释义 |
poor /pɔː / /pʊə /adjective1Lacking sufficient money to live at a standard considered comfortable or normal in a society: they were too poor to afford a telephone (as plural noun the poor) the gap between the rich and the poor has widened...- She lives in housing for poor seniors and cannot afford to repair her own vehicle, which she says broke down four years ago.
- In this way it hopes to boost living standards across a broad swathe of poor rural society.
- In our developing, but poor and deprived, society it is the task of the government to provide the means of education.
1.1(Of a place) inhabited by people with little money: the world’s poorest countries...- India is not the only poor place on earth and violence is not all terrorism related.
- Whether a place is poor or well-off depends not on the size of the town government building.
- The church is growing most in poor places like Africa and Asia where infant mortality remains high.
2Of a low or inferior standard or quality: many people are eating a very poor diet her work was poor...- The instruments trudge along at a snail's pace and the recording quality is poor at best.
- Ignatius Street was a particular problem area with the quality of lighting very poor at each end of it.
- Smoking, poor diet quality and obesity are all clear markers of social disadvantage and a lack of education.
Synonyms substandard, below standard, below par, bad, deficient, defective, faulty, imperfect, inferior, mediocre; abject, appalling, abysmal, atrocious, awful, terrible, dismal, dreadful, unsatisfactory, low-grade, second-rate, third-rate, jerry-built, shoddy, crude, tinny, trashy, rubbishy, miserable, wretched, lamentable, deplorable, pitiful, inadequate, insufficient, unacceptable, execrable, frightful informal crummy, dire, bum, diabolical, rotten, sad, tatty, tenth-rate British informal ropy, duff, rubbish, pants, a load of pants, grotty US informal weak sauce vulgar slang crap, crappy archaic direful rare egregious 2.1 ( poor in) Deficient or lacking in: the water is poor in nutrients...- Today, albeit poor in reception quality, I got to catch familiar faces reading news.
- To be poor in spirit is to acknowledge one spiritual poverty and brokenness.
- That's how I feel about most of Burton's work - great in concept, poor in execution.
Synonyms deficient in, lacking (in), wanting (in), short of/on, low on, missing, with an insufficiency of, with too few/little … 2.2 dated Used ironically to deprecate something belonging to or offered by oneself: he is, in my poor opinion, a more handsome young man 3 [attributive] (Of a person) deserving of pity or sympathy: they enquired after poor Dorothy’s broken hip...- I have the greatest sympathy for this poor woman in her tragic loss, but just think about it!
- And I couldn't help but pity the poor chap who finds himself grappling with one of these after a night out on the sauce with his hot date.
- I saw it's running until March next year and I pity the poor staff.
Synonyms unfortunate, unlucky, luckless, unhappy, hapless, ill-fated, ill-starred, pitiable, pitiful, wretched Phrases (as) poor as a church mouse poor little rich boy (or girl) the poor man's —— poor relation take a poor view of Origin Middle English: from Old French poure, from Latin pauper. The Latin word for ‘poor’ pauper, is the base of pauper (early 16th century), poverty (Middle English), and poor. The phrase poor as a church mouse, or ‘extremely poor’, comes from the notion that a church mouse must be particularly deprived as it does not have the opportunity to find pickings from a kitchen or larder, and there are few crumbs to be found in a well-swept church. You sometimes hear a wealthy young person whose money appears to bring them no happiness described as poor little rich girl (or boy). Though he did not coin the phrase, Noël Coward certainly popularized it with his 1925 song ‘Poor Little Rich Girl’.
Rhymes abhor, adore, afore, anymore, ashore, awe, bandore, Bangalore, before, boar, Boer, bore, caw, chore, claw, cocksure, comprador, cor, core, corps, craw, Delors, deplore, door, draw, drawer, evermore, explore, flaw, floor, for, forbore, fore, foresaw, forevermore, forswore, four, fourscore, furthermore, Gábor, galore, gnaw, gore, grantor, guarantor, guffaw, hard-core, Haugh, haw, hoar, ignore, implore, Indore, interwar, jaw, Johor, Lahore, law, lessor, lor, lore, macaw, man-o'-war, maw, mirador, mor, more, mortgagor, Mysore, nevermore, nor, oar, obligor, offshore, onshore, open-jaw, or, ore, outdoor, outwore, paw, pore, pour, rapport, raw, roar, saw, scaur, score, senhor, señor, shaw, ship-to-shore, shop-floor, shore, signor, Singapore, snore, soar, softcore, sore, spore, store, straw, swore, Tagore, tau, taw, thaw, Thor, threescore, tor, tore, torr, trapdoor, tug-of-war, two-by-four, underfloor, underscore, war, warrantor, Waugh, whore, withdraw, wore, yaw, yore, your |