Not likely to be affected:the larvae are insusceptible to most treatments...
Purpose, values and means of redemption are to be understood exclusively as matters particular and personal to the individual: privately created for the sole purpose of making him feel better, and insusceptible to universalisation.
From this it follows that a privative term, being insusceptible of differentiation, cannot be a generic differentia; for, if it were, there would be a common undifferentiated element in two different groups.
Presumably the cost of being insusceptible to bilayer tension often outweighs the benefits, especially where the in situ milieu of channels can provide mechanoprotection.
/ˌɪnsəsɛptɪˈbɪlɪti /noun...
Some of these genes function in the nervous system, and others encode stable proteins, but it is safe to say that the cause of insusceptibility is not known in every case.