释义 |
offshoreadjective & adverb /ˈɒfʃɔː / /ɒfˈʃɔː /1Situated at sea some distance from the shore: [as adjective]: offshore islands [as adverb]: we dropped anchor offshore...- As all land was already owned, there was no room for an expanding population, so new islands were established on sandbars a short distance offshore, where the air was cool and mosquito-free.
- As long as Aboriginal people have been living near the Great Barrier Reef, they have traveled to offshore islands and reefs.
- Aid agencies say the loss of 3,300 fishing trawlers, which also doubled as transport for tourists visiting offshore islands, affects tens of thousands of families.
1.1(Of the wind) blowing towards the sea from the land: [as adjective]: offshore winds [as adverb]: weather forecasters say the cyclone should move offshore...- Winds blowing offshore push water away from the shore.
- The spray from the offshore wind was blowing over the backside.
- Horrified onlookers could only watch, as an offshore wind blew their flimsy dinghy vessel, into deeper water.
1.2Relating to the business of extracting oil or gas from the seabed: [as adjective]: a safety regime for the offshore industry [as adverb]: the trainees will eventually work offshore...- As well as large passenger vessels, he has also identified the offshore oil business and the cargo industry as likely targets.
- The birds may be fatally attracted to lighthouses, offshore drilling platforms, and the high-intensity lamps used by fishermen to lure squid to the surface.
- The company makes hydraulic equipment such as winches and cranes, for the fishing and offshore industries.
2Made, situated, or registered abroad, especially in order to take advantage of lower taxes or costs or less stringent regulation: [as adjective]: offshore accounts...- The decision to target the collection was taken when it was discovered that his other assets are registered offshore.
- Unfortunately, there is more to trading offshore than just registering your company elsewhere.
- A lot of corporates and individuals hold offshore accounts legitimately.
2.1Of or derived from a foreign country: [as adjective]: American offshore politics...- Only 30 percent of the claimed investment had to come from offshore, meaning little foreign exchange would flow into the country.
- I see from the commentary that it relates to 6 years of income earned by foreign companies for offshore surveys for possible petroleum fields.
- The funds are believed to have been channelled to the Chavez camp through an offshore company on the island of Curacao.
verb [with object]Move (some of a company’s processes or services) overseas: he predicts that 750,000 UK jobs will be offshored in the next 10 years...- The firm offshores some GIS work to India, while programming activities are done for U.S. clients in Ukraine.
- As more service jobs are offshored, however, that surplus is shrinking rapidly too, declining from $90 billion to $60 billion over the past seven years.
- Ironically, the story is about some workers whose jobs were offshored, who came up with the gimmick of selling themselves on eBay.
Rhymesabhor, adore, afore, anymore, ashore, awe, bandore, Bangalore, before, boar, Boer, bore, caw, chore, claw, cocksure, comprador, cor, core, corps, craw, Delors, deplore, door, draw, drawer, evermore, explore, flaw, floor, for, forbore, fore, foresaw, forevermore, forswore, four, fourscore, furthermore, Gábor, galore, gnaw, gore, grantor, guarantor, guffaw, hard-core, Haugh, haw, hoar, ignore, implore, Indore, interwar, jaw, Johor, Lahore, law, lessor, lor, lore, macaw, man-o'-war, maw, mirador, mor, more, mortgagor, Mysore, nevermore, nor, oar, obligor, onshore, open-jaw, or, ore, outdoor, outwore, paw, poor, pore, pour, rapport, raw, roar, saw, scaur, score, senhor, señor, shaw, ship-to-shore, shop-floor, shore, signor, Singapore, snore, soar, softcore, sore, spore, store, straw, swore, Tagore, tau, taw, thaw, Thor, threescore, tor, tore, torr, trapdoor, tug-of-war, two-by-four, underfloor, underscore, war, warrantor, Waugh, whore, withdraw, wore, yaw, yore, your |