

单词 in effect

in effect

1In force: a moratorium in effect since 1985 has been lifted...
  • My computer is informing me that legal locks are in effect and I can't fire my gun.
  • I find that she was fully aware that the contract was in effect and binding on her.
  • Stephenson, on the other hand, thought that a contract must be in effect during the transfer.


be in force, be in operation, act, stand, apply, be applied, run, be/remain valid, be current, function, be efficacious, hold good, be the case, be the order of the day, obtain, hold, be the case, be prevalent, prevail, pertain, be established
1.1In practice, even if not formally acknowledged: the minister’s powers allow him, in effect, to ban programmes...
  • To adopt the petitioner's approach allows me to in effect reassess the costs of the motion.
  • There was no argument about that, that it was not a payment, in effect, by the company.
  • An inflexible rule protecting such uses would in effect allow the creation of servitudes.


really, in reality, in truth, in fact, in actual fact, effectively, essentially, in essence, virtually, practically, in practical terms, for all practical purposes, to all intents and purposes, in all but name, all but, as good as, more or less, as near as dammit, almost, nearly, well nigh, nigh on, just about;
South African plus-minus
informal pretty much, pretty nearly, pretty well
See parent entry: effect




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