

单词 good


/ɡʊd /
adjective (better, best)
1To be desired or approved of: it’s good that he’s back to his old self a good quality of life [as exclamation]: Good! The more people the better!...
  • This side have a good hunger and they've got desire and they are good qualities to have.
  • Perhaps Edinburgh people are more confident of having good jobs and money in the future.
  • She was given the task of bringing me up and instilling reasonably good values in me.
1.1Pleasing and welcome: we’ve had some good news it’s good to see you again...
  • Everything fell into place for us once the game began and the good start was very welcome.
  • Any action is welcome and a good sign that Government is taking the problem seriously.
  • It was a welcome piece of good fortune for the Scot, who blamed the wind for losing time in the middle sector of his lap.
1.2Showing approval: the play had good reviews...
  • The series received rotten reviews, then good ones, and the viewing figures blossomed.
  • As an unknown first-time author, to get such a good review was a dream come true.
  • While the reviews have been good, some critics have said the work has the hallmarks of a first draft.
2Having the required qualities; of a high standard: a good restaurant his marks are just not good enough...
  • What is really required is a good standard of health care delivered locally.
  • A good standard of maths is also required as there is a high mathematical content to the course.
  • The school was also commended for its good standard of care and guidance given to children.


fine, of high quality, of a high standard, quality, superior;
satisfactory, acceptable, adequate, in order, up to scratch, up to the mark, up to standard, up to par, competent, not bad, all right;
excellent, superb, outstanding, magnificent, of the highest quality, of the highest standard, exceptional, marvellous, wonderful, first-rate, first-class, superlative, splendid, admirable, worthy, sterling
informal super, great, OK, hunky-dory, A1, ace, terrific, tremendous, smashing, fantastic, fab, supercalifragilisticexpialidocious, top-notch, tip-top, class, awesome, magic, wicked
British informal brilliant, brill, bosting
US informal on fleek
Australian informal beaut, bonzer
British informal, dated spiffing, ripping, cracking, topping, top-hole, wizard, capital, champion
North American informal, dated swell
delicious, mouth-watering, appetizing, tasty, flavoursome, flavourful, delectable, toothsome, inviting, enjoyable, palatable;
succulent, luscious, rich, sweet;
savoury, piquant
informal scrumptious, delish, scrummy, yummy, yum-yum
British informal moreish
North American informal finger-licking, nummy
literary ambrosial
rare ambrosian, nectareous, nectarean, flavorous, sapid
valid, genuine, authentic, legitimate, sound, bona fide;
convincing, persuasive, forceful, striking, telling, potent, powerful, strong, cogent, compelling;
trenchant, weighty, important, meaningful, influential
2.1Skilled at doing or dealing with a specified thing: I’m good at crosswords he was good with children...
  • But like a pair of trusty brown brogues, it served its master well and was good at what it did.
  • The best thing about my quiz is that it genuinely measures how good at magic you are.
  • Rev Palmer said she was extremely good at her job as a beauty therapist and was skilled as a masseur and in skin care.


capable, able, proficient, adept, adroit, accomplished, seasoned, skilful, skilled, gifted, talented, masterly, virtuoso, expert, knowledgeable, qualified, trained
informal great, mean, wicked, deadly, nifty, crack, super, ace, wizard, magic
North American informal crackerjack
vulgar slang shit-hot
2.2Healthy, strong, or well: she’s not feeling too good...
  • In good form on the PGA Tour this year, the American is in good shape for a strong finish on Sunday.
  • For the sake of a couple of dollars' worth of eyedrops the whole village would have good eyesight.
  • It was so flat that if you had good eyesight you could look into the far distance and see the back of your own head.


healthy, fine, sound, tip-top, hale, hale and hearty, hearty, lusty, fit, robust, sturdy, strong, vigorous
2.3Useful, advantageous, or beneficial in effect: too much sun is not good for you...
  • In the second half Windermere used their substitutes to good effect to produce two more goals.
  • It's good for my fitness, and hopefully it will stand me in good stead when I get back to the club.
  • The second period saw Brigg use the flanks to good effect and in the final quarter they ran away with the game.


wholesome, health-giving, healthful, healthy, nourishing, nutritious, nutritional, strengthening, beneficial, salubrious, salutary
2.4Appropriate to a particular purpose: this is a good month for planting seeds...
  • It took us about six months to develop a good code that we all understood.
  • September is a good month to do some heavy digging, especially if you have clay soil.
  • It is a good month to look around gardens, because June is a time of abundance.


convenient, suitable, appropriate, fitting, fit, suited, agreeable;
opportune, timely, well timed, favourable, advantageous, expedient, felicitous, propitious, auspicious, happy, providential
archaic commodious, seasonable
2.5(Of language) with correct grammar and pronunciation: she speaks good English...
  • Alray, who speaks good English and has worked as a translator, started the conversation.
  • Hosts also needed to understand that the children may not speak good English.
  • A lot of you have been asking about my background and the reason why my English is good.
2.6Strictly adhering to or fulfilling all the principles of a particular religion or cause: a good Catholic girl...
  • Yet what is said to be good in one religion may not be good in another religion.
  • Merton, confused, answered, “I guess what I want is to be a good Catholic.”
  • A good socialist would not have such aspirations.
3Possessing or displaying moral virtue: her father was a good man...
  • Finally, everybody thinks that you are a good person by virtue of your job.
  • In the case of the conjoined twins we saw two good moral traditions at work.
  • He had, we must suppose, good moral reasons for seeking to pursue that course of action.


virtuous, righteous, moral, morally correct, ethical, upright, upstanding, high-minded, right-minded, right-thinking, principled, exemplary, clean, law-abiding, lawful, irreproachable, blameless, guiltless, unimpeachable, just, honest, honourable, unbribable, incorruptible, anti-corruption;
scrupulous, reputable, decent, respectable, noble, lofty, elevated, worthy, trustworthy, meritorious, praiseworthy, commendable, admirable, laudable;
pure, pure as the driven snow, whiter than white, sinless, saintly, saintlike, godly, angelic
informal squeaky clean
3.1Showing kindness: it was good of you to come...
  • A kind neighbour with a good word for all, Mae was highly thought of by all who knew her.
  • Yet the Nevilles have been good to him, generous with their help and advice.
  • Evelyn was a grand neighbour and kind friend and her good deeds were many over the years.


kind, kindly, kind-hearted, good-hearted, friendly, obliging, generous, charitable, magnanimous, gracious, sympathetic, benevolent, benign, altruistic, unselfish, selfless
3.2Obedient to rules or conventions: accustom the child to being rewarded for good behaviour...
  • This section of the Code sets out basic rules of good practice that all clubs and individuals must observe.
  • A Swindon primary school is needed to help research links between good behaviour and fish oils.
  • Council solicitor John Emms has had to remind councillors of the importance of good behaviour.


well behaved, obedient, dutiful, well mannered, well brought up, polite, civil, courteous, respectful, deferential, manageable, compliant, acquiescent, tractable, malleable
right, correct, proper, decorous, seemly;
appropriate, fitting, apt, suitable;
convenient, expedient, favourable, auspicious, propitious, opportune, felicitous, timely, well judged, well timed
archaic meet, seasonable
3.3Used to address or refer to people in a courteous, patronizing, or ironic way: a man very like your good self, in fact the good lady of the house...
  • The good lady had not realised it was all part of a European Union ruling.
  • One day last week my good lady asked me to pick her up from the office at lunchtime, which I did.
  • However, if this is true, then who could be better than your good self to emerge victorious from all of this?
3.4Commanding respect: he was concerned with establishing and maintaining his good name...
  • You know how it takes a long, long time to build a good reputation and the flick of an eyelid to lose it?
  • Kenneth had acquired a good reputation in the area, and was asked to take on the role, to which he agreed.
  • Finally she was forced to pay damages to the women whose good names had been dragged through the mud.
3.5Belonging or relating to a high social class: he comes from a good family...
  • He comes from a good family with caring parents and lives in a nice part of York.
4Giving pleasure; enjoyable or satisfying: the streets fill up with people looking for a good time...
  • Men, women and children will enjoy all the good things that come from the beautiful game.
  • It is a powerful antidote to despair in bad times and an enhancer of pleasure in good times.
  • So, a good end to a good week and an enjoyable first three days in a brand new job.


enjoyable, pleasant, agreeable, pleasing, pleasurable, delightful, great, nice, lovely, amusing, diverting, jolly, merry, lively, festive, cheerful, convivial, congenial, sociable
informal super, fantastic, fabulous, fab, terrific, glorious, grand, magic, out of this world, cool
British informal brilliant, brill, smashing
North American informal peachy, neat, ducky
Australian/New Zealand informal beaut, bonzer
British informal, dated capital, wizard, corking, spiffing, ripping, top-hole, topping, champion, beezer
North American informal, dated swell
rare frabjous
4.1Pleasant to look at; attractive: you’re looking pretty good...
  • As a young man his good looks attracted the starlets and the bright lights of Hollywood.
  • In every species, it is the male that dresses up and looks good to attract the females.
  • In my view, there are a few rules to looking good - not that I always follow them, of course.
4.2(Of clothes) smart and suitable for formal wear: he went upstairs to change out of his good suit...
  • Susan Deacon is wearing her good suit, which is purple. but it's not for my benefit.
  • He packed his shirt, good trousers and bow tie in his satchel and as he did so, he whistled White Christmas.
  • So I chucked most of them out, saving a few good shoes to give to someone with a smaller kid.


best, finest, newest, nice, nicest, smart, smartest, special, party, Sunday, formal
informal dressy
5 [attributive] Thorough: now is the time to have a really good clear-up have a good look around...
  • Besides, the girl needed to have a good cry, a thorough, good, hard and long cry.
  • He invited many a look of surprise on days when he parked the plane on the front lawn so he could give the garage a good spring clean.
  • Then he gave himself a good shake, and set to the task of a good clean and groom.
5.1Used to emphasize that a number is at least as great as one claims: they’re a good twenty years younger...
  • I think the accusations against him on this kind of thing go back a good ten years at least.
  • James Goodwin was at least a good three inches shorter AND was half his size when it came to body weight.
  • However, used-car buyers should rejoice in the fact that they at least tried for a good few years.


whole, full, entire, complete, solid, not less than, at least
5.2Used to emphasize a following adjective or adverb: we had a good long hug it’ll be good and dark by then...
  • This is fed by conventions used in a good many American mainstream films in particular.
  • She chose an old white dress she hadn't worn in a good many years, so no one would recognize it.
  • Dance in and out, start with a good strong jab and then follow with the power right.
5.3Fairly large in number, amount, or size: the match attracted a good crowd there’s a good chance that we may be able to help...
  • This weekend is shaping as a very good game and it should be played in front of a good size crowd.
  • The goal spurred the home side on, and cheered by a good sized crowd they looked the more likely to score.
  • The rooms in The Moorings are generous and bright, while the back garden is a good size.


considerable, sizeable, substantial, appreciable, significant;
goodly, tolerable, fair, reasonable, tidy, hefty;
ample, plentiful, abundant, superabundant, great, large, lavish, profuse, generous;
marked, noticeable
informal not to be sneezed at, OK
literary plenteous
6 (usually good for) Valid: the ticket is good for travel from May to September...
  • This single ride ticket is good for travel on August 10th only.
  • Your ticket is good for travel on all trams, trains or buses.
6.1Likely to provide: she’s always good for a laugh...
  • They always seemed good for a laugh and one couldn't help feel quite protective of them.
6.2Sufficient to pay for: his money was good for a bottle of whisky
7Used in conjunction with the name of God or a related expression as an exclamation of extreme surprise or anger: good heavens!...
  • Good Lord, the battery is dead.
1 [mass noun] That which is morally right; righteousness: a mysterious balance of good and evil...
  • The clean contrasts of the Manichean universe are what we respond to: good versus evil.
  • None of us would ever wish the evil that has been done to our country, yet we have learned that out of evil can come great good.
  • Total good should outweigh total evil, it should be a last resort and must have the final aim of peace.


virtue, righteousness, virtuousness, goodness, morality, ethicalness, uprightness, upstandingness, integrity, principle, dignity, rectitude, rightness;
honesty, truth, truthfulness, honour, incorruptibility, probity, propriety, worthiness, worth, merit;
irreproachableness, blamelessness, purity, pureness, lack of corruption, justice, justness, fairness
2 [mass noun] Benefit or advantage to someone or something: he convinces his father to use his genius for the good of mankind the preservation of old buildings matters because they contribute to the general public good he is too clever for his own good...
  • It is fiscal nonsense not to reap the benefits for the good of their own members.
  • The benefits of watching wild animals outweigh any good that might come from killing them.
  • It doesn't appear that the mass membership suggested by your article is doing the service much good.


benefit, advantage, profit, gain, interest, welfare, well-being, enjoyment, satisfaction, comfort, ease, convenience;
help, aid, assistance, use, usefulness, avail, service, behalf
3 (goods) Merchandise or possessions: imports of luxury goods stolen goods [in singular]: the market price of an agricultural good...
  • Instead he is appealing to the better nature of those responsible or anyone who has the goods in their possession now.
  • The country has never really exported enough goods to pay the import bills.
  • It contended that the advertising ban had a greater effect on imported goods than on those produced in Sweden.


merchandise, wares, stock, commodities, line, lot, produce, products, articles, solutions;
imports, exports
rare vendibles
property, possessions, personal possessions, personal effects, effects, worldly goods, chattels, goods and chattels, valuables, accoutrements, appurtenances, paraphernalia, trappings
informal things, stuff, junk, gear, kit, rubbish, bits and pieces, bits and bobs
British informal clobber, gubbins
vulgar slang shit, crap
3.1British Things to be transported, as distinct from passengers: a means of transporting passengers as well as goods [as modifier]: a goods train...
  • Trains can transport people and goods faster, more safely and more efficiently than roads.
  • Lyneham aircraft transported all kinds of goods and materials to the city.
  • Because of our geographical position, it costs more to transport goods to us.


freight, cargo;
load, haul, consignment, delivery, shipment
archaic lading
rare freightage
3.2 (the goods) informal The genuine article.He had managed to steal it and was under contract to produce the goods....
  • It was the spur Kerry were looking for as they produced the goods to soar past Cork.
  • And after so many near misses, now would be a good time to produce the goods in a major championship.
adverb informal
Well: my mother could never cook this good I’m feeling pretty good, all things considered...
  • This technique does seem to work pretty good for me, a little too good sometimes, I think.
  • Now you know I can't sleep very good in a big bed like that.
  • Whatever the hell they do with their instruments, it seems to work pretty damn good.


all to the good

as good as ——

be any (or no or much) good

be good to go

be so good as (or be good enough) to do something

be —— to the good

come up with (or deliver) the goods

do good

do someone good

for good (and all)

for (or in) a good cause

get (or have) the goods on

(as) good as gold

(as) good as new

the Good Book

good for (or on) you (or him, her, etc.)!

the Good Shepherd

good wine needs no bush

a good word

in good time

make good

make something good

take something in good part

too good to be true

too much of a good thing

up to no good


Old English gōd, of Germanic origin; related to Dutch goed and German gut.

  • The ancient root of good probably meant ‘to bring together, unite’ which was also the source of gather (Old English). In 1957 British Prime Minister Harold Macmillan said, ‘Let us be frank about it: most of our people have never had it so good’. ‘You Never Had It So Good’ was the US Democratic Party slogan during the 1952 election campaign. Also in 1952, Kentucky Fried Chicken opened its first outlet, and for many years its slogan has been ‘It's finger-lickin' good’. Good Friday, the Friday before Easter Day, on which Christ was crucified, uses good in the old sense ‘observed as holy’. Our word goodbye (late 16th century) is actually a shortened form of the phrase God be with you. In time good replaced God, in line with phrases such as good morning and goodnight. Sweets and cakes have been goodies since the mid 18th century, and the childish exclamation goody is first recorded not much later. Goody goody gumdrops was the catchphrase of Humphrey Lestocq, the host of the British children's TV show Whirligig in the 1950s.






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