

单词 out of sorts

out of sorts

1Slightly unwell: she’s been feeling nauseous and generally out of sorts...
  • With Tiger slightly out of sorts last year, the Americans had to hold off a stiff challenge from hosts Argentina, who were represented by Eduardo Romero and Angel Cabrera.
  • Occasionally, as if by accident, Nora's daughter Beth would turn up, a bit weary from the sea and slightly out of sorts, and Nora would do her best to get her seaworthy again.
  • With Harrington pulling his iron shots and looking slightly out of sorts, it was left to Montgomerie to steady the European ship.


unwell, ill, poorly, bad, indisposed, not oneself, sick, queasy, nauseous, nauseated, peaky, liverish, green about the gills, run down, washed out;
British off, off colour
informal under the weather, below par, not up to par, not up to the mark, funny, peculiar, rough, lousy, rotten, awful, terrible, dreadful, crummy
British informal grotty, ropy
Scottish informal wabbit, peely-wally
Australian/New Zealand informal crook
dated seedy
1.1In low spirits; irritable: the trying events of the day had put him out of sorts...
  • The boarding and takeoff found me only slightly out of sorts; an irritating whining noise near the gate was troubling me.
  • Upon returning to the USA, Bret found himself sleeping poorly, becoming irritable and generally acting and feeling out of sorts.
  • Are you feeling angry, impatient, or out of sorts every time you think of it?


irritable, irascible, peevish, fractious, fretful, cross, crabbed, crabby, crotchety, cantankerous, curmudgeonly, disagreeable, petulant, pettish;
on edge, edgy, impatient, complaining, querulous, peppery, bitter, moody, grumpy, huffy, scratchy, ill-tempered, bad-tempered, ill-natured, ill-humoured, sullen, surly, sulky, sour, churlish, touchy, testy, tetchy, snappish, waspish, crusty, bilious, liverish, dyspeptic, splenetic, choleric
informal snappy, chippy, grouchy, cranky, whingeing, whingy
British informal narky, ratty, eggy, stroppy, shirty
North American informal peckish, sorehead, soreheaded
Australian/New Zealand informal snaky
informal, dated miffy
unhappy, dejected, sad, miserable, down, downhearted, downcast, depressed, blue, melancholy, morose, gloomy, glum, dispirited, discouraged, disheartened, despondent, disconsolate, with a long face, forlorn, crestfallen, woebegone, subdued, fed up, low, in low spirits, in the doldrums, heavy-hearted
informal down in the dumps, down in the mouth
British informal brassed off, cheesed off, browned off, peed off
North American informal teed off, ticked off
vulgar slang pissed off
See parent entry: sort




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