释义 |
leave1 /liːv /verb (past and past participle left /lɛft/)1 [with object] Go away from: she left London on June 6 [no object]: we were almost the last to leave the England team left for Pakistan on Monday...- As they came to the end of their set they left the Academy to masses of cheers.
- A young college teacher leaves China for the United States in search of a better future.
- An engineering locomotive came off the tracks as it was leaving Chiswick Park Station just after midnight on Saturday morning.
Synonyms depart from, go away from, go from, withdraw from, retire from, take oneself off from, exit from, take one's leave of, pull out of, quit, be gone from, decamp from, disappear from, abandon, vacate, absent oneself from, evacuate; say one's farewells/goodbyes, make off, clear out, make oneself scarce, check out; abscond from, run away from, flee (from), fly from, bolt from, go AWOL, take French leave, escape (from) informal push off, shove off, cut, cut and run, do a bunk, do a disappearing act, split, vamoose, scoot, clear off, take off, make tracks, up sticks, pack one's bags, flit British informal sling one's hook set off, head, make, begin one's journey, set sail 1.1Depart from permanently: at the age of sixteen he left home 1.2Cease attending (a school or college) or working for (an organization): she is leaving the BBC after 20 years...- Robin leaves the School in the autumn after sixteen years to retire in South West France, with his wife, Verna.
- Yup, they are singing my praises now that I am leaving high school and going to college.
- After leaving primary school he went to Norwood College, a public school at Sedbergh not far from Kendal.
Synonyms quit, give up, abandon, move from, resign from, retire from, bow out of, step down from, withdraw from, get out of, pull out of, back out of 2 [with object] Allow or cause to remain: the parts he disliked he would alter and the parts he didn’t dislike he’d leave...- Additionally, if you leave an empty non-stick pan on a hot burner too long, you can roast the surface.
- More commonly some material is left behind and only when it is removed surgically will bleeding cease.
2.1 ( be left) Remain to be used or dealt with: we’ve even got one of the Christmas puddings left over from last year [with infinitive]: a retired person with no mortgage left to pay...- Any sum that happens to be left over when a child reaches maturity is not liable to tax.
- The four cards that are left over at the end of the deal are set aside until the end of the hand.
- This compromise gives more certainty that more money will be left over for residents in the two areas.
2.2 [with object and adverbial of place] Go away from a place without taking (someone or something): we had not left any of our belongings behind figurative women had been left behind in the struggle for pay equality...- You must go online or risk being left behind in the Internet Age, they are warned.
- The independent sector was not left behind in the celebration of new heights being reached yesterday.
- Since she was young, it may be that both ovaries were left behind at the time of hysterectomy.
Synonyms leave behind, omit to take, forget, lose, mislay 2.3Abandon (a spouse or partner): her boyfriend left her for another woman...- Fathers prefer boys to such an extent that if they only had girls, they were more likely to leave their wife or partner.
- Worse, eight out of ten find a PC failure more stressful than being left by their partner.
- One woman phoned us to say she would leave but her partner threatened to do to her what he did to his wife if she did.
Synonyms abandon, desert, discard, turn one's back on, cast aside, cast off, jilt, leave in the lurch, leave high and dry, throw over, leave stranded, brush off informal dump, ditch, chuck, drop, walk out on, run out on, rat on, leave flat British informal give someone the push, give someone the elbow, give someone the big E, bin off archaic forsake 2.4Have as (a surviving relative) after one’s death: he leaves a wife and three children...- If at the time of her death, a widow leaves no eligible minor child, the payment of her share of the pension will cease.
- As well as her parents and sister, she leaves a niece Kim and nephew Josh.
- He leaves wife Norma, children Lee, Jesse and Caitlin, and grandkids Mathew, Jordon, Jamie and Emma.
2.5Bequeath (property) to a person or other beneficiary by a will: he left £500 to the National Asthma Campaign [with two objects]: Cornelius had left her fifty pounds a year for lifeSynonyms bequeath, will, endow, hand down, transfer, convey, make over; Law demise, devise 3 [with object and adverbial or complement] Cause (someone or something) to be in a particular state or position: he’ll leave you in no doubt about what he thinks I’ll leave the door open the children were left with feelings of loss...- I am not sure if the position we are left with here truly counts as being a religious one or not.
- She was left with terrible injuries.
- The psychiatrist says there is nothing he can do and the carer is left with no avenue open to him but to keep on caring the best way he can.
3.1 [with object and infinitive] Let (someone) do or deal with something without offering help or assistance: infected people are often rejected by family and friends, leaving them to face this chronic condition alone...- She got over it with tickles and biscuits, then strolled out into the garden, leaving me to deal with a spider the size of a cricket ball on the carpet in the lounge.
- Teen years leave you to deal with a whole new choice of decisions to be made.
- How dare he leave me to deal with everything, including his death, while I have to stay stuck in this body?
Synonyms entrust, hand over, pass on, refer; delegate; assign, consign, allot, give, commit 3.2 [with object] Cause to remain as a trace or record: dark fruit that would leave purple stains on the table napkins figurative they leave the impression that they can be bullied...- We concentrate on phosphorus as the nutrient that is biolimiting on geological time scales and potentially leaves a complete geological record.
- The fourth walking appendage usually leaves the most lasting trace.
- It chews its feet throughout the interview, leaving a damp doggy stain on the carpet.
Synonyms cause, produce, generate, give rise to, result in 3.3 [with object] Deposit or entrust to be kept, collected, or attended to: she left a note for me...- He was further outraged when he found the bag, left by refuse collectors, had no air holes in it.
- Right, I leave myself notes in the text bit of my phone if I've not got a notepad with me.
- Steve's tears were gone by the time he fell asleep, and Jude broke her calm for only a second to leave herself a mental note.
3.4 [with object] ( leave something to) Entrust a decision, choice, or action to (someone else, especially someone considered better qualified): the choice of which link to take is generally left up to the reader...- It is is irrelevant to his day job as party leader and I think he could have left it to someone else.
- The article leaves it to the imagination how exactly the leftover bees in the cavity are to be killed.
- But there is nothing inconsistent about leaving it to the states and not overturning the decision.
noun(In snooker, croquet, and other games) the position in which a player leaves the balls for the next player. Phrases be left at the post be left for dead be left to oneself leave someone/thing alone leave someone be leave someone cold leave go leave hold of leave it at that leave much (or a lot) to be desired Phrasal verbs leave off leave someone/thing out Derivatives leaver noun ...- Although high levels of motivation are typical for non-school leavers, doing a degree is a long haul.
- The share of all leavers who are disconnected rose between 1999 and 2002, from 9.8 percent to 13.8 percent.
- I encourage all Year 12 school leavers to seriously consider the ADF Gap Year option.
Origin Old English lǣfan 'bequeath', also 'allow to remain, leave in place' of Germanic origin; related to German bleiben 'remain'. life from Old English: The English word life is related to German Leib ‘body’, and also to leave (Old English), and live. The expression as large as life goes back to the days when portrait painting was common. Professional artists were expensive, and a good way of showing off your wealth was to have a portrait painted that was life-size. Early versions of the expression, dating from the mid 17th century, are greater or bigger than the life, with the modern form first recorded in the early 19th century. When someone lives the life of Riley they are enjoying a luxurious and carefree existence. Reilly or Riley is a common Irish surname, and the phrase may come from a popular song of the early 20th century called ‘My Name is Kelly’. This included the lines: ‘Faith and my name is Kelly Michael Kelly, / But I'm living the life of Reilly just the same.’ It is probable that the songwriter, H. Pease, was using an already existing catchphrase, but the song would have made it more widely known.
Rhymes achieve, believe, breve, cleave, conceive, deceive, eve, greave, grieve, heave, interleave, interweave, khedive, misconceive, naive, Neve, peeve, perceive, reave, receive, reive, relieve, reprieve, retrieve, sheave, sleeve, steeve, Steve, Tananarive, Tel Aviv, thieve, underachieve, upheave, weave, we've, Yves leave2 /liːv /noun [mass noun]1 (also leave of absence) Time when one has permission to be absent from work or from duty in the armed forces: Joe was home on leave maternity leave...- Requests for consecutive years of leave of absence shall be for the reasons provided in this policy.
- You are not allowed to enroll full-time in another university while on a leave of absence from Duke.
- Full-time officers of research may take leaves of absence according to the policies described below.
Synonyms holiday, break, time off, furlough, sabbatical, leave of absence, a day/week/month off, leisure time, respite, breathing space; half-term, bank holiday, recess; North American vacation informal hols, vac North American informal vacay 2 [often with infinitive] Permission: leave from the court to commence an action...- The applicant seeks leave to appeal from a decision of the Full Court of the Federal Court.
- It is against that dismissal that the applicant seeks leave to appeal to this Court.
- I also seek leave to file in Court and read an affidavit sworn today.
Synonyms permission, consent, authorization, sanction, warrant, dispensation, concession, indulgence, approval, clearance, blessing, agreement, backing, assent, acceptance, confirmation, ratification, mandate, licence, acquiescence, concurrence, liberty, freedom informal the go-ahead, the green light, the OK, the rubber stamp Phrases by (or with) your leave take one's leave take leave of one's senses take leave to do something Origin Old English lēaf 'permission', of West Germanic origin; related to lief and love. leave3 /lēv / |