to control and direct the course of (a vehicle)
to convey or transport (somebody or something) in a vehicle
to set (something) in motion by physical force
to force (something) into position by blows
drive a nail into the wall
to cause (something or somebody) to go by force, authority, or influence
drive the enemy back
to keep (something) in motion or operation
drive machinery by electricity
to cause (draught animals, game, cattle, etc) to move in a desired direction
to exert inescapable or persuasive pressure on (somebody)
to compel (somebody) to undergo or suffer a change, e.g. in situation, awareness, or emotional state
It's driving me crazy
to urge (somebody) relentlessly to continuous exertion
to transact or execute (something) energetically
They drove a hard bargain
to propel (a ball, shuttlecock, etc) swiftly
to play a drive in cricket or golf at (a ball)
to bore (e.g. a tunnel or passage)
to operate a vehicle
to rush or dash with great speed, force, or momentum, esp against an obstruction
rain driving against the windscreen
to drive a ball or other object of play
to imply (something) as an ultimate meaning or conclusion