Having more members of staff than are necessary:government departments are always overstaffed...
We are not overstaffed or over-resourced and so I would not see cuts taking place in Wiltshire as a result, but it could have severe repercussions in metropolitan areas.
What has changed that these clubs are no longer viable and (apart from pruning savagely an absurdly overstaffed bunch of players) what can be done to turn things around?
During the last decade the council has let itself become over-committed, over-structured and, consequently, overstaffed.
/ˌəʊvəˈstɑːfɪŋ /noun...
It is understood that overstaffing and excessive wage costs have been a major factor for the group, which has shed about 400 jobs in the last two years in an effort to become more competitive.
This results in overstaffing of the call centre environment to ‘prop-up’ existing systems in the hope they will one day be replaced.
And how will problems of overstaffing be dealt with?