

单词 wherewithal


/ˈwɛːwɪðɔːl /
noun [usually with infinitive] (the wherewithal)
The money or other means needed for a particular purpose: they lacked the wherewithal to pay...
  • They don't have the money or the wherewithal to want to slam him on environment.
  • All have the wherewithal to pay a premium for the quality of home life York offers.
  • A gusher of cash flow is giving businesses the wherewithal to increase their capital outlays.


money, ready money, cash, capital, finance(s), resources, funds, reserves;
means, ability, capability
informal dough, bread, loot, the ready, readies, shekels, moolah, the necessary, wad, boodle, dibs, gelt, ducats, rhino, gravy, scratch, stuff, oof
British informal dosh, brass, lolly, spondulicks, wonga, ackers
North American informal dinero, greenbacks, simoleons, bucks, jack, mazuma
Australian/New Zealand informal Oscar
informal, dated splosh, green, tin
British dated l.s.d.
North American informal, dated kale, rocks, shinplasters
archaic pelf






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