

单词 soft pedal

soft pedal

A pedal on a piano that can be pressed to make the tone softer.Are quick passages really easier to play with the soft pedal down?...
  • Do the greatest pianists really play with the soft pedal down almost all the time?
(soft-pedal) [with object] Refrain from emphasizing the more unpleasant aspects of; play down: the administration’s decision to soft-pedal the missile program...
  • Granted, the film probably soft-pedals the details a little in order to allow for an ending that, although not exactly happy, is not completely downbeat.
  • Far from soft-pedaling his Catholicism, James II celebrated mass in public, appointed Catholics to important positions, fired officials who wouldn't convert.
  • Indeed, I suspect that Pejman was soft-pedaling it for a conservative audience.


play down, make light of, make little/nothing of, set little/no store by, gloss over, de-emphasize, underemphasize, downplay, understate, underplay, minimize, shrug off




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