

单词 blessing
释义 Noun: blessing  blesing
  1. The formal act of approving
    "he gave the project his blessing"
    - approval, approving 
  2. A desirable state
    "enjoy the blessings of peace"
    - boon 
  3. A short prayer of thanks before a meal
    - grace, thanksgiving 
  4. A ceremonial prayer invoking divine protection
    - benediction 
  5. The act of praying for divine protection
    - benediction
Verb: bless  bles
  1. Give a benediction to
    "The dying man blessed his son" 
  2. Confer prosperity or happiness on 
  3. Make the sign of the cross over someone in order to call on God for protection; consecrate
    - sign 
  4. Render holy by means of religious rites
    - consecrate, hallow, sanctify

Derived forms: blessings

Type of: arouse, bestow, bring up, call down, call forth, confer, conjure, conjure up, declare, evoke, gesticulate, gesture, good fortune, good luck, invoke, luckiness, motion, orison [archaic], petition, prayer, put forward, raise, stir, supplication, support

Antonym: curse

Encyclopedia: Bless

Blessing, Apostolic Blessing Blessing, Texas Blessing, TX





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