

单词 relate
释义 Verb: relate  ri'leyt
  1. Make a logical or causal connection
    "I cannot relate these events at all"
    - associate, tie in, link, colligate, link up, connect 
  2. Be relevant to
    - refer, pertain, concern, come to, bear on, touch, touch on, have to do with 
  3. Give an account of
    "The witness related the events" 
  4. Be in a relationship with
    "How are these two observations related?"
    - interrelate 
  5. Have or establish a relationship to
    "She relates well to her peers"

Derived forms: relating, related, relates

See also: relation

Type of: be, cerebrate, cogitate, interact, narrate, recite, recount, tell, think

Encyclopedia: Relate





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