that is not liquid.
      she drinks only milk and rarely eats solids
      Example sentencesExamples
      • This problem is exacerbated in the fermentation of white grape varieties where, in an attempt to produce a wine with clean, pronounced varietal character, the must is kept highly protected from air and with a very low level of grape solids.
      • At this point, you can choose to purée none, some or all of the solids, depending on how you like your soup.
      • As it heats scum will be thrown to the surface which should be skimmed off & the milky solids will drop to the bottom.
      • His diet should start with liquids, then soft foods, and then solids.
      • You have to get the leftover solids to ferment and then you have to distill them.
      • When your baby is ready for solids, making baby food is healthier, eco-friendly, and less expensive than the jars.
      • Babies can have food allergies if solids are started too early.
      • My ice creams, like the smoked bacon with pain perdu, are formulaically created to get the right levels of solids in them to stop crystallisation.
      • I learned to chew on my left side, and eat only soft foods such as ice cream, rarely touching true solids, like swirls.
      • Each new development is a milestone to share: the first smile, the first solids - the first night slept through!
      • Remove the mint stems from the soup, and purée part or all of the soup with a hand blender (or by transferring the solids into a food processor) until the desired smoothness is reached.
      • Transfer the solids into the food processor (or only part if you enjoy chunky soup like I do), and whizz into a purée.
      • I was in the hospital drinking out of a straw for almost a month and a half since my insides couldn't handle solids.
      • Strain through a fine mesh sieve lined with cheesecloth, discard solids and set aside, keeping warm.
      • Because I'm no longer ingesting solids, every morning I have to chug a gag-inducing litre of warm salt water to flush out any leftover solids still hanging out in my digestive tract.
      • Evidently excited to still be on solids, they have a traditional English breakfast consisting of tea, canned beans and crumpets flown to their San Francisco hotel every day.
      • There is no added salt or corn syrup solids.
      • One area we're working on at the moment is puréed food for patients who cannot eat solids.
      • Transfer all or part of the solids into a food processor, purée and return to the saucepan.
      • Even after ice cream freezes, there is still some available water free to migrate, due to the level of dissolved solids in the mix.
  • 2Geometry
    A body or geometric figure having three dimensions.

    Example sentencesExamples
    • In several smaller wall pieces from 1990, bent cardboard planes are connected by segments of translucent plastic to create lozenge-shaped geometric solids.
    • In particular he identified the five elements, fire, earth, air, water and celestial matter with the five regular solids, the tetrahedron, cube, octahedron, icosahedron and the dodecahedron.
    • Volumes of solids such as prisms, pyramids, tetrahedrons, wedges, cylinders and truncated cones are calculated.
    • He abandoned his cherished idea of a universe based on geometric solids when it was obvious that it simply did not fit the evidence.
    • As space is three-dimensional, he went on to experiment with three-dimensional geometric solids.


  • do someone a solid

    • informal Do something for someone as an act of kindness; do someone a favour.

      they're a business, not a family friend or a buddy who will do you a solid for being a good customer
      Example sentencesExamples
      • And we ask you to do us a solid - please support vegan businesses as often as you can.
      • So my old friend April wanted to do a solid for the troops and she and her 3 rd grade class put together a care package and holiday cards from the kids for my team.
      • Hey, can you do me a solid and find out if they're still talking to me?
      • C'mon. Just do me a solid. Girl, you know I would do it for you.
      • The guy who went in with the hidden camera did us all a solid.
      • I felt I let her down, so I wanted to do her a solid.
      • You did us a solid, bro. Come by after work. Have a meal.
      • She was trying to do me a solid and help me get a better seat.
      • If the prospect of watching this is at all appealing, do yourself a solid and snag the Blu-ray.
      • The guy did Scorsese a solid and now he is being touted by the CEO of Publicity as a big supporter of the movie.
  • the solid South

    • historical The politically united southern states of America, traditionally regarded as giving unwavering electoral support to the Democratic Party.


  • solidness

  • noun
    • You have a sense of solidness and, at the same time, a sense of being.
      Example sentencesExamples
      • But he read enough garbage to sink his reputation for probity and solidness.
      • There was a solidness and strength about him that made you feel he could go on forever.
      • Rockwell Kent frequently used the pictorial idea of a light source (the sun) shining from one side to help emphasize the solidness of buildings, mountains and even, trees.
      • He shows an expressive solidness, which may be improved with more practice.


Late Middle English: from Latin solidus; related to salvus 'safe' and sollus 'entire'.


squalid, stolid

Definition of solid in US English:


  • 1Firm and stable in shape; not liquid or fluid.

    the stream was frozen solid
    solid fuels
    Example sentencesExamples
    • Time for a nice warming brew then - well, perhaps not - first of all everything liquid was frozen solid, and that even included the cooking oil.
    • The solid electrolyte is environmentally safer than the liquids used in other batteries.
    • This process would produce a substance that remained liquid when hot and solid when cooled.
    • You've learned that the Universe is a solid structure and so you've resigned to it, but the Universe is not exactly solid, it is fluid.
    • A liquid crystal is a substance that apparently falls between the solid and liquid states.
    • Particulate air pollution is a mixture of solid particles and liquid droplets that vary in size, composition, and origin.
    • The tar consists of solid particles and vapors that condense to liquid as they contact the cooler filter.
    • The simile is appropriate; glass is a super-cooled liquid - solid, yet molecularly amorphous.
    • When heated this produces methane gas and a solid residue of sodium carbonate.
    • A third type, called a hybrid, combines a solid fuel with a liquid oxidizer.
    • The firm began with Mr Wilson selling small amounts of coal, and is now the oldest solid fuel firm in the area, with a very loyal customer base.
    • They were both found to have died from carbon monoxide poisoning from their solid fuel boiler.
    • SpaceShipOne uses a hybrid rocket engine that uses both liquid and solid propellant to propel it into space.
    • Most launch vehicles use liquid propellants, but some use motors with solid fuels.
    • The triple point of water is the temperature at which gas, liquid and solid phases are in equilibrium - just above freezing.
    • Because solid propellant is so stable in storage, the missile can be stored almost indefinitely and yet be ready to launch on short notice.
    • Currently, most rockets use a solid or liquid propellant that relies on a chemical reaction between fuel and oxidizer for thrust.
    • The solid paraffin melts, changing into a thick molasses-like liquid.
    • Hydrocarbons range from natural gas, through light and heavy liquids to solid tars and bitumen.
    • As a result, the calcium carbonate comes out of solution and is left behind as a tiny bit of solid calcium carbonate.
    hard, rock-hard, rigid, firm, solidified, set, frozen, jellied, congealed, concrete
    1. 1.1 Strongly built or made of strong materials; not flimsy or slender.
      a solid door with good, secure locks
      Example sentencesExamples
      • Her voice was solid and strong, but her eyes were spilling tears.
      • A really solid, sculptural dining table may work well as a stand-alone piece.
      • He was a very impressive figure, muscular and solid.
      • I'm nearly six feet of solid girl with large hips and long legs!
      • It's possible that she could compete at 18 as a solid six footer.
      • They made handguns to a high standard and of a strong, solid frame design.
      • Cross-country fences are traditionally made out of solid materials such as tree trunks, and do not collapse like show jumps when struck.
      • The little hut was ugly, but it made a strong, solid dwelling.
      • I felt compelled to buy a very solid, very heavy rounders bat after I saw it.
      • The leather steering wheel is bigger than the average, the door handles strong and solid and the pedals sporty.
      • Stacking large slabs on one another against a spine of uprights within a revetment wall seems a very effective way to create an illusion of a well built and solid cairn.
      • The material wedged into a solid cradle at its base, ballast to prevent its tipping, must have been shattered by the force of its fall.
      • The Porter on duty was a big, solid chap with a strong, creased face.
      • At 39, he is six foot plus of solid framework, with a short, brush-spiked crew-cut and a welcoming smile.
      • Stand-ins for the Paramount movie logo, they represent, like the original, an idealised America: solid, strong, historic.
      • You cannot build a skyscraper without a solid foundation, strong steel and good building materials.
      • The walls, of course, are built of solid material.
      • The fins themselves had to change from a fan of slender fin-rays to more solid load-bearing digits.
      • And I feel really solid and strong and I have a lot of joy in my life.
      • Imagine that you are surrounded by an outer shell that is made of a solid material - so strong that nothing can get through to hurt you.
      well built, well constructed, sound, substantial, strong, sturdy, stout, durable, stable
  • 2Having three dimensions.

    a solid figure with six plane faces
    Example sentencesExamples
    • This is the first solid figure, the three-dimensional form of the triangle.
    • Yes there is, for Piero illustrates the text with diagrams of solid figures drawn in perspective.
    • He also gives rules for measuring both plane and solid figures, often using arches as examples.
    • Theodosius defines a sphere to be a solid figure with the property that any point on its surface is at a constant distance from a fixed point (the centre of the sphere).
    • Take a solid object, such as a cube which has width, length, and height.
    1. 2.1attributive Concerned with objects having three dimensions.
      solid geometry
      Example sentencesExamples
      • References to Euclid's work on solid geometry clearly no longer looked intimidating.
      • He goes on to consider solid geometry giving results on prisms, cylinders, and spheres.
      • The first students of conic sections, and possibly Theaetetus, the creator of solid geometry, were members of the Academy.
      • We are not yet collectively convinced that the need is compelling, despite the wide applicability of fluid and solid mechanics.
      • In the Republic, Plato is critical of the solid geometry of his day, but his criticism makes no mention of the use of instruments.
  • 3Not hollow or containing spaces or gaps.

    a sculpture made out of solid rock
    a solid mass of flowers
    the stores were packed solid
    Example sentencesExamples
    • The bright and dark patterns on Titan's surface may be regions of solid ice and of liquid hydrocarbons.
    • The road from the railway war memorial to Lendal Bridge was a solid mass of people who surged after the limousine towards the city centre.
    • The opening shower didn't feel like rain, it was more like a solid mass of water that fell, hit the roofs and the streets and rebounded into a spray that hung around our ankles.
    • Most magic tricks are done with specially made gadgets that are deceptively hollow but which look solid.
    • In the process of being buried under other sediments, these ooids can fuse into a solid mass of sedimentary rock called oolite.
    • It would be better if it were backed with a sturdy door of solid American oak that could be slammed shut and dead-bolted when necessary.
    • Two virtually solid granite walls face the campus, while two walls of glass open up to views of the woods beyond.
    • There, he fitted the tied brushes in the bamboo poles and changed hollow brushes into solid brushes.
    • While small sculptures may be solid, most casts are hollow shells.
    • Apart from being very difficult to cast a solid bronze figure without distortion, the weight would be a major problem.
    • The computational domain is limited to a quadrant of the solid rock mass including the shaft bottom.
    • However, it is generally recognized that this assumption is applicable to virtually no solid tumor growing in vivo.
    • We think that rocks and crystals are solid when in fact they were made up mostly of spaces in between atoms, he argued.
    • That means there is about one inch of dirt before you hit solid rock.
    • A solid mass of white water surged around great pinnacles of rock, over a hundred feet below me.
    • Right now, in a factory in the Far East, a 6ft-high solid bronze sculpture of an animal is being made for the garden.
    • Opening up whole, free standing buildings out of solid rock is no mean achievement and these churches amply illustrate that man can indeed move mountains.
    • The theater is a cavernous space, seemingly carved from a solid mass of desert rock, like Petra, in Jordan.
    • This sculpture is not a solid block of concrete.
    • I think of it as arising from pain fibers that are not mucosal but deeper in hollow organs or in solid masses.
    1. 3.1 Consisting of the same substance throughout.
      solid silver cutlery
      Example sentencesExamples
      • Not surprisingly, the Hunter 1250 features solid steel construction throughout.
      • Mary travels with a lifesize statue of Padre Pio which was carved from a solid piece of Samoan mahogany by Californian sculptor Tom Benson.
      • In this study by IARC, other known carcinogenic substances in solid wood were not identified.
      • Hopes of completing the nation's first memorial to the ill-fated HMAS Sydney could rest on the wings of a solid silver seagull.
      • It is a beautiful solid silver trophy, befitting the memory of a great but modest man.
      • Within Islam, Muhammad is never pictured; therefore, Demi depicts him as a profile figure of solid gold.
      • The house measures 167 square metres and has solid timber flooring throughout, a maple kitchen and an ADSL line in the study.
      • He came by the solid silver foot-high treasure after it was taken from the ruins of Goering's country home at the end of Second World War by a British soldier.
      • There had been plans to produce a replica in solid silver for Prince John, but he died before it was made.
      • The cup, made from solid silver, has been kindly donated to Cumbria Sport, the organisers of the Games, by the Cumbria Playing Fields Association.
      • I asked her to imagine beginning with a bridge of solid steel, strong enough so that it wouldn't buckle and collapse as cars drove over it.
      • Candlesticks are adorned with feathers or solid silver wire.
      • All four penthouses have solid beech floors throughout and the other three are extremely bright and have large bay windows.
      • On display was a solid silver bitter dish which was presented to the show society over 100 years ago as the perpetual cup for the best dairy cow of any breed or class.
      • They are fitted out with solid wood floors throughout and marble tiling in the bathrooms and shower rooms.
      • This certainly chimes better with the Queen's own view of the world, in which even the corgis eat out of solid silver bowls.
      • The elevated front door opens into a roomy hall decorated in pale aqua and floored in the solid maple that features throughout the living quarters.
      • The insects hitch rides across oceans in wooden crates and other solid wood materials used in shipping, he explains.
      • Furniture is constructed of solid wood and natural materials.
      • The apartment itself has solid oak flooring throughout and the inner hall features built-in floor to ceiling fitted wardrobes.
      pure, 24-carat, unalloyed, unmixed, unadulterated, genuine, complete
    2. 3.2 (of typesetting) without extra space between the lines of characters.
      Example sentencesExamples
      • Text set solid (no leading) appears cramped, with ascenders almost touching descenders from the previous line.
    3. 3.3 (of a line or surface) without spaces; unbroken.
      the solid outline encloses the area within which we measured
      Example sentencesExamples
      • A hypothetical rectangular habitat is outlined by a thick solid line.
      • The average values for the whole family are indicated with a solid line for identity and dashed line for similarity.
      • The solid line represents feeding group 1, while the dashed line represents feeding group 2.
      • The near side lane going down has only a dashed and solid line, which means overtaking is perfectly legal where safe to do so.
      • Thin solid lines enclose a region in which 95% of the simulated data points are expected to lie.
      • Model output is represented by solid lines, gene expression data by dashed lines.
      • Directly dated geological boundaries are shown with solid line and grey circle.
      • The solid line depicts the normal least squares regression line.
      • In the map of Sc-like genes, the solid line represents cloned sequences; the dashed line shows an uncloned region.
      • Treatments are control (filled diamonds, solid line) and lime (filled squares, dotted line).
      • The solid lines indicate a relationship of instantiation; the broken line indicates the similarity between the instances.
      • Inverted repeats are marked with a solid line arrow and stemloops are marked with a dashed line arrow.
      • The red solid line is the driving that will be done.
      • The thin solid line represents the main culm; all other line styles for each tiller origin are as shown in Fig.1.
      • The mean GUS activity value for each construct is represented by a solid line and the standard error by two dashed lines.
      • The solid line, the dotted line, and the dashed line represent the cases of, and, respectively.
      • Again, solid lines are for mutators and dashed lines for nonmutators.
      • The solid line represents cumulative fruit size and the dotted line the pressure applied to the roots.
      • The solid lines correspond to soft selection, while the dashed lines plot hard selection.
      • Type A is drawn with a solid line and Type B is represented by the dotted line.
    4. 3.4 (of time) uninterrupted; continuous.
      postpositive it poured for two hours solid
      a solid day of meetings
      Example sentencesExamples
      • ‘I'd been there for three days solid, just waiting for things to fall into place ’, he says.
      • Anyway, he watched his new vicious pet and this pathetic looking streak of yellow fins for three days solid.
      • It's three days solid with only petrol stations along the way.
      • Give yourself about six solid months of training to prepare for your first ultra.
      • She never said a word about the book and when I read it I cried for three days solid.
      • I have been at sea for more than 30 years and on my very first trip I was sick for three days solid.
      • I'd been among their ranks for a solid six hours by the time we got to question period, and honestly, by this point all I could think about was getting the hell out of there.
      • I did play it solid for the three-day rental, but I never felt I absolutely had to finish it.
      • Give it a solid three days of good nutrition and see if it makes a difference.
      • No reason at all, unless it was the fact that I had a solid 8 hours of uninterrupted sleep!
      • This weekend the Cinémathèque québécoise will be presenting a veritable orgy of animation for three days solid.
      continuous, uninterrupted, unbroken, non-stop, unremitting, incessant, constant, consecutive, undivided
    5. 3.5 Unanimous or undivided.
      they received solid support from their teammates
      Example sentencesExamples
      • To achieve all this, we need the solid support of our public.
      • One fact, at least, shows that a change in the law has less solid support than suicide self-help groups might like to think they have.
      • The 2nd is a fairly solid Republican district.
      • The controversial talks with Springfield Residents, first revealed on Thursday, are said to have the solid support of the Grand Orange Lodge of Belfast.
      • So far, most polling (no matter how it is spun by the financial press) shows that support for ratifying is solid.
      • All three mainline parties can count on solid bedrock support of some minimum percentage of the electorate.
      • Wellstone's negatives are already high, and political ads aren't likely to dent his solid base of support.
      • Each of the candidates has a solid core group of support.
      • Recall that Latham was elected leader of the Labor Party in December 2003 by just one vote, with the solid support of the Left faction.
      • And I believe there's solid support to enable the President to proceed along these grounds.
      • He has had solid and growing support from his constituents through four elections.
      • This one-time Democratic bill about reforming the accounting industry now has very, very solid support in the Senate.
      • He pledged solid US support on a tour to inspect the Asian tsunami damage.
      • The union said it expected solid support for the latest walkouts against SWT in a long-running dispute over pay and disciplinary procedures.
      • Despite his offences against strict conservative doctrine, Lucas retains a solid core of support among the Christian right.
      • He knew he needed solid media support to push his reforms.
      • It also enjoys solid support from gays and Hispanics, the nation's fastest-growing minority.
      • So far, the South Koreans seem solid in their support for the war against Islamofascist terror.
      • Demonstrators united in a solid show of support for a university professor at the centre of a sacking row.
      • Others are also critical of the ban on groups like the Brotherhood - which have solid grassroots support that could be used in elections.
      unanimous, united, uniform, consistent, undivided
  • 4Dependable; reliable.

    the defense is solid
    there is solid evidence of lower inflation
    Example sentencesExamples
    • The Nissan Cefiros have had a good reputation all over the world as good, solid, reliable and dependable transport.
    • It's built up, as I said, over two or three decades of strong, solid research so if it is the flavour of the day, then there's good reason for it.
    • Camp communities are powerful tools in youth development and solid bridges to building strong communities both in and out of camp.
    • The home side got off to much the better start to this J1 game with their solid defence and strong tackling causing problems for the visitors.
    • Well, the caller made a really good point about how strong, how solid was the DNA.
    • To some he was solid, reliable, well-intentioned and a rugby man to the tips of his bootlaces.
    • Portlaoise were the better team overall with a solid defence, a strong midfield and an attack that could create and take the scoring chances.
    • His custodial skills also include a reliable three-point shot, solid defense, and unending hustle.
    • Overall, the bench is solid, but not strong enough to lift New Orleans to a division title.
    • All were based on solid research into primary materials.
    • The result is increased reliance on concept stories that don't require solid material like sources and new developments.
    • Aquarius, you only want what every other human being wants: a life that's solid, dependable, and fun.
    • A man who has spent over 20 years of his football career at just two clubs is sure to be reliable, solid and trustworthy.
    • They paint the approach as a disarming subterfuge designed to undermine solid evidence that all living things share a common ancestry.
    • Golborne were kept goalless by a strong midfield and a solid defence.
    • I need solid evidence and can't allow my official power to be decided by the media.
    • But while such signs of speculation are troubling, there is little solid evidence that a real estate bubble is puffing up.
    • The culture of the field has always depended far more on intuitive appeal than on solid research evidence.
    • The real man was solid, dependable, loyal, uncomplaining, quick to act and slow to forgive.
    • Limerick can be depended on to be solid in defence and more than competitive at midfield.
    well founded, well grounded, valid, sound, reasonable, logical, weighty, authoritative, convincing, cogent, plausible, credible, reliable
    dependable, reliable, firm, unshakeable, trustworthy, stable, steadfast, unfailing, staunch, constant, unwavering
    sensible, level-headed, dependable, trustworthy, down-to-earth, decent, law-abiding, upright, upstanding, worthy
    financially sound, secure, creditworthy, of good financial standing, in funds, profit-making, able to pay its debts, debt-free, solvent, in credit, not in debt, out of debt, in the black
    1. 4.1 Sound but without any special qualities or flair.
      the rest of the acting is solid
      Example sentencesExamples
      • With strong performances and a solid story, Turn of Faith is worth your time.
      • The combination of solid musicianship and quality vocals made this a band to really take note of.
      • Sound quality is solid if unspectacular across the board, though the dialogue is a mite whispery in places.
      • Having a strong brand identity, solid management and positive cash flow mean a lot if your company is to be the market leader.
      • The day was strongly contested with solid bowling from all the teams.
      • I was beginning to show fatigue, but he continued on at a solid pace.
      • With good material and a solid director, she shines.
      • Matthews has undoubtedly produced a record of solid quality, unable to disappoint even the most intoxicated of frat hopping fans.
      • The film had its premiere at the prestigious Sundance Fest in Utah in January, where it played to solid reviews and strong interest from distributors.
      • He'd be there to share his unparalleled work ethic with the team's newcomers and continue to deliver solid numbers night in, and night out.
      • It was a solid finish to a strong quarter for much of the credit market.
      • The American economy continues on a solid path of recovery.
      • Alison Broadley, Debbie Bowman and Edward Cowen are the strongest among a solid cast.
      • The Swedish group Harmony of Voices give solid performances throughout.
      • The site itself is graphically less impressive, but the material is solid.
      • The acting is uniformly solid, with no character emerging as a lead, and technically, the film is top notch.
      • We became more and more desperate for solid teaching and strong fellowship, so we turned to the books on our shelves.
      • The bottom line is that both sets deliver solid sound quality, although the E1C does deliver better detail in the high midrange.
      • Audio/visual quality here is solid, with clean transfer and excellent sound, especially the DTS track.
      • They buy strong companies with solid management that have fallen out of favor and hold them until their stock prices climb to the true value.
    2. 4.2US Financially sound.
      the company is very solid and will come through the current recession
      Example sentencesExamples
      • It is the largest life insurance company in South Africa and financially solid.
      • These boast solid credit quality but are yielding as much as two percentage points more than comparable Treasuries.
      • You want to look for strong, solid companies, not market timing.
      • Despite all the new ideas, opportunities and routes to market, the one vital piece of the plan is a financially solid business model.
      • EDS is a financially solid company with an excellent future.
      • The new constituency is financially solid.
      • Companies with solid business plans continue to get financial backing.
      • As far as the conference is concerned, it was a solid investment.
      • The fund is solid through the year 2041, without any changes whatsoever.
      • To go forward, a solid financial base and clear vision are needed: a new board?
      • It may be undercapitalized and, disturbingly, not as financially solid as it appears.
      • Before you plunge in, you should be convinced that the line of business is solid.
  • 5solid withUS informal predicative On good terms with.

    he thought he could put himself in solid with you by criticizing her
    Example sentencesExamples
    • And now you're in solid with her because you've got a car.
  • 1A substance or object that is solid rather than liquid or fluid.

    Example sentencesExamples
    • In school we learned that primary waves can travel through solids, liquids, and gases.
    • Brattain, Ph.D., was an expert in the nature of the atomic structure of solids at their surface level and solid-state physics.
    • All common solids will typically go through one of three types of transformations when heated.
    • Certainly the theorems which Galileo had proved on the centres of gravity of solids, and left in Rome, were discussed in this correspondence.
    • But then scientists unexpectedly discovered that the only difference between solids and space was the degree to which the same atoms that composed both were packed more or less closely together.
    • I was reminded of high school physics where we learned that solids conduct sound better than both liquids and gases.
    • Typical speeds of sound in solids are 5,000 meters per second, but vary considerably from one solid to another.
    • ‘Architecture is all about light, height, voids, solids and obviously, underpinning it all, a plan that works,’ she said.
    • There is a pipe on it designed to deal with overflow but solids are now coming through and flowing into the river, he said…
    • Instead, they simply induce small local fluid transits about the surface of the mass of stored solids.
    • Earlier this year, ammonia and suspended solids came straight from the plant into the river.
    • In one dock, enough solids accumulated during a single year to advance the low water line 5.4 meters.
    • It went up forever, but on the bottom there was a ‘bubble’ opening that only solids could pass through.
    • First, cells are not linear elastic solids: their continuum response varies with strain.
    • Any leftover solids are collected and composted.
    • Although they are called ‘weak’, they are amazingly strong - they can pass through solids without stopping.
    • According to Brownlee, the loose aggregate of particles seen on comets may represent the first generation of solids in the solar system.
    • Tattooing is the method of using a needle or some other sharp object to force suspended colored solids through the epidermis into the dermis.
    • Unless they are removed often, not only will the tank tend to back up the incoming sewage lines, that mat will force other incoming solids into the other side of the tank.
    • Thus, the net supply of riverine solids to the deep open oceans is not significantly greater than that from aeolian transport.
    1. 1.1solids Food that is not liquid.
      she drinks only milk and rarely eats solids
      Example sentencesExamples
      • One area we're working on at the moment is puréed food for patients who cannot eat solids.
      • Evidently excited to still be on solids, they have a traditional English breakfast consisting of tea, canned beans and crumpets flown to their San Francisco hotel every day.
      • Even after ice cream freezes, there is still some available water free to migrate, due to the level of dissolved solids in the mix.
      • Because I'm no longer ingesting solids, every morning I have to chug a gag-inducing litre of warm salt water to flush out any leftover solids still hanging out in my digestive tract.
      • I was in the hospital drinking out of a straw for almost a month and a half since my insides couldn't handle solids.
      • Each new development is a milestone to share: the first smile, the first solids - the first night slept through!
      • You have to get the leftover solids to ferment and then you have to distill them.
      • My ice creams, like the smoked bacon with pain perdu, are formulaically created to get the right levels of solids in them to stop crystallisation.
      • Transfer all or part of the solids into a food processor, purée and return to the saucepan.
      • Babies can have food allergies if solids are started too early.
      • There is no added salt or corn syrup solids.
      • At this point, you can choose to purée none, some or all of the solids, depending on how you like your soup.
      • I learned to chew on my left side, and eat only soft foods such as ice cream, rarely touching true solids, like swirls.
      • Remove the mint stems from the soup, and purée part or all of the soup with a hand blender (or by transferring the solids into a food processor) until the desired smoothness is reached.
      • When your baby is ready for solids, making baby food is healthier, eco-friendly, and less expensive than the jars.
      • Transfer the solids into the food processor (or only part if you enjoy chunky soup like I do), and whizz into a purée.
      • As it heats scum will be thrown to the surface which should be skimmed off & the milky solids will drop to the bottom.
      • This problem is exacerbated in the fermentation of white grape varieties where, in an attempt to produce a wine with clean, pronounced varietal character, the must is kept highly protected from air and with a very low level of grape solids.
      • Strain through a fine mesh sieve lined with cheesecloth, discard solids and set aside, keeping warm.
      • His diet should start with liquids, then soft foods, and then solids.
    2. 1.2Geometry A body or geometric figure having three dimensions.
      Example sentencesExamples
      • In several smaller wall pieces from 1990, bent cardboard planes are connected by segments of translucent plastic to create lozenge-shaped geometric solids.
      • Volumes of solids such as prisms, pyramids, tetrahedrons, wedges, cylinders and truncated cones are calculated.
      • As space is three-dimensional, he went on to experiment with three-dimensional geometric solids.
      • In particular he identified the five elements, fire, earth, air, water and celestial matter with the five regular solids, the tetrahedron, cube, octahedron, icosahedron and the dodecahedron.
      • He abandoned his cherished idea of a universe based on geometric solids when it was obvious that it simply did not fit the evidence.


  • do someone a solid

    • informal Do something for someone as an act of kindness; do someone a favor.

      they're a business, not a family friend or a buddy who will do you a solid for being a good customer
      Example sentencesExamples
      • I felt I let her down, so I wanted to do her a solid.
      • The guy did Scorsese a solid and now he is being touted by the CEO of Publicity as a big supporter of the movie.
      • The guy who went in with the hidden camera did us all a solid.
      • And we ask you to do us a solid - please support vegan businesses as often as you can.
      • You did us a solid, bro. Come by after work. Have a meal.
      • C'mon. Just do me a solid. Girl, you know I would do it for you.
      • She was trying to do me a solid and help me get a better seat.
      • So my old friend April wanted to do a solid for the troops and she and her 3 rd grade class put together a care package and holiday cards from the kids for my team.
      • Hey, can you do me a solid and find out if they're still talking to me?
      • If the prospect of watching this is at all appealing, do yourself a solid and snag the Blu-ray.


Late Middle English: from Latin solidus; related to salvus ‘safe’ and sollus ‘entire’.





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