

单词 trophy

Definition of trophy in English:


nounPlural trophies ˈtrəʊfiˈtroʊfi
  • 1A cup or other decorative object awarded as a prize for a victory or success.

    Example sentencesExamples
    • An awards ceremony closed the event, where several trophies and prizes were presented to outstanding individual and team winners.
    • As well as rosettes, some special trophies will be awarded and will include, best junior rider and best rider.
    • Prizes include trophies and cash awards of 50,000 baht for the winning team and 25,000 baht for the runner-up.
    • Derby's victory perhaps made the award of the Premiership trophy to United more muted than it might otherwise have been.
    • Challenge trophies and prize monies are to be awarded to the winners, runners-up and other outstanding performers.
    • Numerous trophies and prize money will be awarded for the various categories.
    • That trophy is awarded every year to the winner of the football competition among the Army, Navy and Air Force.
    • The winners will receive a special trophy, with rosettes awarded to the runners-up.
    • Three winners from this competition will be awarded trophies and prizes at the prestigious National Animal Awards in New Delhi in February next year.
    • Denise was awarded with a trophy and rosette for her efforts.
    • The age groups ranged from four to 20, with a trophy awarded for first prize and certificates for second and third.
    • Prizes, trophies and cash awards totalled more than one million baht.
    • As an added benefit, award winners are not only eligible for prizes and trophies, they can also benefit by being recognized in the media, who are often present at select events.
    • All three groups of workers were given champagne and trophies to celebrate their success.
    • There are trophies, medals and prizes to be won.
    • Competitions have become the highway to theatrical performances, with admission charged and cash prizes and trophies and titles awarded.
    • A local industrialist gave away the trophy and the prizes to the winners at the concluding day yesterday.
    • She was awarded a trophy for the best technical performance and took the lightweight title.
    • Individual gold, high silver, silver, and bronze medals were awarded with large trophies for group grand winners.
    • The fun day was capped off by an awards presentation that provided trophies and prizes to the top three golfers in each of the three flights, along with prizes to the technical victors.
    cup, medal
    prize, award
    laurels, bays, palm
    1. 1.1 A souvenir of an achievement, especially a part of an animal taken when hunting.
      Example sentencesExamples
      • The cost will be long-forgotten, but the hunting memories and trophies will remain.
      • No, displaying hunting trophies is not particularly civilised, and parading heads on spikes won't encourage much objectivity.
      • One is covered with fur, adorned with antlers, and mounted like a hunting trophy.
      • As wild meats and poultry trophies from the hunting season fill our table, game fish are often overlooked.
      • The only benefit of actually killing an animal is showing it off to your hunting buddies in your trophy room.
      • My grades have not been the shining trophies of achievement they once were, and my grandmother has not been pleased.
      • Trophy hunters typically prefer to bag " prizes " with their own weapons.
      • Why should a picture always hang on the wall like a hunting trophy?
      • Hunting bears for trophies or rugs will not provide money to farmers and will not provide the relief that citizens are demanding.
      • And so these young couples work extra long hours, rewarding themselves with such trophies as cars, gadgets and designer shoes.
      • Trophy hunters are prepared to pay large sums of money for one.
      • In one photo, Vasell poses alone holding up the head of his trophy with the hunting rifle leaned against the animal's body.
      • It's rooted in providing a hunting opportunity, getting trophies for walls and rugs for floors.
      • She landed with a clunk of her chin on the wooden floorboards looking for all the world like a hunting trophy rug.
      • Instead of hunting game for trophies or their products, people are hunting each other.
      souvenir, memento, keepsake, reminder, record, relic
      spoils, booty
  • 2(in ancient Greece or Rome) the weapons of a defeated army set up as a memorial of victory.

    Example sentencesExamples
    • For instance, armour and other trophies were often displayed above sepulchres.
    • In a warrior's hall trophies of war such as shields may also have been hung on the wall.
    • The Temple of Zeus itself was funded from a military campaign, and its entablature was adorned with Spartan military trophies.


Late 15th century (in sense 2): from French trophée, via Latin from Greek tropaion, from tropē 'a rout', from trepein 'to turn'.

  • Both tropic (Late Middle English) and trophy are ultimately from Greek trepein ‘to turn’. In ancient Greece and Rome a trophy was a pile of the weapons of a defeated army set up as a memorial of a victory. The attractive young trophy wife of a successful older man, is a term first used in the late 1980s. A tropic is a ‘turning point’, a point on the path through the sky that the sun can be seen to take through the year where, at the solstice, it appears to turn back again towards the equator.


Sophie, strophe

Definition of trophy in US English:


  • 1A cup or other decorative object awarded as a prize for a victory or success.

    Example sentencesExamples
    • Denise was awarded with a trophy and rosette for her efforts.
    • Individual gold, high silver, silver, and bronze medals were awarded with large trophies for group grand winners.
    • Prizes include trophies and cash awards of 50,000 baht for the winning team and 25,000 baht for the runner-up.
    • That trophy is awarded every year to the winner of the football competition among the Army, Navy and Air Force.
    • Three winners from this competition will be awarded trophies and prizes at the prestigious National Animal Awards in New Delhi in February next year.
    • As an added benefit, award winners are not only eligible for prizes and trophies, they can also benefit by being recognized in the media, who are often present at select events.
    • An awards ceremony closed the event, where several trophies and prizes were presented to outstanding individual and team winners.
    • Competitions have become the highway to theatrical performances, with admission charged and cash prizes and trophies and titles awarded.
    • Challenge trophies and prize monies are to be awarded to the winners, runners-up and other outstanding performers.
    • The fun day was capped off by an awards presentation that provided trophies and prizes to the top three golfers in each of the three flights, along with prizes to the technical victors.
    • A local industrialist gave away the trophy and the prizes to the winners at the concluding day yesterday.
    • The age groups ranged from four to 20, with a trophy awarded for first prize and certificates for second and third.
    • As well as rosettes, some special trophies will be awarded and will include, best junior rider and best rider.
    • Prizes, trophies and cash awards totalled more than one million baht.
    • Numerous trophies and prize money will be awarded for the various categories.
    • There are trophies, medals and prizes to be won.
    • She was awarded a trophy for the best technical performance and took the lightweight title.
    • The winners will receive a special trophy, with rosettes awarded to the runners-up.
    • Derby's victory perhaps made the award of the Premiership trophy to United more muted than it might otherwise have been.
    • All three groups of workers were given champagne and trophies to celebrate their success.
    cup, medal
    1. 1.1 A souvenir of an achievement, especially a part of an animal taken when hunting.
      Example sentencesExamples
      • Hunting bears for trophies or rugs will not provide money to farmers and will not provide the relief that citizens are demanding.
      • It's rooted in providing a hunting opportunity, getting trophies for walls and rugs for floors.
      • As wild meats and poultry trophies from the hunting season fill our table, game fish are often overlooked.
      • Trophy hunters typically prefer to bag " prizes " with their own weapons.
      • The cost will be long-forgotten, but the hunting memories and trophies will remain.
      • One is covered with fur, adorned with antlers, and mounted like a hunting trophy.
      • Instead of hunting game for trophies or their products, people are hunting each other.
      • Trophy hunters are prepared to pay large sums of money for one.
      • My grades have not been the shining trophies of achievement they once were, and my grandmother has not been pleased.
      • Why should a picture always hang on the wall like a hunting trophy?
      • The only benefit of actually killing an animal is showing it off to your hunting buddies in your trophy room.
      • No, displaying hunting trophies is not particularly civilised, and parading heads on spikes won't encourage much objectivity.
      • And so these young couples work extra long hours, rewarding themselves with such trophies as cars, gadgets and designer shoes.
      • In one photo, Vasell poses alone holding up the head of his trophy with the hunting rifle leaned against the animal's body.
      • She landed with a clunk of her chin on the wooden floorboards looking for all the world like a hunting trophy rug.
      souvenir, memento, keepsake, reminder, record, relic
  • 2(in ancient Greece or Rome) the weapons and other spoils of a defeated army set up as a memorial of victory.

    Example sentencesExamples
    • For instance, armour and other trophies were often displayed above sepulchres.
    • In a warrior's hall trophies of war such as shields may also have been hung on the wall.
    • The Temple of Zeus itself was funded from a military campaign, and its entablature was adorned with Spartan military trophies.
    1. 2.1 A representation of a memorial of victory; an ornamental group of symbolic objects arranged for display.
      Example sentencesExamples
      • A pair of statues marks the far side of the bridge, but the bridge itself carries only a pair of low ornaments, probably trophies.
      • He described it as the largest bridge in Rome, groaning under trophies, statues, and memorials.


Late 15th century (in trophy (sense 2)): from French trophée, via Latin from Greek tropaion, from tropē ‘a rout’, from trepein ‘to turn’.





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