释义 |
harvest mouse  noun1A small North Eurasian mouse with a prehensile tail, nesting among the stalks of growing cereals and other vegetation.- Micromys minutus, family Muridae.
As its name implies the harvest mouse lives along the stems of cereal plants....- A great deal of care has gone into choosing a new habitat to help the re-introduction of the harvest mouse which used to live in great numbers in Cheshire.
- Foxes, rabbits, harvest mice, house mice, dormice, shrews, weasels, and voles all depend on the hedgerows as a place to breed, hunt or shelter.
2A nocturnal mouse found in North and Central America.- Genus Reithrodontomys, family Muridae: several species.
The salt marsh harvest mouse is a small nocturnal rodent that makes its home and all of its meals out of pickleweed, a native plant growing in the salt marshes....- As a result, several species unique to these wetlands are now listed as threatened or endangered, including the salt marsh harvest mouse and the California clapper rail (Rallus longirostris obsoletus).
- Decadent pickleweed stands and invasive nonnative grasses, effects of the lack of tidal action, supplied poor quality habitat for the salt marsh harvest mouse on the Entry Triangle Marsh.