

单词 elevate


/ˈɛlɪveɪt /
verb [with object]
1Raise or lift (something) to a higher position: the exercise will naturally elevate your chest and head...
  • After a while I found I was able to lift my arms, elevate them slightly - both my arms, but it was very slow.
  • Aaron raised an eyebrow and elevated his fingers again.
  • Raise the bar by elevating your shoulders to just below ear level; at the same time bend and flare your elbows and immediately turn palms towards the floor.


raise, lift (up), raise up/aloft, buoy up, upraise, bear aloft;
hoist, hike up, haul up, heft up, boost
1.1(Of a priest) hold up (a consecrated host or chalice) for adoration: she ordered the bishop celebrating Mass in her chapel not to elevate the Host...
  • He recited the words of institution in German but not the Canon and failed to elevate the host and chalice, distributing them in both species immediately after the consecratory words.
  • You will not find me poring over the General Instruction of the Roman Missal late at night, wondering if padre elevated the host high enough.
  • In the National Gallery's Mass of Saint Giles, for example, the saint elevates the Host at the moment of consecration.
1.2Raise the axis of (a piece of artillery) to increase its range: the field guns were elevated twenty degrees...
  • The fact that both mortar and machine gun can be elevated to 71.5 degrees makes the system especially useful in MOUT.
  • The demolition gun may be elevated or depressed for use at various ranges up to 925 meters and is coaxial mounted with a 7.62 mm machine gun.
  • Switzerland produced its own tanks and in Sweden the highly original S-Tank appeared - an almost flat turretless tank destroyer which elevated and depressed its gun by adjusting its suspension.
2Raise to a more important or impressive level: he was elevated to Secretary of State he has elevated bad taste into an art form...
  • Saying nothing important is elevated to the level of a virtue.
  • Having sung praises to this young man who is soon to be elevated to the Bench, I believe it's equally important to put his recent edicts under scrutiny.
  • Fortunately, with the arrival of the Winter Games, hockey competition has once again been elevated to an international level.


promote, give promotion, upgrade, improve the position/status of, give a higher rank, advance, move up, raise, give advancement, prefer;
ennoble, exalt, aggrandize, dignify
informal kick upstairs, move up the ladder
2.1Increase the level of (something): the therapy can elevate serum amylase levels...
  • They are referred to as ‘bad cholesterol’ because they elevate blood cholesterol levels and risks for developing cardiovascular disease.
  • High erythropoietin levels can elevate blood pressure either via a polycythemia/hyperviscosity mechanism or by direct pressor effects.
  • The patient felt fine and ASW could find no source of an infection that could be elevating his glucose level; she wondered if the change was caused by progression of his cancer and declining pancreatic function.





Late Middle English: from Latin elevat- 'raised', from the verb elevare, from e- (variant of ex-) 'out, away' + levare 'lighten' (from levis 'light').

  • The word elevate is from Latin elevare ‘to raise’, based on levis ‘light’, found also in alleviate (Late Middle English) ‘lighten’, levity (mid 16th century), relieve (Middle English), and the leaven (Middle English) used in bread-making to lighten the loaf.





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