approving consideration or attention; approbation
partiality or favouritism
friendly regard shown towards another, esp by a superior
kindness, or an act of kindness beyond what is expected or due
archaic a token of allegiance or love, e.g. a ribbon or badge, usu worn conspicuously
Hold, Rosaline, this favour shalt thou wear — Shakespeare
a small gift given to a guest at a party, esp at a wedding reception
archaic physical, esp facial, appearance
The boy is fair, of female favour — Shakespeare
dated (usu in pl) consent to sexual activities, esp given by a woman
(often + with) popular; liked
in agreement or sympathy with (something)
to the advantage of (somebody)
out of preference for (an alternative)
refused a job in industry in favour of an academic appointment
to somebody's advantage
liked or esteemed by somebody
(often + with) unpopular or disliked