to pass from a higher to a lower level
to incline, lead, or extend downwards
The road descends to the river
to pass, move, or extend down, or down along (something)
(+ from) to derive or come from; to have as an ancestor
We are descended from apes
to pass by inheritance
The house descended to her when her aunt died
(+ on/upon) to make a sudden attack or be suddenly inflicted on somebody
The plague descended on their people
chiefly humorous (+ on/upon) to make a sudden disconcerting visit or appearance
The starving hordes descended upon the kitchen
to proceed from higher to lower in a sequence or gradation
to pass from the general to the particular
(+ to) to sink in status or dignity; to stoop
I couldn't descend to such abusive language
to pass, move, or extend down, or down along (something)
She descended the steps