either of the parts farthest from the middle of something long
either of the two connected points involved in a telephone call, journey etc
the stopping or concluding point or part of an event, process, etc
the end of the war
the end of the story
death or destruction
a piece left over; a remnant
an aim, goal, or purpose
The dog, to gain some private ends, went mad and bit the man — Goldsmith
either half of a sports field, pitch, court, etc
in bowls, etc, a period of play in one direction
informal a particular part of an undertaking or organization
the advertising end of the business
(the end) informal something or somebody extreme of a kind, esp something or somebody particularly unpleasant
finished; completed
exhausted; used up
with the end pointing towards one
coarse slang to have sexual intercourse
to maintain one's position or perform well in an argument, competition, etc
to cope financially
a vast amount; a huge quantity
had no end of trouble
in an upright position
without stopping
for days on end