

单词 test drive

test drive

An act of driving a motor vehicle that one is considering buying, in order to determine its quality.Buying at auction might save you a few quid in the short term but unless you know what you're looking at you are probably better off scouring the classifieds and taking any car you're considering for a test drive before you part with cash....
  • Out on our test drive, in a 1.6 litre model (likely to be the bestseller), I was struck by its hushed refinement and strikingly good quality.
  • In a test drive on simulated ice, the system did not allow the driver to veer off-course and spin the car.
(test-drive) [with object] Drive (a motor vehicle) to determine its qualities with a view to buying it.Weeks were also spent test-driving cars, including an undertaker's hearse, to ensure the best choice was made....
  • He might have saved himself some heartache if he had test-driven his current car, a BMW 645 convertible.
  • Eight-year-old Fionn Fitzgibbon from Dublin was delighted to be first to test-drive the racing car while other children stared wide-eyed waiting their turn.




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