

单词 role play

role play

noun [mass noun]
another term for role playing.Role play and costumes are used to demonstrate what the monks would have worn, what they ate, and how they could be punished....
  • Role play can be a very helpful tool in learning new ways to deal with power exchanges.
  • This activity is based around a role play exercise focusing on a car dealership.
verb (role-play) [no object]
1Act out or perform the part of a person or character, for example as a technique in training or psychotherapy: study participants role-played as applicants for community college...
  • Pupils sang songs, played bingo, and role-played with puppets.
  • The children role played taking a trip.
  • Staff role played various ways to approach a co-worker, how to use language of accountability, and how to ask for help.
1.1 Psychology Unconsciously act out or perform a particular role in accordance with the perceived expectations of society.What hope do we have when small children already role play and think it is okay to divide up based on cultural differences?
2Participate in a role-playing game: one to six players can role-play as any of over 100 characters...
  • I role played male and female characters at different times, and the guys on the game treated me totally differently when I played a female character.
  • I was a mere six years old when I role played the first Dungeons and Dragons basic setting.
  • I've role played for a long time, and one of the experiences that scared me the most was role playing this character as a games-master.


role player

noun ...
  • Role players from many different nations such as the Philippines, Canada, Australia, France, and Germany will participate.
  • It's a bit of a clichéd image of role-players that they're socially inept.
  • Since I am an extremely avid roleplayer, I decided to create a character whose mentality and persona I could easily grasp.




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