

单词 back


/bak /
1The rear surface of the human body from the shoulders to the hips: he lay on his back [as modifier]: back pain...
  • At times I was unable to walk and had severe pain in the lower back, neck and shoulders all the time.
  • I smiled, putting one hand on his shoulder and tapping the back of some tall guy in front of us.
  • They were leaning on each other's shoulders, with their backs to the tombstone.
1.1The upper surface of an animal’s body that corresponds to a person’s back: the adults have white bodies with grey backs...
  • They are similar to large mousetraps and are designed to break the back of an animal.
  • I wonder who can tell me what you would call that ugly animal with a great big hump on its back that is condemned to live in a desert.
  • Fences were put up, but shelter and feed were lacking; during the harsh winters, snow would pile high on the animals' backs.
1.2The spine of a person or animal.While the accident left her with a broken back and severed spine, it did not stifle her sense of adventure....
  • MacManaway diagnosed a trapped nerve in the middle of her back and manipulated her spine to ease the pain.
  • He was placed on a spine board after damaging his back, neck and head in the crash.


spine, backbone, spinal column, vertebral column
technical dorsum, rachis
1.3The main structure of a ship’s hull or an aircraft’s fuselage: Demetrius broke its back on the rocks in a force 11 gale...
  • In the process it swung in the tide and broke its back as it settled across its own previous scour in the seabed.
  • Small vessels had been sunk outright, huge slabs of stone breaking their backs, while larger ships had been cratered and shattered by the rocks.
1.4The part of a garment that covers a person’s back: a top with a scooped neckline and a low back...
  • With low backs and plunging necklines, this fashion has become more and more popular among teenagers and adults alike and local swimwear stores say sales are booming.
  • For evening, the collection is a procession of gathers, plunging necklines and backs, irregular lines.
  • The offensive slogan is written is written in letters six inches high on the back of the garment.
1.5A person’s back regarded as carrying a load or bearing an imposition: the Press are on my back...
  • We went to a nearby restaurant and ate our fill and we were making the most noise cheering and laughing away for our massive success and the great load off our backs.
  • Vote to get government off our backs.
  • Tonight, is it enough to get the paparazzi off their backs?
2The side or part of something that is away from the spectator or from the direction in which it moves or faces; the rear: at the back of the hotel is a secluded garden a rubber dinghy with an engine at the back...
  • Charlton and Pegg said they weren't taking any chances and moved to the back of the plane.
  • With the radiator out of the way now it was time to move on to the back of the truck and the motherboard mounting.
  • The supermodel and her companion then stood up and moved to the back of the bar.


rear, rear side, other side;
Nautical stern
end, tail end, rear end, tail, far end;
North American tag end
2.1The position directly behind someone or something: she unbuttoned her dress from the back...
  • We did the interview, and then I saw his eyes widen, and I felt a presence at my back.
  • At least for the last four or five miles today the wind was at our back.
  • Hearts were now surging forward with a strong wind at their back and they swept further into the lead six minutes later.
2.2The side or part of an object that is not normally seen or used: the back of a postcard...
  • Some of the messages written on the back of the tulip postcards are so sweet and encouraging.
  • I have a series of photos of the family that I like very much because someone wrote on the backs of them describing the subject and where the photo was taken.
  • When police examined his car, left on the motorway, they found a note written on the back of a bus timetable.


reverse, reverse side, other side, underside;
informal flip side
2.3The part of a chair against which the sitter’s back rests.Their legs were tucked up in front of them, and their arms rested over the back of the chair....
  • He has poured himself a glass of champagne and put his arm around her, resting his hand on the back of her wooden chair.
  • His ancestors were cobblers but diversified into making vividly embroidered leather bags, wallets and chair backs.
3A player in a team game who plays in a defensive position behind the forwards: their backs showed some impressive running and passing...
  • In the first two games, the defensive backs seemed indecisive, perhaps the result of playing off receivers.
  • He still can shadow the game's best receivers and is an excellent role model for the team's young defensive backs.
  • The team's defensive backs no longer are being picked on.
4 (the Backs) The grounds of Cambridge colleges which back on to the River Cam.
1In the opposite direction from the one that one is facing or travelling towards: he moved back a pace she walked away without looking back...
  • The foreshortened platform encouraged the actors to move back toward the scenic area of the stage.
  • Is it not better to take one step in the right direction than two back into destruction.
  • Nichole was jerked back towards Tristan as he grabbed the wrist on her other arm.


backwards, behind one, to one's rear, rearwards;
away, off
1.1Expressing movement of the body into a reclining position: he leaned back in his chair sit back and relax...
  • It permitted him to relax, lean back in the big comfortable seat and watch the scenery go by.
  • The job was done in reasonably quick order and I leaned back to relax, panic over.
  • There was nothing to do but sit very still on the perfect settee without leaning back so as not to dent it.
1.2At a distance away: keep back from the roadside...
  • Within half an hour traffic tailed back 10 miles as far back as the West Yorkshire border.
  • He had left the village some miles back and was deep in the English countryside now.
  • Shortly before dawn, the police began pushing back the crowd from the centre of the square.


away, at a distance
1.3 (back of) North American informal Behind: he knew that other people were back of him
1.4North American informal Losing by a specified margin: the team was five points back
2So as to return to an earlier or normal position or condition: she put the book back on the shelf he drove to Glasgow and back in a day things were back to normal...
  • The secretary won her job back and the city has since been trying to do the same for its reputation.
  • Marcia is not interested in getting her job back, but wishes to warn others.
  • According to one press report, a union lawyer told him that there was no way for him to get his job back.
2.1At a place previously left or mentioned: the folks back home are counting on him...
  • What is certain is that it will be very hard for the three men to slip back into their previous lives.
  • Meanwhile back in reality Kate, Locke and Michael have decided to brave the forest to hunt for food.
  • Wouldn't it be a good thing for the folks back home to be told this?
2.2Fashionable again: sideburns are back...
  • First time round it was terribly trendy, but it's horrific that it's actually back in fashion.
  • Today tying the knot is back in fashion, although the ceremony is as likely to take place in a stately home as a church.
  • Then we were in a band called Flared Generation, where we tried to bring flares back into fashion.
3In or into the past: he made his fortune back in 1955...
  • Then last Friday they delivered a bunch of letters and packages some dating back to the past two years.
  • That was just a fortune to me back in the 1960s, so for a week or so I was a high roller.
  • Many times, historical fiction does the best job of leading the mind's eye back to past monarchs.
4In return: they wrote back to me...
  • Since I had, as usual, gone to almost obsessive lengths to get my facts right, I wrote back.
  • He must've thought I was grinning at him, so he smiled back and even gave me a little wave.
  • He wrote back and said he hopes that they hear from me as the inquiry progresses.
1 [with object] Give financial, material, or moral support to: he had a newspaper empire backing him his mother backed him up on everything...
  • And the Executive has still not committed to backing the project financially.
  • Such appeals, backed by suitable financial compensation, can be very effective.
  • Against the odds he set up the choir, financially backed by Manchester city council.


sponsor, finance, put up the money for, fund, subsidize, underwrite, promote, lend one's name to, be a patron of, act as guarantor of, support
informal foot the bill for, pick up the tab for
North American informal bankroll, stake
support, endorse, sanction, approve of, give one's blessing to, smile on, favour, advocate, promote, uphold, champion;
vote for, ally oneself with, stand behind, side with, be on the side of, defend, take up the cudgels for;
informal throw one's weight behind
support, stand by, give one's support to, side with, be on someone's side, take someone's side, take someone's part;
vouch for;
help, assist, aid
1.1Supplement in order to strengthen: firefighters, backed up by helicopters and planes, fought to bring the flames under control...
  • He also said the ‘old doctrine of deterrence’ was no longer enough and United Nations resolutions must now be backed by the threat of military force.
  • India's military strength, backed by a nuclear deterrent, is growing.
  • When dealing with a brutal regime, diplomacy must be backed by credible force.
1.2Bet money on (a person or animal) winning a race or contest: he backed the horse at 33-1...
  • It takes the pressure off and you can be more selective about which races you back horses in.
  • Then again, no horse as won the Melbourne Cup two years in a row, and I backed the winning horse this year.
  • It gives viewers good idea of the factors that go into backing successful racehorses


bet on, place a bet on, gamble on, stake money on
2 [with object] Cover the back of (an article) in order to support, protect, or decorate it: a mirror backed with tortoiseshell...
  • Candlestick stems are topped with silk shades, wall lights are backed with Venetian mirrors and slender brass stems are capped by plated shades.
  • The large mirror was backed with silver.
  • This is a thin film that's been coated onto a flexible plastic material backed by a strong glue.
3 [no object, with adverbial of direction] Walk or drive backwards: she tried to back away figurative the government backed away from the plan [with object]: he backed the Mercedes into the yard...
  • She backed away from him, walking a short distance away.
  • Kiara slowly backed away from the door and walked towards her desk.
  • The government has backed away from announcing changes to its controversial policy in a move that has angered both farming and green groups.


reverse, move/drive backwards;
backtrack, retrace one's steps
3.1 [no object] (Of the wind) change direction anticlockwise around the points of the compass: the wind had backed to the north-west...
  • With winds backing to the south and the southwest the fall-out from nuclear explosions would be driven into Afghanistan and China.
  • But when the wind is backed slightly towards the northwest the winds come over a longer stretch of the North Sea bringing more cloud.
The opposite of veer1.
3.2 [with object] Sailing Put (a sail) aback in order to slow the vessel down or assist in turning through the wind.Hornblower watched as both ships backed the mainsails, turned the helm hard over, and took up the prescribed position....
  • With smooth proficiency, the trimmers backed the jib, and the mainsail was eased, swinging the bow around.
  • The captain backs the vessel's huge dive platform up to the sites.
4 [no object] (back on/ on to) (Of a building or other structure) have its back facing or adjacent to: his garage wall backs on to the neighbouring property...
  • Priciest of them - at £475,000-is a three-storey brick-built building backing on to the city walls.
  • Demolition is planned for a disused printworks called the McCormick Building, which backs on to the Mas nightclub in Royal Exchange Square, in the centre of the city's shopping district.
  • The enclosure - an area of grass the size of a small room surrounded by a 3.5m-high wire fence backing on to a demountable building - had been purpose-built for Neil.
4.1 [with object] Lie behind or at the back of: the promenade is backed by lots of cafes...
  • We went to the south, which I found very gracious, with its beautiful beaches backed by mountains covered with tea and spice plantations.
  • The Camai stage in the school gym was backed with six large panels decorated with masks and sculptures.
  • The highlight of the gig was Superhero Music, backed with fantastic visuals on the cinema screen - the tune whisks you off to another world.
4.2Put a piece of music on the less important side of (a vinyl recording): the new single is backed with a track from the LP...
  • For the purists and strays who like to compare remix treatments with the originals, this is backed by the original album version.
5(In popular music) provide musical accompaniment to (a singer or musician): on his new album he is backed by an American group...
  • Central Band's rhythm section also backed singer/songwriter Drew McAlister and the horn section joined in with The Choirboys.
  • This track's got it all: rhythmic, sharp guitar riffs backed by pounding kick drum and throbbing bass - and the cowbell!
  • Yep, aggressive lyrics and guitar riffs, all backed by the trademark thumping drums, with only moments of calm to provide a respite from the headbanging.
adjective [attributive]
1Of or at the back of something: the back garden the back pocket of his jeans...
  • Even on Sundays, people would be looking at cars and have full view into our back garden.
  • No doubt he steered clear of the back garden view as night fell on Caledonian Stadium.
  • The master bedroom is painted in cream and has great views of the colourful back garden.


end, hind, hindmost, rearmost
dorsal, posterior
1.1In a remote or subsidiary position: back roads...
  • He claimed there was a lack of urgency to tackle safety problems on the A64 and also local back roads.
  • A full moon lit their way as they slipped down a back road and slit the chain-link fence with bolt cutters.
  • There are dozens of tech success stories hidden down back roads all over the country.
2From or relating to the past: she was owed back pay...
  • It has to be applied for and if left longer than three months after the retirement birthday, no back pay will be given.
  • They must pay off their back tax and show that the vehicles are properly insured before they can be driven away.
  • Registration books and all the back registration to pay are a few of the hassles.


past, old, previous, earlier, former, out of date
3Directed towards the rear or in a reversed course: a back header
4 Phonetics (Of a sound) articulated at the back of the mouth: a long back vowel, as in ‘dance’ or ‘bath’...
  • Back vowels have their name because the sound resonates at the back of the mouth.
  • Canadian back vowels are pronounced with the tongue bunched slightly.
  • Finnish is well known for possessing a front-back vowel harmony system.


at someone's back

back and forth

back in the day

one's back is turned

the back of beyond

back o'Bourke

the back of one's mind

back someone into a corner

back to front

back water

back the wrong horse

behind someone's back

get (or put) someone's back up

have (got) someone's back

in back

know something like the back of one's hand

on one's back

put one's back into

turn one's back on

with one's back to (or up against) the wall

Phrasal verbs

back down

back off

back out

back up

back something up



/ˈbakməʊst / adjective ...
  • I discovered a strange ridge on the backmost tooth on my top right side
  • This is a seven-seater, though the two backmost seats are strapped up to the sides when not in use rather than being folded into the floor, and this intrudes into luggage capacity.
  • You can see it especially in the front, where the lights are almost an artistic feature, and in the rear of the side view where there's a very successful treatment of the backmost pillar.


Old English bæc, of Germanic origin; related to Middle Dutch and Old Norse bak. The adverb use dates from late Middle English and is a shortening of aback.

  • Old English back has been prolific in forming compounds, phrases and popular expressions. If you get someone's back up you make them annoyed. The image is that of a cat arching its back when angry or threatened. The idea is recorded as early as 1728: a character in The Provok'd Husband, a comic play of that year by John Vanbrugh (c.1664–1726) and Colley Cibber (1671–1757), remarks, ‘How her back will be up then, when she meets me!’ Sir Walter Scott was the first to use the back of beyond, in 1816. In Australia the back of beyond is back o'Bourke, Bourke being a remote town in New South Wales. In America there have been backwoods since the early 18th century. Failure has sent people back to square one since the 1950s. This possibly comes from a board game such as Snakes and Ladders, in which the board has some squares that send a player who lands on them back to the beginning or to an earlier position. Back to the drawing board does not seem to have been used until the 1940s, though drawing boards themselves have been known by that name from the early 18th century. Andrew Johnson, the 17th president of the USA, gave us the phrase to take a back seat. He said in 1868 after the American Civil War that ‘in the work of Reconstruction traitors should take back seats’. In the 20th century the car brought with it the back-seat driver. By the 1950s the term appears in other contexts: in 1955 The Times reported a comment that ‘it was contrary to democracy for elected members to consult “pressure groups” and “back-seat drivers” ’. See also nimby






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