

单词 tattoo


nounPlural tattoos təˈtuːtaˈtuːtæˈtu
  • 1An evening drum or bugle signal recalling soldiers to their quarters.

    a military tattoo takes place with clockwork precision
    Example sentencesExamples
    • From the 17th century drums and trumpets sounded tattoo, originally an instruction to turn off the taps of beer or wine-barrels, to call men back to quarters at the end of the day.
    1. 1.1British An entertainment consisting of music, marching, and the performance of displays and exercises by military personnel.
      a visit to Edinburgh during the Festival includes a visit to the Tattoo
      a crash involving two Russian jet fighters at the International Air Tattoo
      Example sentencesExamples
      • Edinburgh can keep the military tattoo, all of the modern dance, and most of the London stand-up comedians.
      • Chatham Navy Days was rounded off by a military tattoo in the Historic Dockyard, at which Prince Michael of Kent was the guest of honour.
      • There will also be wreath-layings at three memorials to the fallen, in Arnhem, Oosterbeek and at Ginkel Heath, along with a military tattoo.
      • You can watch the pipers' ankles swirl past at the military tattoo.
      • The term tattoo now refers to a military pageant, often held at night.
      • You often bump into visiting vets, middle-aged men with flabby muscles and military tattoos.
      • That is the dilemma facing Scottish pipe major Gordon MacKenzie as he prepares for a military tattoo to end all military tattoos - in the desert.
      • It is almost obligatory for any new Edinburgh resident to wax lyrical over the cultural backdrop that the castle, the festival and the tattoo give to the city.
      • When the crew lost their training base in October 2000 they decided to raise funds for a more permanent base and so the idea of the military tattoo was born.
      • ‘Some members who have done the tattoo in Scotland have said that to do it in Australia is an even bigger honour,’ he said.
      • While the band no longer performs at military tattoos, it is, on occasion, recalled to active duty.
      • It stands on Castle Rock overlooking the city of Edinburgh and is approached across the Esplanade, the site of the annual military tattoo and other ceremonies.
      • Edinburgh's not the only city to boast an annual military tattoo.
      • He was thrown off his Honda then hit by another bike in front of hundreds of spectators at a military tattoo in West Bergholt.
      • The top of Blake Street was a wonderful vantage point for watching the many parades, processions and military tattoos that regularly took to the streets.
      • He was at the base preparing to fly as an RAF aircraft passenger in a Queen's Golden Jubilee military tattoo.
      • Brigadier Melville Jameson, the chief executive and producer of the tattoo, said a condition of the appearance in Sydney was that a replica castle facade was built.
      • Pipe bands and military bands have also gone due to him, the very essence required for a military tattoo.
      festival, fiesta, fete, gala, jamboree, holiday, celebration, party
    2. 1.2 A rhythmic tapping or drumming.
      she tapped her fingers in a nervous tattoo
      Example sentencesExamples
      • He launches himself into my lap and rains kisses on me, his tail beating a tattoo on the arm of my chair.
      • Her heart beats a purple tattoo in her throat and there's a stitch in her side.
      • The other beat an hypnotic tattoo to lure out their lunch.
      • His heart pounded quickly, beating out a fierce tattoo in his strong chest as he walked down the paths which wound and turned into dead ends.
      • Rain fell steadily, beating a tattoo on the broad leaves of the tree above his head, like the relentless footsteps of an army of marching warriors.
      • Alyssa's whole body was shuddering, and Pinine could almost hear her pulse beating out a frantic tattoo.
      • But to my surprise, instead he got out a battered pair of drumsticks, with which he beat a brief tattoo on the top of my head.
      • The day dawned bright and and sunny, but Ethan was awakened by the sound of someone beating a tattoo on his door.
      • Someone started to knock on my door, beating out an incessant tattoo.
      • We spent the evening there, in her small attic room with rain drumming a staccato tattoo on the roof above and a small fire flickering in the grate.
      • Charles offered him a curt nod, before turning on his heel and briskly striding out, his polished black boots beating out a rapid tattoo on the varnished floor.
      • My heart beat a nervous tattoo in my chest, the rest of my body frozen in place.
      • Gradually the rigidity left his play and the trademark square cut began to beat out a tattoo.
      • The vibrant music and the exhilarating beat of the tribals were infectious and soon many in the audience, including yours truly, were beating a tattoo on the floor.
      • The endless sound echoed like thunderous footfalls, beating a tattoo on the inside of her skull.
      • My fingers drummed a steady tattoo on the desk, impatiently watching the clock as it took forever to tick over to 3: 15.
      • My boots beat a tattoo against the flagstones on the bridge and the sounds of battle grew louder: the clashing of steel, the sound of battle cries and death screams.
      • All the time the falling water was beating a tattoo on my head and pouring down my neck.
      • But I'm already striding back to my apartment, my heart beating a mad tattoo inside my chest.
      • All year long the war drums have been beating an insistent tattoo but recently the rhythm seemed to be leading nowhere.
      pitter-patter, tapping, pattering, drumming, drumbeat, clatter, beat, beating, pounding, throb, pulsation, rat-a-tat, pit-a-pat, clack, click-clack, clacketing, thrum, thrumming


Mid 17th century (originally as tap-too) from Dutch taptoe!, literally 'close the tap (of the cask)!'.

  • The military tattoo sounded by a drum or bugle to recall soldiers to their quarters in the evening was originally written tap-too. It comes from Dutch doe den tap toe, which meant literally ‘close the tap’. The tap was on a cask, closing it signalled the time for drinking was over and soldiers should go home. Tattoos on the skin are a different word, which came into English in the 18th century from the Polynesian languages of the Pacific Islands—Captain Cook's journals are the first to record the word. See also taboo


accrue, adieu, ado, anew, Anjou, aperçu, askew, ballyhoo, bamboo, bedew, bestrew, billet-doux, blew, blue, boo, boohoo, brew, buckaroo, canoe, chew, clew, clou, clue, cock-a-doodle-doo, cockatoo, construe, coo, Corfu, coup, crew, Crewe, cru, cue, déjà vu, derring-do, dew, didgeridoo, do, drew, due, endue, ensue, eschew, feu, few, flew, flu, flue, foreknew, glue, gnu, goo, grew, halloo, hereto, hew, Hindu, hitherto, how-do-you-do, hue, Hugh, hullabaloo, imbrue, imbue, jackaroo, Jew, kangaroo, Karroo, Kathmandu, kazoo, Kiangsu, knew, Kru, K2, kung fu, Lahu, Lanzhou, Lao-tzu, lasso, lieu, loo, Lou, Manchu, mangetout, mew, misconstrue, miscue, moo, moue, mu, nardoo, new, non-U, nu, ooh, outdo, outflew, outgrew, peekaboo, Peru, pew, plew, Poitou, pooh, pooh-pooh, potoroo, pursue, queue, revue, roo, roux, rue, Selous, set-to, shampoo, shih-tzu, shoe, shoo, shrew, Sioux, skean dhu, skew, skidoo, slew, smew, snafu, sou, spew, sprue, stew, strew, subdue, sue, switcheroo, taboo, thereto, thew, threw, thro, through, thru, tickety-boo, Timbuktu, tiramisu, to, to-do, too, toodle-oo, true, true-blue, tu-whit tu-whoo, two, vendue, view, vindaloo, virtu, wahoo, wallaroo, Waterloo, well-to-do, whereto, whew, who, withdrew, woo, Wu, yew, you, zoo


verbtattooing, tattoos, tattooedtaˈtuːtəˈtuːtæˈtu
[with object]
  • 1Mark (a part of the body) with an indelible design by inserting pigment into punctures in the skin.

    his cheek was tattooed with a winged fist
    Example sentencesExamples
    • On her right arm, starting from her shoulder, her skin was tattooed with black liquid crystal as a snake curling around her arm.
    • For every year he is held captive he tattoos the back of his hand with a line.
    • If only we could get them to tattoo themselves with some permanent mark.
    • The entire right side of her body was tattooed with road burn and hues of purple, yellow, and blue.
    • He also cuts himself to mark events in his life and has been tattooed.
    • In Jack's eyes, his mom was unique among tattoo artists because she'd never been tattooed.
    • On the street in many an American city, teenage girls have taken to wearing a Hindu-style ‘dot’ between their eyes, and boys to tattooing themselves with Chinese characters they cannot read.
    • In addition, the edges of a girl's mouth was tattooed in a traditional design.
    • Pre-wedding nerves can sometimes cause a groom to have a total sense of humour failure when a harmless little prank - shaving his eyebrows, say, or tattooing his cheeks - is played on him.
    • It was kind of gross, but I guess that's as close to human skin as you can get without actually tattooing a human.
    • First of all, there is a significant difference between tattooing the body, cutting the body, piercing the body, painting the body and writing on the body.
    • Is Miller going to demand that all Haitians and Jamaicans be tattooed with an ID number?
    • The four defendants were charged for tattooing their bodies to evade conscription immediately after they were judged physically competent to serve in the military.
    • Often people come in with really ugly designs and insist that he tattoo them.
    • They did not wear any footwear or any covering on their upper bodies, which were frequently tattooed.
    • The other option would be to tattoo the backs of my hands.
    • Parents would rather their kids go in for glitter as they feel it is a better option to piercing or tattooing the body.
    • A 15-year-old girl would be tattooed on the cheeks when she had mastered the art of weaving.
    • Without exception they paint their bodies, they tattoo their bodies, they decorate their bodies and they clothe their bodies.
    • The tattooist testified in court that the man was sober when he was tattooed!
    tap, beat, rap, knock, strike, thud, thump, hit
    1. 1.1 Make (an indelible design) on a part of the body by inserting pigment into punctures in the skin.
      he has a heart tattooed on his left hand
      Example sentencesExamples
      • He escaped lifelong identification as an SS member only because by late 1944 the regiments were no longer organised to carry out the customary process of tattooing conscripts' blood group on their arms.
      • Since he can make no new memories, meticulous note taking, taking Polaroid pictures, and tattooing important information to his body are Leonard's only way of remembering the past.
      • The little cross tattooed on my left hand is a memory of my Latino friends when I lived in Phoenix.
      • Rock stars are known by their tattoos, and even corporate chieftains proudly ink themselves, tattooing the logo of their brand into their skin as a permanent statement of brand loyalty.
      • The real acid test: during the last two years how many of your customers have tattooed your brand on one of their biceps?
      • Iverson famously gave himself the sobriquet ‘The Answer’, tattooing the words on his left arm for emphasis.
      • He may find himself wearing a pink triangle and a nifty new set of numbers tattooed to one of Iris arms.
      • One of the drinkers at the bar informed me that Noi is a real butterfly; in fact she has the image of a small butterfly tattooed over her heart.
      • If this whole admission game does happen again, though, I plan on permanently tattooing the word REJECT on my forehead.
      • So, I've had conversations before about the probability that I could be paid to tattoo an advert onto my skin.
      • He has a tattoo on his left hand and a cross tattooed on one of his left fingers.
      • ‘It's the only brand name riders will actually tattoo onto their arms,’ Ghattas goes on to indicate.
      • He did everything short of tattooing the organization's logo on his forehead.
      • At twenty-one, Dami turned him into a vampire, and tattooed a red mark onto his forehead.
nounPlural tattoos taˈtuːtəˈtuːtæˈtu
  • A design made by tattooing.

    they were muscle-bound men covered in scars and tattoos
    Example sentencesExamples
    • In its verdict, the court said it was impossible to confirm whether or not the men got the tattoos for the purpose of escaping their military obligation.
    • Teah, 24, a Lieutenant-Colonel, has tattoos of a scorpion and a cobra on each bicep.
    • As a result of these happy drugs, most people who have gotten tattoos have trouble recalling the actual pain at the time.
    • We must be prepared for all possibilities, not just the ones that play into reporters' preconceived notions about hunters, soldiers, tattoos and guns.
    • On his upper arm he had a tattoo - a simple red band around his arm.
    • That's a pretty nice simple tattoo, plus the location can't be beat.
    • The chest, back, arms, legs, and tongue are common places for tattoos.
    • A few dark tattoos in strange patterns were visible along the base of her spine.
    • Surrounding her right eye was a yellow tattoo of a hawk's head.
    • Most of the traditional tattoos such as patterns of lotus, snake, figures of deities, or religious symbol were mostly etched for religious or spiritual purposes.
    • His left hand was running over his tattoo nervously.
    • It has also been believed that someone with a tattoo in a certain pattern calls upon the spirit corresponding to that image.
    • My tattoos are simple symbols but layered with meaning.
    • Cholos often have black ink tattoos, commonly involving Catholic imagery, or calligraphy messages or family names.
    • While the appearance and garb of Samoan women are subject to a range of cultural restrictions, full-body tattoos are common on Samoan men.
    • On the bottom floor at the end of the hall was an altar and stood at it was an old man wearing a medallion with the same pattern as the tattoo on Kaiser's arm.
    • He explained that whether it is done as a rite of passage or to serve some other purpose, tattoos are common to every society from Africa to China.
    • The tattoos showed courage because tattooing is painful, wealth because the tattoo expert was expensive, and beauty because tattooing made the wearer attractive to women.
    • Jacek was sitting at his desk, sketching out a pattern for a tribal tattoo.
    • But for soldiers, getting tattoos has for many years been a way of nurturing a sense of solidarity with their fellow troops.


  • tattooer

  • nountəˈtuːətaˈtuːətæˈtuər
    • There are possibilities in this direction for the tattooer who is willing to sacrifice his art.
      Example sentencesExamples
      • Now you know that you have to be both a fan and an artist in order for other tattooers to take you seriously.
      • Most tattooers that actually want to spend time talking about it just want to make fun of me.
      • What education has the tattooer had regarding blood borne pathogens and the elimination of cross contamination?
      • Also one of the worst things for me is tattooers who don't have any tattoos, or barely any.
  • tattooist

  • nountəˈtuːɪsttæˈtuəst
    • She has written to the Maltese authorities and sent them a copy of the medical report and a photograph of Owen's back, asking them to take action over street tattooists.
      Example sentencesExamples
      • He liked the idea of artists becoming tattooists, not drunken bikers… he helped to legitimise the whole world of tattooing, which was in a dark tunnel for a long time.
      • If joined end-to-end, these ads would be a separate feature lasting an hour and starring fast food meal deals, electrical goods salespeople and tattooists.
      • ‘I heard there was a lack of quality tattooists in the Mid West,’ he said.
      • Anyone can set themselves up in practice without a licence or training - although ear-piercers and tattooists have to be fully licenced and inspected.


Mid 18th century: from Tahitian, Tongan, and Samoan ta-tau or Marquesan ta-tu.



  • 1An evening drum or bugle signal recalling soldiers to their quarters.

    a military tattoo takes place with clockwork precision
    Example sentencesExamples
    • From the 17th century drums and trumpets sounded tattoo, originally an instruction to turn off the taps of beer or wine-barrels, to call men back to quarters at the end of the day.
    1. 1.1British An entertainment consisting of music, marching, and the performance of displays and exercises by military personnel.
      a visit to Edinburgh during the Festival includes a visit to the Tattoo
      a crash involving two Russian jet fighters at the International Air Tattoo
      Example sentencesExamples
      • He was thrown off his Honda then hit by another bike in front of hundreds of spectators at a military tattoo in West Bergholt.
      • It stands on Castle Rock overlooking the city of Edinburgh and is approached across the Esplanade, the site of the annual military tattoo and other ceremonies.
      • There will also be wreath-layings at three memorials to the fallen, in Arnhem, Oosterbeek and at Ginkel Heath, along with a military tattoo.
      • When the crew lost their training base in October 2000 they decided to raise funds for a more permanent base and so the idea of the military tattoo was born.
      • He was at the base preparing to fly as an RAF aircraft passenger in a Queen's Golden Jubilee military tattoo.
      • Edinburgh can keep the military tattoo, all of the modern dance, and most of the London stand-up comedians.
      • The top of Blake Street was a wonderful vantage point for watching the many parades, processions and military tattoos that regularly took to the streets.
      • You can watch the pipers' ankles swirl past at the military tattoo.
      • Pipe bands and military bands have also gone due to him, the very essence required for a military tattoo.
      • While the band no longer performs at military tattoos, it is, on occasion, recalled to active duty.
      • Edinburgh's not the only city to boast an annual military tattoo.
      • The term tattoo now refers to a military pageant, often held at night.
      • Chatham Navy Days was rounded off by a military tattoo in the Historic Dockyard, at which Prince Michael of Kent was the guest of honour.
      • Brigadier Melville Jameson, the chief executive and producer of the tattoo, said a condition of the appearance in Sydney was that a replica castle facade was built.
      • You often bump into visiting vets, middle-aged men with flabby muscles and military tattoos.
      • It is almost obligatory for any new Edinburgh resident to wax lyrical over the cultural backdrop that the castle, the festival and the tattoo give to the city.
      • ‘Some members who have done the tattoo in Scotland have said that to do it in Australia is an even bigger honour,’ he said.
      • That is the dilemma facing Scottish pipe major Gordon MacKenzie as he prepares for a military tattoo to end all military tattoos - in the desert.
      festival, fiesta, fete, gala, jamboree, holiday, celebration, party
    2. 1.2 A rhythmic tapping or drumming.
      she tapped her fingers in a nervous tattoo
      Example sentencesExamples
      • Rain fell steadily, beating a tattoo on the broad leaves of the tree above his head, like the relentless footsteps of an army of marching warriors.
      • Someone started to knock on my door, beating out an incessant tattoo.
      • Her heart beats a purple tattoo in her throat and there's a stitch in her side.
      • Alyssa's whole body was shuddering, and Pinine could almost hear her pulse beating out a frantic tattoo.
      • The endless sound echoed like thunderous footfalls, beating a tattoo on the inside of her skull.
      • The other beat an hypnotic tattoo to lure out their lunch.
      • My boots beat a tattoo against the flagstones on the bridge and the sounds of battle grew louder: the clashing of steel, the sound of battle cries and death screams.
      • He launches himself into my lap and rains kisses on me, his tail beating a tattoo on the arm of my chair.
      • All year long the war drums have been beating an insistent tattoo but recently the rhythm seemed to be leading nowhere.
      • My fingers drummed a steady tattoo on the desk, impatiently watching the clock as it took forever to tick over to 3: 15.
      • We spent the evening there, in her small attic room with rain drumming a staccato tattoo on the roof above and a small fire flickering in the grate.
      • Charles offered him a curt nod, before turning on his heel and briskly striding out, his polished black boots beating out a rapid tattoo on the varnished floor.
      • Gradually the rigidity left his play and the trademark square cut began to beat out a tattoo.
      • All the time the falling water was beating a tattoo on my head and pouring down my neck.
      • But I'm already striding back to my apartment, my heart beating a mad tattoo inside my chest.
      • My heart beat a nervous tattoo in my chest, the rest of my body frozen in place.
      • His heart pounded quickly, beating out a fierce tattoo in his strong chest as he walked down the paths which wound and turned into dead ends.
      • The day dawned bright and and sunny, but Ethan was awakened by the sound of someone beating a tattoo on his door.
      • The vibrant music and the exhilarating beat of the tribals were infectious and soon many in the audience, including yours truly, were beating a tattoo on the floor.
      • But to my surprise, instead he got out a battered pair of drumsticks, with which he beat a brief tattoo on the top of my head.
      pitter-patter, tapping, pattering, drumming, drumbeat, clatter, beat, beating, pounding, throb, pulsation, rat-a-tat, pit-a-pat, clack, click-clack, clacketing, thrum, thrumming


Mid 17th century (originally as tap-too) from Dutch taptoe!, literally ‘close the tap (of the cask)!’.


[with object]
  • 1Mark (a person or a part of the body) with an indelible design by inserting pigment into punctures in the skin.

    his cheek was tattooed with a winged fist
    Example sentencesExamples
    • The four defendants were charged for tattooing their bodies to evade conscription immediately after they were judged physically competent to serve in the military.
    • Often people come in with really ugly designs and insist that he tattoo them.
    • In Jack's eyes, his mom was unique among tattoo artists because she'd never been tattooed.
    • It was kind of gross, but I guess that's as close to human skin as you can get without actually tattooing a human.
    • First of all, there is a significant difference between tattooing the body, cutting the body, piercing the body, painting the body and writing on the body.
    • In addition, the edges of a girl's mouth was tattooed in a traditional design.
    • If only we could get them to tattoo themselves with some permanent mark.
    • Pre-wedding nerves can sometimes cause a groom to have a total sense of humour failure when a harmless little prank - shaving his eyebrows, say, or tattooing his cheeks - is played on him.
    • A 15-year-old girl would be tattooed on the cheeks when she had mastered the art of weaving.
    • The other option would be to tattoo the backs of my hands.
    • The tattooist testified in court that the man was sober when he was tattooed!
    • Parents would rather their kids go in for glitter as they feel it is a better option to piercing or tattooing the body.
    • He also cuts himself to mark events in his life and has been tattooed.
    • On the street in many an American city, teenage girls have taken to wearing a Hindu-style ‘dot’ between their eyes, and boys to tattooing themselves with Chinese characters they cannot read.
    • Is Miller going to demand that all Haitians and Jamaicans be tattooed with an ID number?
    • On her right arm, starting from her shoulder, her skin was tattooed with black liquid crystal as a snake curling around her arm.
    • Without exception they paint their bodies, they tattoo their bodies, they decorate their bodies and they clothe their bodies.
    • The entire right side of her body was tattooed with road burn and hues of purple, yellow, and blue.
    • They did not wear any footwear or any covering on their upper bodies, which were frequently tattooed.
    • For every year he is held captive he tattoos the back of his hand with a line.
    tap, beat, rap, knock, strike, thud, thump, hit
    1. 1.1 Make (an indelible design) on a part of the body by inserting pigment into punctures in the skin.
      he has a heart tattooed on his left hand
      Example sentencesExamples
      • One of the drinkers at the bar informed me that Noi is a real butterfly; in fact she has the image of a small butterfly tattooed over her heart.
      • He may find himself wearing a pink triangle and a nifty new set of numbers tattooed to one of Iris arms.
      • Rock stars are known by their tattoos, and even corporate chieftains proudly ink themselves, tattooing the logo of their brand into their skin as a permanent statement of brand loyalty.
      • He did everything short of tattooing the organization's logo on his forehead.
      • So, I've had conversations before about the probability that I could be paid to tattoo an advert onto my skin.
      • He escaped lifelong identification as an SS member only because by late 1944 the regiments were no longer organised to carry out the customary process of tattooing conscripts' blood group on their arms.
      • He has a tattoo on his left hand and a cross tattooed on one of his left fingers.
      • Since he can make no new memories, meticulous note taking, taking Polaroid pictures, and tattooing important information to his body are Leonard's only way of remembering the past.
      • ‘It's the only brand name riders will actually tattoo onto their arms,’ Ghattas goes on to indicate.
      • The real acid test: during the last two years how many of your customers have tattooed your brand on one of their biceps?
      • The little cross tattooed on my left hand is a memory of my Latino friends when I lived in Phoenix.
      • Iverson famously gave himself the sobriquet ‘The Answer’, tattooing the words on his left arm for emphasis.
      • If this whole admission game does happen again, though, I plan on permanently tattooing the word REJECT on my forehead.
      • At twenty-one, Dami turned him into a vampire, and tattooed a red mark onto his forehead.
  • A design made by tattooing.

    Example sentencesExamples
    • We must be prepared for all possibilities, not just the ones that play into reporters' preconceived notions about hunters, soldiers, tattoos and guns.
    • While the appearance and garb of Samoan women are subject to a range of cultural restrictions, full-body tattoos are common on Samoan men.
    • As a result of these happy drugs, most people who have gotten tattoos have trouble recalling the actual pain at the time.
    • Teah, 24, a Lieutenant-Colonel, has tattoos of a scorpion and a cobra on each bicep.
    • A few dark tattoos in strange patterns were visible along the base of her spine.
    • Most of the traditional tattoos such as patterns of lotus, snake, figures of deities, or religious symbol were mostly etched for religious or spiritual purposes.
    • On his upper arm he had a tattoo - a simple red band around his arm.
    • Surrounding her right eye was a yellow tattoo of a hawk's head.
    • The chest, back, arms, legs, and tongue are common places for tattoos.
    • But for soldiers, getting tattoos has for many years been a way of nurturing a sense of solidarity with their fellow troops.
    • In its verdict, the court said it was impossible to confirm whether or not the men got the tattoos for the purpose of escaping their military obligation.
    • My tattoos are simple symbols but layered with meaning.
    • He explained that whether it is done as a rite of passage or to serve some other purpose, tattoos are common to every society from Africa to China.
    • Cholos often have black ink tattoos, commonly involving Catholic imagery, or calligraphy messages or family names.
    • His left hand was running over his tattoo nervously.
    • That's a pretty nice simple tattoo, plus the location can't be beat.
    • On the bottom floor at the end of the hall was an altar and stood at it was an old man wearing a medallion with the same pattern as the tattoo on Kaiser's arm.
    • Jacek was sitting at his desk, sketching out a pattern for a tribal tattoo.
    • The tattoos showed courage because tattooing is painful, wealth because the tattoo expert was expensive, and beauty because tattooing made the wearer attractive to women.
    • It has also been believed that someone with a tattoo in a certain pattern calls upon the spirit corresponding to that image.


Mid 18th century: from Tahitian, Tongan, and Samoan ta-tau or Marquesan ta-tu.





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