

单词 flame

flame1/flaym/ noun

a bright mass of burning gas coming from something that is on fire or a single point or tongue of this

the fierce intensity or ardour of an emotion, etc

the flame of passion

a brilliant reddish orange colour

informal an abusive message sent by email or appearing on the notice board of a newsgroup, etc

the spirit of something, e.g. a movement, seen as a lamp needing to be tended

burst into flames

to start burning fiercely

go up in flames

to be destroyed by fire

in flames

on fire; burning

old flame

dated a former lover admirer or sweetheart

flameless adj
flamelike adj
flamy adj
[Middle English flaume, flaumbe via Old French flambe from Latin flammula, dimin. of flamma flame]

flame2verb intrans

to burn vigorously; to blaze

to apply a flame to or set alight

to burn vigorously; to blaze

A wood fire flamed in the hearth

said of an emotion: to be felt or displayed with an intensity

Their passion flamed but died again

said of the face or cheeks: to grow fiery red with anger or embarrassment

to send an abusive message by email or other electronic means

verb trans

to apply a flame to (something), e.g. to set alight (spirits used in cooking) or flambé (food)

informal to send (somebody) an abusive email message or post an abusive message about (somebody) on a computer network





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