

单词 trash

Definition of trash in English:


noun traʃtræʃ
mass noun
  • 1North American Waste material; refuse.

    the subway entrance was blocked with trash
    Example sentencesExamples
    • Landowners, too, can be held responsible should someone decide to discard their trash on private property.
    • Discarded trash and rusty machines lay dead within the yard.
    • Do away with the trash; line your pockets with cash.
    • Snowdrifts of plastic shopping bags and discarded fast-food trash got you down?
    • Bacteria and fungi primarily break down the organic matter in the trash.
    • Rinse containers well before discarding in the trash.
    • I know but he refuses to empty the trash himself.
    • The walls were torn and dirty, books were scattered everywhere; pages ripped out and discarded like trash.
    • The sharp needle tips are collected inside the container and the remainder of the syringe barrel can be safely discarded in the trash.
    • She sighed and tossed the bottle into the trash.
    • The older fisherman can recall former days when the waters were clear and the beaches were free of trash and discarded items.
    • Daphne had work to do, collecting pillows and helping people discard trash.
    • Now, slam-dunk those soggy tissues into the trash… right along with that yearbook photo you ripped down from inside your locker.
    • Magazines, plastic cups, and all sort of trash were discarded all across the floor.
    • They are like waves pounding a shore, the wide, vast shore that is my mind - now beginning to fill with the litter and trash of a discarded relationship.
    • Medical sharps, such as disposable hypodermic needles and scalpel blades should never be discarded loosely into the trash.
    • If it's diseased or infested with insects, bag it and discard in the trash.
    • Someone could go through your trash to find discarded receipts or carbons and use them to learn your account numbers.
    • Drills, lathes, and milling machines produce metal trimmings that machine shops discard as trash or melt down for reuse.
    • Filled with trash and discarded items, it burned up in the Earth's atmosphere soon afterward.
    rubbish, waste, waste material, refuse, litter, garbage, debris, junk, dross, detritus, sweepings, dregs, remains
    vulgar slang crap
    1. 1.1 Cultural items, ideas, or objects of poor quality.
      if they read at all, they read trash
      Example sentencesExamples
      • But after reading this article from this damn tabloid trash, I am being won over.
      • I don't subscribe to the view that readers in this market equate broadsheet with quality and tabloid with trash.
      • Nothing like an unbiased free press to stir up intelligent debate, although coming from the UK, with its tabloid trash, I'm hardly one to talk really.
      • This concept was rejected as trash and thrown into dust in 1990 as a result of anti - India insurgency.
      • Their hands, mostly left clasping right, or right clasping left, holding the odd newspaper or the odd trash tabloid, grasping the odd book like a lifeline.
      • A small warning though, I have been known to read complete trash from time to time.
      • There's the tabloid variety trash filled with the juicy details of the latest break-ups and make-ups.
      • I was lying in my cell, reading some trash from the prison library, wondering who they were going to give me as a cellmate.
      • While I agree with Flux that this movie will probably be trash, I have to disagree about the vehicle shifting properties of the robots.
      • I'm also talking rip-offs, exploitation movies, mindless sequels, trash masquerading as quality.
      • As far as throwaway movies go, it is top quality trash.
      • I am astonished that The Register continues to carry this trash (or, for that matter, its author).
      • Compare the trash of the entirety of this year's SuperBowl halftime compared with the classic halftime performance of U2 two years ago.
      • You catch up on movies, read trash and get tucked in by nice young men who offer you Vogue…
      • Thinking that the books are frivolous trash of no value is apparently an out-of-date misconception common only to those who have never read them.
      • It'll probably make good trash midweek viewing once the characters have established and the inevitable ‘het girl gets drunk and sleeps with a woman’ happens.
      • But I think a better activity for you would be learning to spell and read something except trash novels and books.
      • In fact the idea of trash tabloids is just the opposite.
      • It is tabloid trash no matter how you dress it up or justify it to yourselves.
      nonsense, drivel, pap, gibberish, balderdash, bunkum, humbug, rubbish, moonshine
      informal bull, poppycock, gobbledegook, hot air, twaddle, rot, tommyrot, bunk, tripe, bilge, piffle, bosh, tosh, hooey
      North American informal garbage, flapdoodle, blathers, wack, bushwa, applesauce
      vulgar slang crap, bullshit
      North American vulgar slang crapola
      Australian/New Zealand vulgar slang bulldust
  • 2North American A person or people regarded as being of very low social standing.

    clubs patronized by rock trash
    Example sentencesExamples
    • I don't care how rich or accomplished a person is, if they cannot show basic manners in public then they're trash.
    • Otherwise, I'm afraid, it's you who ends up looking like bottom-feeding trash - no matter how you speak or where you went to school.
    • Though her father repeatedly refers to poor whites as trash, her mother insists that they be referred to as people.
    • Hopefully, this action will aid me in getting rid of the unwanted trash reading my blog.
    • It was the perfect cliché of poor white redneck trash.
    • Yet Shaft keeps on operating, pulling questionable legal tricks and using deceit and deception to fool the gangland trash of the streets.
    • When Eddy showed up at Sir Christopher's Cassandra had immediately sized her up as no good foreign trash and taken to making her education the worst possible.
    • This idiot is the worst kind of trash imaginable.
    • If she lived in a small American town, we'd consider her trash.
    rabble, scum, vermin, dregs, good-for-nothings, lowest of the low, underclass, the dregs, untouchables, the hoi polloi
    French canaille
    informal riff-raff
  • 3West Indian The leaves, tops, and crushed stems of sugar cane, used as fuel.

    Example sentencesExamples
    • The plant will burn cane trash to produce electricity, meaning that up to 550 trucks - one a minute - will travel the 7km stretch of road daily during the cane season.
    • Burnable pellets made from cotton gin trash are in a testing phase.
    • Sugar cane farmers would be foolish to send their cane trash to the Broadwater sugar mill co-generation power plant.
    • Sugar mills can burn cane trash, or bagasse, to generate electricity, which can then be fed into the national electricity grid; and ethanol derived from molasses is a cleaner fuel than petrol.
verb traʃtræʃ
[with object]
  • 1North American informal Damage or destroy.

    my apartment's been totally trashed
    Example sentencesExamples
    • Those who push to strip away the traditional protections of privacy may be trashing a prerequisite of personal freedom.
    • Union officials reported farm buildings were trashed and vehicles used to take away furniture, fertiliser and building materials.
    • I told him, my car got trashed in a string of break-ins.
    • Today is laundry day and I also have to reconstruct R.'s closet, which the cats totally trashed.
    • I certainly think there was a backlash, especially when I found out their dressing room got trashed after the show.
    • Vandals have trashed 52 shopping trolleys, causing thousands of pounds worth of damage.
    • The Rainbow Café was singled out for comprehensive destruction, with stock and equipment inside the building trashed, and the building suffering structural damage.
    • Martin, we could tell, was entirely cool about the idea of his house getting totally trashed.
    • The Hawkeridge Park facility was reopened last week more than eight months after it was trashed by drunk teenagers.
    • I booked him into the West Hollywood Hyatt, which is known as the Riot House and is famous for getting trashed by rock stars.
    • Anyone who scientifically proves any parapsychological phenomenon gets their method criticised and their reputation trashed.
    • Two days later Miss Armistead's home was broken into and trashed.
    • Sections of the route had been well and truly trashed and, as this was summer, the state of the lane in winter can only be imagined.
    • For a few minutes scores of protesters, wearing trademark black clothes and gas masks, trashed a branch of the Credito Italiano bank.
    • It was badly trashed, very, very badly trashed and I think it cost us about $40,000 with the damage that was done to the clinic.
    • A note stuck into my seat told the story: some delivery truck had backed into it, knocking it over, trashing my trunk case, and most of the left side paint and turn signals.
    • The waters of the Tigris ran red with human blood, many libraries perished, water resources trashed, irreplaceable cultural treasures were lost.
    • If you return home and find that you have been robbed and the house trashed, the police will scarcely be persuaded to take an interest in this routine occurrence.
    • The rioters did not try escape, and instead focused their rage on the prison kitchen, which was looted and then trashed, before order was restored by a combined police and correctional services task team.
    • All too often one envisages a harried producer refusing to agree to the cost of another trashed vehicle.
    wreck, ruin, damage, destroy
    deface, mar, spoil, vandalize
    informal total
    1. 1.1Computing Kill (a file or process) or wipe (a disk)
      she almost trashed the email window
      Example sentencesExamples
      • Now (after a couple months training it) anything Mail thinks is junk can be safely trashed automatically.
      • At the very least, do the back-up and be sure that you can recover your system in the unlikely event that it should get trashed.
      • None of those solutions trashes the email completely, but by setting it all aside, I can scan them all pretty quickly and spot any false positives.
      • That ignores the fact that most people won't opt-out, but will simply trash the email.
      • I hit the wrong key one night and trashed 70K words.
  • 2North American informal Criticize severely.

    trade associations trashed the legislation as deficient
    Example sentencesExamples
    • I know all of you out there in theatreland think that critics are never happier than when they're trashing something, but it's - in most cases - not true.
    • He added: ‘To have your work of 25 years trashed publicly in a few hours is not easy to take.’
    • I am a relatively well known journalist who the Premier of NSW trashed in public.
    • Regularly, those who seriously criticised it have had their opinions trashed, their lives, and their activities traduced, and we have learned bitterly not to accept anything about it at face value.
    • What if a critic trashes something that is really close to you?
    • Critics have trashed the film for its antiquated premise.
    • Critics frequently trash hip hop because commercialism dominates the genre.
    • However their experience is depressing: ideas are dumbed down, creativity ignored, and people trashed.
    • Unfortunately, the local scene, which should be supported, gets trashed and misrepresented by bitter, brainless writers in this overgrown club flyer you call a paper.
    • That's why he's here tonight at a Republican Convention after putting out a documentary trashing President Bush, heavily criticizing President Bush.
    • This film is getting absolutely trashed by the critics.
    • But the burden for achieving national unity is on a president who could manage a narrow victory only by savagely trashing his opponent.
    • The speaker however trashed (pun unintended) our idea.
    • Yes, the film has been roundly trashed by many critics, but for my money, I thought it had some serious gusto.
    • All the credible scientists, of course, are saying that this is nonsense, it is simple minded, and absolutely have trashed it but the Japanese insist that they must go forward.
    • You're in a unique position in that you're a celebrity but one who's most famous for trashing her fallow celebrates.
    • The decade has been trashed and abused and generally ostracized.
    • He made a film the critics trashed and the audiences ignored.
    • The critics trashed it, and the Brooklyn Academy of Music canceled it in mid-run.
    • Many of our generation glamorized casual sex and drug use, evaded responsibility, and trashed authority.
    criticize, lambaste, censure, attack, insult, abuse, give a bad press to, condemn, flay, savage
    informal pan, knock, take to pieces, take/pull apart, crucify, hammer, slam, bash, roast, maul, throw brickbats at
    British informal slate, rubbish, slag off
    North American bad-mouth, pummel
  • 3as adjective trashedinformal Intoxicated with alcohol or drugs.

    there was booze, but nobody really got trashed
    Example sentencesExamples
    • So that's why I slept surprisingly well for a guy whose body was trashed with alcohol.
    • It was the end of our exams, so as was inevitable, I ended up trashed - after spending the best part of five hours in the Gunnies.
    • Some people they didn't even know, everyone was trashed, there were beer cans and alcohol bottles everywhere.
    • He says: ‘It was a time when a lot of people started taking heroin and generally getting trashed and acting in an utterly amoral and horrible fashion.’
    • Two friends took me out that night to a comedy club, and I got trashed.
    • Whose partner got trashed in the VIP area of Fabric nightclub and stripped off on the dance floor?
    • I got fully trashed, made new friends, and picked up.
    • Bands got trashed there, rock stars hung out - even Keanu Reeves was spotted there.
    • I sometimes get a little trashed at the weekends, but I've never seen anyone get as trashed as him.
    • None of this is to say that there's no middle ground, that a hunter won't end up dating a friend or that a farmer won't get trashed and do something he or she will end up regretting the next morning.
    • Depressed and eager to get trashed, she meets up with her friends in a corner bar, which turns out to be a gay club.
    • But that was pretty cool, to come out of his studio, and instead of being around a bunch of musicians smoking pot and getting trashed, he'd come out and talk to the kids about school supplies.
    • I was so sick of getting trashed and airing my dirty laundry about the country and not being able to do anything about it.
    • And they enjoy a few beers, and occasionally get trashed.
    • It's very New York, where people wear expensive casual chic to work then go straight out to a bar and get trashed on Cosmopolitans.
    • Though the young couple arrives with good intentions, social niceties are smashed as the foursome gets trashed.
    • We don't get trashed and we leave at a sensible time.
    • But no time to ponder as I must now go to the pub and get trashed!
    • I'm staring at the telly, pleasantly trashed, not yet ready to let the feeling end, giving free rein to the right side of my brain, letting it lead me through whatever unexpected connections it chooses to make.
    • For some the term is an oxymoron, used only jokingly when referring to the number of keggers that one manages to get trashed at during a school term.
    intoxicated, inebriated, drunken, befuddled, incapable, tipsy, the worse for drink, under the influence, maudlin
  • 4Strip (sugar canes) of their outer leaves to ripen them faster.


Late Middle English: of unknown origin. The verb is first recorded (mid 18th century) in sense 4 of the verb; the other senses have arisen in the 20th century.

  • Popular culture is often called trashy (early 17th century), and this goes right back to the beginnings of trash's history—one of the first things that the word referred to was bad literature. It was originally a word for various kinds of refuse, including cuttings from a hedge, and domestic refuse became trash at the beginning of the 20th century. People have called others trash since the early 17th century—Shakespeare wrote in Othello ‘I do suspect this trash / To be a party in this injury’; and in the USA white trash (mid 19th century) is a derogatory term for poor white people living in the southern states. The verb is first recorded in the mid 18th century in the sense ‘strip (sugar canes) of their outer leaves to encourage faster ripening’; the other senses (‘vandalize’, ‘impair the quality of something’) date from the 20th century.


abash, ash, Ashe, bash, brash, cache, calash, cash, clash, crash, dash, encash, flash, gnash, hash, lash, mash, Nash, panache, pash, plash, rash, sash, slash, smash, soutache, splash, stash, thrash

Definition of trash in US English:


North American
  • 1Discarded matter; refuse.

    Example sentencesExamples
    • Landowners, too, can be held responsible should someone decide to discard their trash on private property.
    • Filled with trash and discarded items, it burned up in the Earth's atmosphere soon afterward.
    • Someone could go through your trash to find discarded receipts or carbons and use them to learn your account numbers.
    • Drills, lathes, and milling machines produce metal trimmings that machine shops discard as trash or melt down for reuse.
    • The sharp needle tips are collected inside the container and the remainder of the syringe barrel can be safely discarded in the trash.
    • Bacteria and fungi primarily break down the organic matter in the trash.
    • She sighed and tossed the bottle into the trash.
    • Do away with the trash; line your pockets with cash.
    • Magazines, plastic cups, and all sort of trash were discarded all across the floor.
    • The walls were torn and dirty, books were scattered everywhere; pages ripped out and discarded like trash.
    • The older fisherman can recall former days when the waters were clear and the beaches were free of trash and discarded items.
    • Rinse containers well before discarding in the trash.
    • Now, slam-dunk those soggy tissues into the trash… right along with that yearbook photo you ripped down from inside your locker.
    • Snowdrifts of plastic shopping bags and discarded fast-food trash got you down?
    • Daphne had work to do, collecting pillows and helping people discard trash.
    • They are like waves pounding a shore, the wide, vast shore that is my mind - now beginning to fill with the litter and trash of a discarded relationship.
    • Medical sharps, such as disposable hypodermic needles and scalpel blades should never be discarded loosely into the trash.
    • I know but he refuses to empty the trash himself.
    • If it's diseased or infested with insects, bag it and discard in the trash.
    • Discarded trash and rusty machines lay dead within the yard.
    rubbish, waste, waste material, refuse, litter, garbage, debris, junk, dross, detritus, sweepings, dregs, remains
    1. 1.1 Cultural items, ideas, or objects of poor quality.
      if they read at all, they read trash
      Example sentencesExamples
      • This concept was rejected as trash and thrown into dust in 1990 as a result of anti - India insurgency.
      • There's the tabloid variety trash filled with the juicy details of the latest break-ups and make-ups.
      • I was lying in my cell, reading some trash from the prison library, wondering who they were going to give me as a cellmate.
      • Thinking that the books are frivolous trash of no value is apparently an out-of-date misconception common only to those who have never read them.
      • A small warning though, I have been known to read complete trash from time to time.
      • But I think a better activity for you would be learning to spell and read something except trash novels and books.
      • I am astonished that The Register continues to carry this trash (or, for that matter, its author).
      • As far as throwaway movies go, it is top quality trash.
      • But after reading this article from this damn tabloid trash, I am being won over.
      • While I agree with Flux that this movie will probably be trash, I have to disagree about the vehicle shifting properties of the robots.
      • Their hands, mostly left clasping right, or right clasping left, holding the odd newspaper or the odd trash tabloid, grasping the odd book like a lifeline.
      • In fact the idea of trash tabloids is just the opposite.
      • It'll probably make good trash midweek viewing once the characters have established and the inevitable ‘het girl gets drunk and sleeps with a woman’ happens.
      • I don't subscribe to the view that readers in this market equate broadsheet with quality and tabloid with trash.
      • Compare the trash of the entirety of this year's SuperBowl halftime compared with the classic halftime performance of U2 two years ago.
      • It is tabloid trash no matter how you dress it up or justify it to yourselves.
      • I'm also talking rip-offs, exploitation movies, mindless sequels, trash masquerading as quality.
      • You catch up on movies, read trash and get tucked in by nice young men who offer you Vogue…
      • Nothing like an unbiased free press to stir up intelligent debate, although coming from the UK, with its tabloid trash, I'm hardly one to talk really.
      nonsense, drivel, pap, gibberish, balderdash, bunkum, humbug, rubbish, moonshine
  • 2A person or people regarded as being of very low social standing.

    she would have been considered trash
    Example sentencesExamples
    • I don't care how rich or accomplished a person is, if they cannot show basic manners in public then they're trash.
    • It was the perfect cliché of poor white redneck trash.
    • This idiot is the worst kind of trash imaginable.
    • Yet Shaft keeps on operating, pulling questionable legal tricks and using deceit and deception to fool the gangland trash of the streets.
    • Though her father repeatedly refers to poor whites as trash, her mother insists that they be referred to as people.
    • If she lived in a small American town, we'd consider her trash.
    • When Eddy showed up at Sir Christopher's Cassandra had immediately sized her up as no good foreign trash and taken to making her education the worst possible.
    • Hopefully, this action will aid me in getting rid of the unwanted trash reading my blog.
    • Otherwise, I'm afraid, it's you who ends up looking like bottom-feeding trash - no matter how you speak or where you went to school.
    rabble, scum, vermin, dregs, good-for-nothings, lowest of the low, underclass, the dregs, untouchables, the hoi polloi
[with object]
  • 1North American informal Damage or wreck.

    my apartment's been totally trashed
    Example sentencesExamples
    • For a few minutes scores of protesters, wearing trademark black clothes and gas masks, trashed a branch of the Credito Italiano bank.
    • Today is laundry day and I also have to reconstruct R.'s closet, which the cats totally trashed.
    • It was badly trashed, very, very badly trashed and I think it cost us about $40,000 with the damage that was done to the clinic.
    • Union officials reported farm buildings were trashed and vehicles used to take away furniture, fertiliser and building materials.
    • I booked him into the West Hollywood Hyatt, which is known as the Riot House and is famous for getting trashed by rock stars.
    • The Hawkeridge Park facility was reopened last week more than eight months after it was trashed by drunk teenagers.
    • A note stuck into my seat told the story: some delivery truck had backed into it, knocking it over, trashing my trunk case, and most of the left side paint and turn signals.
    • The rioters did not try escape, and instead focused their rage on the prison kitchen, which was looted and then trashed, before order was restored by a combined police and correctional services task team.
    • The waters of the Tigris ran red with human blood, many libraries perished, water resources trashed, irreplaceable cultural treasures were lost.
    • If you return home and find that you have been robbed and the house trashed, the police will scarcely be persuaded to take an interest in this routine occurrence.
    • All too often one envisages a harried producer refusing to agree to the cost of another trashed vehicle.
    • Two days later Miss Armistead's home was broken into and trashed.
    • Martin, we could tell, was entirely cool about the idea of his house getting totally trashed.
    • Those who push to strip away the traditional protections of privacy may be trashing a prerequisite of personal freedom.
    • Anyone who scientifically proves any parapsychological phenomenon gets their method criticised and their reputation trashed.
    • I certainly think there was a backlash, especially when I found out their dressing room got trashed after the show.
    • I told him, my car got trashed in a string of break-ins.
    • Vandals have trashed 52 shopping trolleys, causing thousands of pounds worth of damage.
    • The Rainbow Café was singled out for comprehensive destruction, with stock and equipment inside the building trashed, and the building suffering structural damage.
    • Sections of the route had been well and truly trashed and, as this was summer, the state of the lane in winter can only be imagined.
    wreck, ruin, damage, destroy
    1. 1.1US Discard.
      they trashed the tapes and sent her back into the studio
      Example sentencesExamples
      • A treasurer resigned - and resigned from Parliament - because of promises trashed after an election just over a decade ago.
      • Americans trash 2 million tons of old computers and other forms of electronic waste annually.
      • So we both set to work on writing a blog about it; but trashed our initial ideas as both had the terminal flaw of being rather clinical and scientific.
      • Unfortunately for McBride, he had upgraded the A room once already, but Cronin's new design necessitated trashing most of that work.
      • At this moment, you are quite self-centered; you think of love as something you can get and trash anytime you want.
    2. 1.2Computing Kill (a file or process) or wipe (a disk)
      she almost trashed the email window
      Example sentencesExamples
      • None of those solutions trashes the email completely, but by setting it all aside, I can scan them all pretty quickly and spot any false positives.
      • I hit the wrong key one night and trashed 70K words.
      • At the very least, do the back-up and be sure that you can recover your system in the unlikely event that it should get trashed.
      • Now (after a couple months training it) anything Mail thinks is junk can be safely trashed automatically.
      • That ignores the fact that most people won't opt-out, but will simply trash the email.
  • 2North American informal Criticize severely.

    trade associations trashed the legislation as deficient
    Example sentencesExamples
    • He made a film the critics trashed and the audiences ignored.
    • This film is getting absolutely trashed by the critics.
    • Yes, the film has been roundly trashed by many critics, but for my money, I thought it had some serious gusto.
    • What if a critic trashes something that is really close to you?
    • The critics trashed it, and the Brooklyn Academy of Music canceled it in mid-run.
    • Many of our generation glamorized casual sex and drug use, evaded responsibility, and trashed authority.
    • The decade has been trashed and abused and generally ostracized.
    • He added: ‘To have your work of 25 years trashed publicly in a few hours is not easy to take.’
    • But the burden for achieving national unity is on a president who could manage a narrow victory only by savagely trashing his opponent.
    • That's why he's here tonight at a Republican Convention after putting out a documentary trashing President Bush, heavily criticizing President Bush.
    • All the credible scientists, of course, are saying that this is nonsense, it is simple minded, and absolutely have trashed it but the Japanese insist that they must go forward.
    • The speaker however trashed (pun unintended) our idea.
    • Critics frequently trash hip hop because commercialism dominates the genre.
    • You're in a unique position in that you're a celebrity but one who's most famous for trashing her fallow celebrates.
    • Critics have trashed the film for its antiquated premise.
    • I am a relatively well known journalist who the Premier of NSW trashed in public.
    • Regularly, those who seriously criticised it have had their opinions trashed, their lives, and their activities traduced, and we have learned bitterly not to accept anything about it at face value.
    • Unfortunately, the local scene, which should be supported, gets trashed and misrepresented by bitter, brainless writers in this overgrown club flyer you call a paper.
    • However their experience is depressing: ideas are dumbed down, creativity ignored, and people trashed.
    • I know all of you out there in theatreland think that critics are never happier than when they're trashing something, but it's - in most cases - not true.
    criticize, lambaste, censure, attack, insult, abuse, give a bad press to, condemn, flay, savage
  • 3as adjective trashedinformal Intoxicated with alcohol or drugs.

    there was pot, there was booze, but nobody really got trashed
    Example sentencesExamples
    • Bands got trashed there, rock stars hung out - even Keanu Reeves was spotted there.
    • So that's why I slept surprisingly well for a guy whose body was trashed with alcohol.
    • He says: ‘It was a time when a lot of people started taking heroin and generally getting trashed and acting in an utterly amoral and horrible fashion.’
    • Some people they didn't even know, everyone was trashed, there were beer cans and alcohol bottles everywhere.
    • None of this is to say that there's no middle ground, that a hunter won't end up dating a friend or that a farmer won't get trashed and do something he or she will end up regretting the next morning.
    • I'm staring at the telly, pleasantly trashed, not yet ready to let the feeling end, giving free rein to the right side of my brain, letting it lead me through whatever unexpected connections it chooses to make.
    • Two friends took me out that night to a comedy club, and I got trashed.
    • I sometimes get a little trashed at the weekends, but I've never seen anyone get as trashed as him.
    • And they enjoy a few beers, and occasionally get trashed.
    • I got fully trashed, made new friends, and picked up.
    • Depressed and eager to get trashed, she meets up with her friends in a corner bar, which turns out to be a gay club.
    • But that was pretty cool, to come out of his studio, and instead of being around a bunch of musicians smoking pot and getting trashed, he'd come out and talk to the kids about school supplies.
    • It was the end of our exams, so as was inevitable, I ended up trashed - after spending the best part of five hours in the Gunnies.
    • It's very New York, where people wear expensive casual chic to work then go straight out to a bar and get trashed on Cosmopolitans.
    • But no time to ponder as I must now go to the pub and get trashed!
    • I was so sick of getting trashed and airing my dirty laundry about the country and not being able to do anything about it.
    • Whose partner got trashed in the VIP area of Fabric nightclub and stripped off on the dance floor?
    • Though the young couple arrives with good intentions, social niceties are smashed as the foursome gets trashed.
    • We don't get trashed and we leave at a sensible time.
    • For some the term is an oxymoron, used only jokingly when referring to the number of keggers that one manages to get trashed at during a school term.
    intoxicated, inebriated, drunken, befuddled, incapable, tipsy, the worse for drink, under the influence, maudlin
  • 4Strip (sugar cane) of its outer leaves to ripen it faster.


Late Middle English: of unknown origin. The verb is first recorded (mid 18th century) in trash (sense 4 of the verb); the other senses have arisen in the 20th century.





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