

单词 faux pas

faux pas

/fəʊ ˈpɑː / /fo pa/
noun (plural same)
An embarrassing or tactless act or remark in a social situation: ‘I was suddenly sick in the back of their car’—it was years before he could confess his faux pas to them...
  • Every social faux pas, every cruel word, every embarrassment returns with fresh power to demoralise.
  • Well you wouldn't want to read that book, obviously, but it's the sort of thing you need to know about in order to avoid making embarrassing faux pas.
  • For example, they might be less likely to recognize that a social faux pas or insult could cause someone else offence.


gaffe, blunder, mistake;
indiscretion, impropriety, breach/lapse of etiquette, solecism, gaucherie, peccadillo
informal boob, boo-boo, slip-up, clanger, howler, boner
North American informal blooper
British informal, dated bloomer


French, literally 'false step'.





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