

单词 voicemail

Definition of voicemail in English:


mass noun
  • A centralized electronic system which can store messages from telephone callers.

    Example sentencesExamples
    • After getting no reply, we called him yesterday, leaving a message on his voicemail.
    • Why don't voicemail systems have the same menu options to delete and store messages, for example?
    • Her frantic family have been unable to find her and calls to her mobile telephone go straight to voicemail.
    • All telephone enquiries from late June onwards were transferred to a mobile phone voicemail.
    • How do they like to communicate - by e-mail, voicemail or an informal chat when you drop by their office?
    • No longer will there be any need to leave multiple messages on email, voicemail and a pager.
    • I grabbed my phone out of my room and dialed her cell phone but got voicemail immediately.
    • They also provide voicemail, call forwarding and conference calls, at no extra charge.
    • Or you can ignore it, send it to voicemail or forward the call to a wireless phone.
    • Why can't I figure out how to check my voicemail or get into the system to record my outgoing greeting?
    • He left a message, and hoped his friend would check his voicemail in the next hour or so.
    • If you have to be away from your desk, have someone else answer the phone for you if you don't have voicemail or an answering machine.
    • He advocated email as a useful alternative to meetings, or voicemail for communication purposes.
    • I tried to phone your mobile but it kept going to voicemail!
    • Find out if you'll have access to voicemail and e-mail during your maternity leave.
    • I didn't answer any of the calls - she left me two voicemail messages though.
    • A voicemail message at its head office in London claims that the ‘office is now closed’.
    • When I listened to her voicemail, I noticed she said she would be back on Tuesday.
    • Well, she phoned yesterday in the morning and left a message on my voicemail.
    • I couldn't actually work out what voicemail message she was talking about.
    post, letters, packages, parcels, correspondence, communications, airmail




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