Definition of temnospondyl in English:
A fossil amphibian of a large group that was dominant from the Carboniferous to the Triassic.
Order (or grade) Temnospondyli: many families
Example sentencesExamples
- The most diverse assemblage are the labyrinthodonts, consisting of temnospondyls and anthracosaurs.
- However, some Triassic temnospondyls, such as Laidleria, exhibit the pattern of Dendrerpeton, with the jugal and prefrontal broadly sutured, and the orbits well back on the skull.
- Many Carboniferous temnospondyls appear to have been primarily terrestrial in habits, with strong limbs, but no lateral line canals.
- If frogs and salamanders both evolved from temnospondyls, and amniotes from anthracosaurs, then these amphibian orders did have a more recent common ancestry than either had with amniotes.
- At this point, temnospondyls, lepospondyls and reptilomorphs diverged.
Early 20th century: from modern Latin Temnospondyli (plural), from Greek temnein 'to cut' + spondulos 'vertebra'.