

单词 dolt


/dəʊlt /
A stupid person.It's foolish to complain about uninteresting times, especially when one of your favourite curses is to condemn fools, dolts and irritating people to live in times of an interesting kind....
  • What makes the dunderheaded dolt think he can pull it off?
  • More stupid, though, are the dolts revealed by this site.


fool, nincompoop, clown, simpleton
informal idiot, ninny, dope, dimwit, chump, goon, dumbo, dummy, halfwit, nitwit, dum-dum, loon, jackass, cretin, imbecile, jerk, nerd, fathead, blockhead, numbskull, dunderhead, dunce, dipstick, bonehead, chucklehead, clod, goop, knucklehead, lamebrain, pea-brain, pudding-head, thickhead, wooden-head, pinhead, airhead, birdbrain, dumb-bell, donkey, stupe, noodle
British informal nit, twit, numpty, clot, plonker, berk, prat, pillock, wally, git, wazzock, divvy, nerk, dork, twerp, charlie, mug, muppet
Scottish informal nyaff, balloon, sumph, gowk
Irish informal gobdaw
North American informal schmuck, bozo, boob, lamer, turkey, schlepper, chowderhead, dumbhead, goofball, goof, goofus, galoot, lummox, klutz, putz, schlemiel, sap, meatball, gink, cluck, clunk, ding-dong, dingbat, wiener, weeny, dip, simp, spud, coot, palooka, poop, squarehead, yo-yo, dingleberry
Australian/New Zealand informal drongo, dill, alec, galah, nong, bogan, poon, boofhead
South African informal mompara
British vulgar slang knobhead
North American vulgar slang asshat
dated tomfool, muttonhead, noddy
archaic clodpole, loggerhead, spoony, mooncalf


Mid 16th century: perhaps a variant of dulled, past participle of dull.






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