verb intrans
(also + for/against) to contend in battle or physical combat, esp to strive to overcome a person by blows or weapons
to disagree verbally; to argue
to take part in the sport of boxing; = box3
(often + for/against) to strive or struggle
He is fighting for his political life
to contend against (somebody) in or as if in battle or physical combat
to engage in a boxing match with (somebody)
to attempt to prevent the success, effectiveness, or development of (somebody or something)
The company fought the strike for months
to wage (a war)
to take part in (a boxing match)
to stand as a candidate for (a constituency) in an election
to struggle to endure or surmount (a difficulty)
He fought his illness for a year before he died
to make (one's way) by fighting, or as if by fighting
She fought her way through the crowd
(usu + back/down) to control (something) with a struggle
She fought down her fear
to avoid facing or getting (something)
He fights shy of publicity