easy to understand, not complicated or ambiguous
easily visible
easily audible
of the air or sky: free from cloud, mist, or dust
free from obstructions
(+ of) not touching
(+ of) no longer troubled by
of somebody's thinking: not vague; incisive
free from doubt; sure
free from blemishes, disease, or pollution
free from guilt
of income, profit: net
six clear days
bright; luminous
clear blue
free from cloud, mist, haze, or dust
a clear day
untroubled; serene
a clear gaze
clean or pure; free from blemishes
a clear skin
easily seen through; transparent
a clear liquid
easily heard; not muffled
pure; not rough or hoarse
a clear singing voice
easily visible; plain
free from obscurity or ambiguity; easily understood
Do I make myself clear?
capable of sharp discernment; keen
a clear mind
free from doubt; sure
are not clear what to do
free from guilt
a clear conscience
a clear profit
unqualified; absolute
a clear victory
six clear days
said of a road, etc: free from obstruction or entanglement
(+ of) away from; not at or touching
am clear of the wall on this side
(+ of) rid of something; no longer troubled by it
in showjumping, without faults
a clear round
informal not at all clear