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biggity /ˈbiɡədē /(also biggety) US informal adjectiveConceited, self-important, or boastful: we had no truck with biggity Yankees...- Too biggity to live with. Getting above us, did you know that?
- The other slaves begin to feel that ‘‘Gabriel's getting biggity’ ‘and no longer concerned with the group, that he has an individualist, rather than a communal perspective.’
- Such at any rate was the fact; the roach and the cat, by their humble station in life, and the lowliness of their associates, proved an admirable vantage for merciless joshing of everything biggity.
adverbRudely; impudently: so that’s why you talked to him so biggity...- They ought to realize that people would like 'em better if they didn't act so biggety.
- Then why did you come over here to Georgia and start acting so biggity?
- When that day comes, and it won't be long now, I will not act biggety.