释义 |
black /blak /adjective1Of the very darkest colour owing to the absence of or complete absorption of light; the opposite of white: black smoke her long black hair...- The first attacker was 6ft tall with short blond hair and was wearing black trousers and a white T-shirt.
- Bundles of chemical sticks lay ready to be burnt in it, some making black smoke and some white.
- The video showed a white truck exploding and black plumes of smoke billowing into the air.
1.1(Of the sky or night) completely dark owing to the sun, moon, or stars not being visible: the sky was moonless and black...- I can see the stars and the sky and the moon and the black sky revolving overhead.
- There were no trees overhead, so he was exposed to the full power of the dark clouds, barely visible in the now black sky.
- Sasha looked up and saw a black sky spotted with stars through the spaces in between the trees.
Synonyms unlit, dark, starless, moonless, unlighted, unilluminated; gloomy, dusky, dim, murky, dingy, shadowy, overcast literary crepuscular, tenebrous rare Stygian, Cimmerian, Tartarean, caliginous 1.2Deeply stained with dirt: the walls were black with age and dirt...- The workers are black with dirt and perspiration that the four fans on the ceiling do not dry.
- The walls and ceiling of the room were perfectly black, with age and dirt.
- Inside the garage door the concrete was stained black with oil and a car was hoisted on a ramp.
1.3(Of a plant or animal) dark in colour as distinguished from a lighter variety: Japanese black pine...- The crested black macque was called the Celebes or black ape by early scientists, because it appeared to have no tail.
- The bees are of the old Irish black bee variety which have been revived by the group of beekeepers.
- The County Council intends to plant black poplars along the River Lune in autumn.
1.4(Of coffee or tea) served without milk: a mug of black coffee Doyle took his coffee black...- Instead, drink lots of water, a cup of skim or soy milk, or a cup of black coffee or tea.
- Trust me, if you're really a caffeine junkie, you're drinking espressos and black coffee.
- Small amounts of water or black coffee may be safe if taken a sufficient time before your procedure.
1.5Of or denoting the suits spades and clubs in a pack of cards.If your stack happens to be a Male Fish, you put a black card of that rank on top (spades or clubs)....- If it includes one or more wild cards, it is called a mixed or black canasta; it is squared up with a natural black card on top.
- If it contains one or more wild cards, it is a mixed canasta, indicated by stacking the cards with a black card on top.
1.6(Of a ski run) of the highest level of difficulty, as indicated by black markers positioned along it.Ski on black slopes and possibly double-black (extreme) slopes....- If you currently ski blue and groomed black runs this is the camp for you.
- The Base and Run 63 are perfect for beginners, and there are also black ski runs, bumps and jumps for the more advanced.
2 (also Black) Belonging to or denoting any human group having dark-coloured skin, especially of African or Australian Aboriginal ancestry: black adolescents of Jamaican descent...- Human Rights Watch says black Africans are deliberately being driven off the land.
- The buzzer sounds and I smile out at a black African with a briefcase.
- He set a big example for the rest of the country and for all black South Africans.
2.1Relating to black people: black culture...- Anthony says mainstream culture is becoming ripe with curiosity about black culture.
- This has very little to do with opprotunity, but a great deal to do with black culture.
- Johnson was a banner figure for artists of the great 1960s revival in black culture.
3Characterized by tragic or disastrous events; causing despair or pessimism: five thousand men were killed on the blackest day of the war the future looks black...- Perhaps however the truth lies somewhere in between and the situation is not as black as some perceive it to be.
- In the North East, once ships stopped being built, a black depression hung over the region.
- It was a black mood at a black moment, a spasm that sentient Americans prefer to forget.
Synonyms tragic, disastrous, calamitous, catastrophic, cataclysmic, ruinous, devastating, fatal, fateful, wretched, woeful, grievous, lamentable, miserable, dire, unfortunate, awful, terrible literary direful 3.1(Of a person’s state of mind) full of gloom or misery; very depressed: Jean had disappeared and Mary was in a black mood...- For the past ten years, Joanne had suffered from depression and took medication to control her black moods.
- I've had no periods of black depression about it, no waking up in cold sweats.
- Those moments of wild inspiration have a payback time and it comes in periods of black depression.
Synonyms miserable, unhappy, sad, wretched, broken-hearted, heartbroken, grief-stricken, grieving, sorrowful, sorrowing, mourning, anguished, distressed, desolate, devastated, despairing, inconsolable, disconsolate, downcast, down, downhearted, dejected, crestfallen, cheerless, depressed, pessimistic, melancholy, morose, gloomy, glum, mournful, funereal, doleful, dismal, forlorn, woeful, woebegone, abject, low-spirited, long-faced informal blue, down in the mouth, down in the dumps literary dolorous 3.2(Of humour) presenting tragic or harrowing situations in comic terms: ‘Good place to bury the bodies,’ she joked with black humour...- These people are also kind of childish, and if confronted by the world directly seem to only be able to understand it in terms of black humour.
- She also revealed the black humour used in the surgery.
- Well, that's going too far - but it is certainly Swiftian satire, black humour or gallows humour.
Synonyms cynical, sick, macabre, weird, unhealthy, ghoulish, morbid, perverted, gruesome, sadistic, cruel, offensive 3.3Full of anger or hatred: Rory shot her a black look...- She was going to set him free from all of the evil and black hatred he had brought to the world.
- I felt a surge of hatred pass through me, black vicious hatred that I had never felt before.
- He had never lied to her a full black lie; but merely a few small white ones that did no damage at all.
Synonyms angry, cross, annoyed, irate, vexed, irritated, exasperated, indignant, aggrieved, irked, piqued, displeased, provoked, galled, resentful, irascible, bad-tempered, tetchy, testy, crabby, waspish, dark, dirty, filthy, furious, outraged; threatening, menacing, unfriendly, aggressive, belligerent, hostile, antagonistic, evil, evil-intentioned, wicked, nasty, hate-filled, bitter, acrimonious, malevolent, malicious, malignant, malign, venomous, poisonous, vitriolic, vindictive British informal shirty, stroppy, narky, ratty, eggy literary malefic, maleficent 3.4 archaic Very evil or wicked: my soul is steeped in the blackest sin 4Denoting a covert military procedure: clearance for black operations came from the highest political level 5British dated (Of goods or work) not to be handled or undertaken by trade union members, especially so as to express support for an industrial dispute elsewhere: the union declared the ship black noun1 [mass noun] Black colour or pigment: a tray decorated in black and green...- Other colours include midnight black, ocean blue, rose pink and olive green.
- The classroom, painted in its sober colours of beige and black, is half-full.
- The finished article was painted in glossy black, the colour of the original vehicle, to make it look new.
1.1Black clothes or material, typically worn as a sign of mourning: only one or two of the mourners were in black...- Her last wishes state that there should be no mourning and that no black is to be worn to the service.
- She was startled and looked up to see that the man was dressed in all black with a hood on his face.
- Guns were aimed at him from the men dressed in all black, masks covering their faces.
1.2Darkness, especially of night or an overcast sky: the only thing visible in the black was the light of the torch...- The cold black of night is penetrated by an alien tone, played upon an inhuman scale.
- My spot in the grass disappeared and I was left with just darkness and total black.
- All about her was either the black of night and shadows or the orange of flame.
1.3 (Black) The player of the black pieces in chess or draughts: Black’s king’s defences are somewhat weakened...- Now Black has two rooks covering his back rank, so one of them can be freed up for central duty.
- The move chosen in the game gives Black a slight edge without giving up a pawn.
- Tha was a very precise move which forces Black to make a passive recapture with the bishop.
1.4 [count noun] A black thing, in particular the black ball in snooker.I was so angry that I missed an easy black being careless - I actually hate myself for it....- The 1992 UK champion potted the first 12 reds and blacks, but in potting the 13 th red into the middle he over-screwed the cueball.
- He potted 13 reds and 12 blacks before losing position on the colour.
2 (also Black) A member of a dark-skinned people, especially one of African or Australian Aboriginal ancestry: they tend to identify strongly with other blacks...- In Brazil, the African Brazilian population comprises blacks and mulattos.
- I have just put up a paper here that gives the detailed results of a survey of what South African whites thought of blacks during the Apartheid era.
- The company recruited battle-hardened and disciplined South Africans and Zimbabweans, blacks as well as whites.
3 ( the black) The situation of not owing money to a bank or of making a profit in a business operation: it is hoped the club will be back in the black by the end of the season I managed to break even in the first six months—quite a short time for a small business to get into the black an insurance company operating in the black will be able to pay for further growth...- Also, you've learned that staying out of the red and keeping in the black gives you more money to save and invest.
- To the markets now, the big stocks were back in the black today, making up all of yesterday's losses.
- Invest wisely in IT and you'll keep your eternal balance sheet in the black.
Synonyms in credit, in funds, debt-free, out of debt, solvent, financially sound, able to pay one's debts, creditworthy, of good financial standing, solid, secure, profit-making, profitable rare unindebted 4British informal Blackcurrant cordial: a rum and black verb [with object]1Make (something) black, especially with polish: the steps of the house were neatly blacked...- Guilt is the great disguiser, blacking the white of the sun.
- This stuff doesn't just black the buildings, it causes asthma and stunts the development of children's lungs.
- I lighted the fires and blacked the grates.
1.1Make (one’s face and other visible parts) black with polish or make-up so as not to be seen at night or to play the role of a black person in a play or film: white extras blacking up their faces to play Ethiopians...- The theme was ‘colonials and natives’ and some of the guests had blacked their faces.
- She said that on May 1, last year, he blacked his face, put on camouflage clothing and went to the site.
- I was a little uncomfortable to say the least when I saw members of the cast were blacked up but I assumed they must have been given permission to do so.
2British dated Refuse to handle (goods), undertake (work), or have dealings with (a person or business) as a way of taking industrial action: the printers blacked firms trying to employ women...- Their defiance sparked a huge wave of international solidarity that saw English dockers blacking Irish goods and collections taken in workplaces across Britain.
- By 20 January the cabinet was so desperate to crush the miners it considered sending in troops to move the coal which had been blacked by other workers.
- The union decided to vent its frustrations on the radio station's abolishing such institutions as the orchestra during a cost cutting exercise by blacking its music programmes for ten weeks in 1980.
Synonyms boycott, embargo, put/place an embargo on, blacklist, ban, bar, proscribe Usage Black has been used to refer to African peoples and their descendants since at least the late 14th century. Although the word has been in continuous use ever since, other terms have enjoyed prominence too: in the US coloured was the term adopted in preference by emancipated slaves following the American Civil War, and coloured was itself superseded in the US in the early 20th century by Negro as the term preferred by prominent black American campaigners such as Booker T. Washington. In Britain, on the other hand, coloured was the most widely used and accepted term in the 1950s and early 1960s. With the civil rights and Black Power movements of the 1960s, black was adopted by Americans of African origin to signify a sense of racial pride, and it remains the most widely used and generally accepted term in Britain today. In the US African American replaced black in many contexts during the 1980s, but both are now generally acceptable. Phrases black someone's eye in someone's black books look on the black side men in black the new black not as black as one is painted Phrasal verbs black out black something out Derivatives blackish /ˈblakɪʃ / adjective ...- It has a thin, black bill, dark gray to blackish legs, dark patches on either side of the upper breast, and dark ear patches.
- At 11 p.m., it looked like a blackish dark gray B - 2 bomber, but then it shot sharply forward only to slow down and stop.
- Her wings turned from silver bright to blackish dark.
blackly /ˈblakli / adverb ...- Of the film, he says, ‘You can either make it more like a horror [film], or you can make it blackly comic.’
- There's even a visceral and blackly humorous moment where the actors demonstrate exactly what's going to happen to the planet using a lighter, a peach and a can of air freshener.
- There is a smaller room that shows Goya's pinturas negras, blackly painted at the end of his life, when the artist was suffering from depression and slowly going mad.
Origin Old English blæc, of Germanic origin. Since the Middle Ages the word black has had connotations of gloom, foreboding, and anger, and since Shakespeare's time it has been associated with wickedness. It is also a perennially stylish colour, and the little black dress has been a byword of fashion from the very beginning of the 20th century. The car manufacturer Henry Ford was not motivated by any of these associations when he said of his Model T Ford, ‘Any customer can have a car painted any colour that he wants so long as it is black’—nor was he trying to impose uniformity. Black simply dried quicker than any other paint. To blackball (late 18th century) derives from the practice of registering an adverse vote by placing a black ball in a ballot box. Black sheep (late 18th century) comes from the proverb there is a black sheep in every flock. Blackguard (early 16th century) was originally a two-word phrase for a body of attendants or servants, especially menials who were responsible for the kitchen utensils, but the exact significance of the epithet ‘black’ is uncertain. The sense ‘scoundrel, villain’ dates from the mid 18th century, and was formerly considered highly offensive. To be in someone's black books is to be out of favour. Since the 15th century various types of official book were known as black books, especially those used to note down misdemeanours and punishments. The relevant books here are probably the black-bound books in which Henry VIII's commissioners recorded accounts of scandals and corruption within the English monasteries in the 1530s. These books provided the evidence to support Henry's plan of breaking with the Pope and the Church of Rome, allowing him to dissolve the monasteries. Not all things called black are black in colour. An aircraft's black box, its flight recorder, for instance, is not. Black here refers to the mystifying nature of the device to anyone but an aeronautical engineer. The first use of black box is as RAF slang for a navigational instrument in an aircraft which allowed the pilot and crew to locate bombing targets in poor visibility. See also plague
Rhymes aback, alack, attack, back, brack, clack, claque, crack, Dirac, drack, flack, flak, hack, jack, Kazakh, knack, lack, lakh, mac, mach, Nagorno-Karabakh, pack, pitchblack, plaque, quack, rack, sac, sack, shack, shellac, slack, smack, snack, stack, tach, tack, thwack, track, vac, wack, whack, wrack, yak, Zack |