

单词 excursion


/ɪkˈskəːʃ(ə)n / /ɛkˈskəːʃ(ə)n/
1A short journey or trip, especially one taken as a leisure activity: an excursion to London Zoo...
  • ‘Day hikes, long treks, paddling excursions - short or long trips, we have a variety of events that take place in the summer for all members,’ noted Bookan.
  • This was only a short excursion into the forest to report to my brothers.
  • One of my favorite excursions was a short drive from downtown at the Ballard Locks, which is absolutely free to visitors.


trip, outing, jaunt, expedition, journey, tour;
day trip, day out, drive, run, ride
informal junket, spin, hop
Scottish informal hurl
2 technical A movement of something along a path or through an angle: large excursions of the hip and knee joint a gantry controlled the radial and tangential excursion of each detector...
  • We were told that this railroad plans to hopefully run some excursions along that other track into Eustis by this summer.
  • The self-referencing vibrating probe oscillated along an excursion of 10 m.
  • The observed carbon isotope excursions can be traced throughout different localities with different depositional environments and histories.
3A deviation from a regular activity or course: the firm’s disastrous excursion into the US electrical market...
  • Weller's music runs the gamut from the Jam's punk-colored Mod and Merseybeat, through the Style Council's white soul, to the '90s excursions into folk and psychedelia.
  • The new songs sound like classic Ornette Coleman - similar in emphasis to his vintage small group jazz performances rather than his later excursions into world music, symphony pieces and funk.
  • He peppers the storytelling with African-American colloquialisms and excursions into patois that echo his native Trinidad, the South, the street, the church and the bush.



/ɪkˈskəːʃ(ə)nɪst / /ɛkˈskəːʃ(ə)nɪst / noun ...
  • Excursions allowed black organizations to raise money from modern commercial leisure activities, yet the journey allowed excursionists to enjoy traditional pastimes.
  • With the exception of the railway station clock, this was the only one in the main street, and to excursionists particularly, hurrying to catch their trains, the presence of this clock would be greatly appreciated.
  • A good many of the excursionists were conveyed to the head of the lake by the steam-yacht ‘Swift,’ which made its initial journey for the season on that day.


Late 16th century (in the sense 'act of running out', also 'sortie' in the phrase alarums and excursions (see alarum): from Latin excursio(n-), from the verb excurrere 'run out', from ex- 'out' + currere 'to run'.

  • cursor from Middle English:

    Nowadays we call the movable indicator on our computer screen the cursor. In medieval English a cursor was a running messenger: it is a borrowing of the Latin word for ‘a runner’, and comes from currere ‘to run’. From the late 16th century cursor became the term for a sliding part of a slide rule or other instrument, marked with a line for pinpointing the position on a scale that you want, the forerunner of the computing sense. Currere is the source of very many English words including course (Middle English) something you run along; concourse (Late Middle English) originally a crowd who had ‘run together’; current (Middle English) originally meaning ‘running, flowing’; discursive (late 16th century) running away from the point; excursion (late 16th century) running out to see things; intercourse (Late Middle English) originally an exchange running between people; and precursor (Late Middle English) one who goes before; as well as supplying the cur part of concur (Late Middle English); incur (Late Middle English); occur (Late Middle English) (from ob- ‘against’); and recur (Middle English).






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